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Only in Canada

Kip Powick

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OTTAWA—Three days after Canadians belted out "O Canada" to celebrate the nation's Olympic hockey win, Stephen Harper's Conservatives are asking whether the anthem should be changed.

The phrase "In all thy sons command" has some women calling for a gender-neutral version, Industry Minister Tony Clement says, citing an email from a constituent.

"For 50 years ..... I've listened to our anthem and felt excluded by the line," Tina Prietz, 60, of Huntsville, Ont., wrote to Clement. "Yes, you've guessed it, I'm female."

The Conservative government said in Wednesday's throne speech it will ask Parliament to examine the original......................

full article here...


Well, there goes "manholes"and "manuals" ...I guess it would only be correct to have "personholes" and "personauls" instead.

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From the Globe and Mail..........

Throwing the anthem under the bus

by...Robert Silver

Finally, someone has had the courage to take on the hate-filled screed known as O Canada. And what timing. For the last two-weeks, as we played it over, and over again (fourteen times in all), we showed the world through our national song what a close-minded country we really are. As our athletes stood on the top of the podium, those weren't tears of joy or pride, no, they were the expression of shame knowing what was about to be played ostensibly in their honour.

O Canada indeed.

Luckily for us, Stephen Harper recognized our national anthem for the disgrace that it is.

Sadly, in only going after the anthem for its (clear) sexism, he isn't going nearly far enough. As far as I can tell, the entire song is a giant Human Rights Commission complaint waiting to happen.


Our home and native land.

For every Canadian born in another country, Canada is not, in fact their "native" land. O Canada is thus anti-immigrant. Disgusting.

True patriot love, In all thy sons command.

Harper rightly sees this as the sexist cry that it is.

With glowing hearts, we see thee rise.

Sadly many Canadians don't have the gift of sight, this anthem is taunting them in a very un-Canadian way.

We stand on guard for thee.

To pacifist-Canadians, the continued militarization of Canada is nothing that should be celebrated.

God keep our land.

Atheists think it is up to all of us to keep the land during our lifetime before the nothingness of death begins. Church and state folks. Church. And. State.

Extreme property rights folks also find this phrase vaguely socialistic given its notion that the land belongs to "us" as opposed to individuals who purchase their land on the free market and then protect said land with lots and lots of guns.

Glorious and free.

Inglorious and adscripted Canadians are deeply offended.

Other than that, I think the anthem is fine, if a bit short given that after all of the offensive lines are removed, the anthem on a going forward basis simply reads "O Canada," which is a kind of lame anthem

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by...Robert Silver

Finally, someone has had the courage to take on the hate-filled screed known as O Canada. ......

As our athletes stood on the top of the podium, those weren't tears of joy or pride, no, they were the expression of shame knowing what was about to be played ostensibly in their honour.

I nominate this guy for the hyperbole of the year award......

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My altered version

O Canada

The place where we reside

we are patriotic

in someones kids command

with beating hearts

we do rise

the near north moderately strong and mostly free

from here and there

we stand and take it from thee

so keepp our song and leave it be

we will not take it from thee

we will not take it from thee

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excellent news. This country (World) needs to stop woorrying about the little things and start worrying about the big things. And the general public that likes to complain about being offended by some small statement or comment that is not "PC" needs to get some stronger shoulders and suck it up. The world is becomming a bunch of whiners.

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My 2¢ worth... GOD had a Son. His name was Jesus Christ. In all thy Son's command would refer to do all we do with regard to values put forth by Jesus Christ... I don't see anything wrong with that... :scratchchin:

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My 2¢ worth... GOD had a Son. His name was Jesus Christ. In all thy Son's command would refer to do all we do with regard to values put forth by Jesus Christ... I don't see anything wrong with that... :scratchchin:

You may not see anything wrong with it as you believe in Christ but there may be people who do not share your religion and are as every bit as patriotic as anyone else.

The anthem has been changed and adapted many times through it's history and while I do not really care if it is changed, I do not think it is a bad thing. I don't see how having the anthem be inclusive of all genders is something to be fought.

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Bottom line...a democracy, right? The majority of Canadians couldn't give a rat's patootie so end of story. Aha! But this is a "political issue" to be resolved based upon the opinions of those most likely to vote or who will vote as a block. Aha! Changing the anthem is irrelevant to most "new" Canadians (the largest voting block) and is anathema to the entrenched traditional Canadians and so---disposition of the issue should have been obvious to the Conservatives from the get go.....leave it alone!!

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You may not see anything wrong with it as you believe in Christ but there may be people who do not share your religion and are as every bit as patriotic as anyone else.

The anthem has been changed and adapted many times through it's history and while I do not really care if it is changed, I do not think it is a bad thing. I don't see how having the anthem be inclusive of all genders is something to be fought.

What I believe is immaterial. The person who wrote it believed in God, the people who adopted it as our anthem believed it to be a true representation of our thoughts, hopes and aspirations as a Country. It has nothing to do with the gender of the people who populate this land.

I don't see how an anthem inclusive of ideals of helping your neighbour, taking care of those less fortunate than ourselves, of hope and charity, of honouring those who have gone before us is something to be fought and changed.

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What Canada believed in was then, not now.

What is now is a product of multi-culturalism.

All who want to retrograde to what is now, need write their MP.

I agree.

That said, why even have a "National" anthem? How about "Go Canada Go!"? Or, how about "Go "insert my province or city or county or R.R. or Neighbourhood, or Community, or Religion or previous Nationality married with their present Nationality like Indian-Canadian, or whatever you want followed by GO!" ???

Where does it stop?

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If multiculturalism means giving up our history, our beliefs, our ideals, and anything else that may be important to us then I vote to end multiculturalism!!!

But then I don't think multiculturalism means any of that - but too many have taken it too mean exactly that.

We can keep our collective/historic culture while accepting others, of different cultures, into our country. Unfortunatly, it seems that many believe being 'multicultural' means they have 'rights' while other believe they have to 'accomodate' those rights.

"I want all the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown of my feet by any." Mahatma Gandhi

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If some folks in a certain province have their way, this won't matter as much by the time the next winter Olympics roll around. They want athletes from Quebec to compete for Quebec rather than for Canada. Since Quebecers won so many of our medals, looks like Canada would be an "also-ran" if this were to come true. angry_smile.gif

To them, I say ...icon_butt.gif

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Quebec funds their athletes from provincial coffers more than any other province. I suppose you could extrapolate out to the rest of Canada funding their athletes as they receive more in transfer payments than any other province.

Steam, not trying to start a bun fight but the original O Canada was gender neutral and had no mention of God.

I like what the anthem stands for but do not see an issue to make it more inclusive to all genders. We can agree to disagree on what "all thy sons command" refers to.

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Steam, not trying to start a bun fight but the original O Canada was gender neutral and had no mention of God.

I like what the anthem stands for but do not see an issue to make it more inclusive to all genders. We can agree to disagree on what "all thy sons command" refers to.

God is not mentioned until after the "all thy sons command".

The phrase "True patriot love, in all thy sons command" means that Canada commands true patriot love in all of its sons.

"Sons" can be interpreted as "citizens". This is why some wanted to change it to "us"... Canada commanding true patriot love in all of "us".

That's my take. Personally, I think Sons covers all citizens regardless of gender.

Nevertheless, I consider the Anthem as sacrosanct as the Charter of Rights. It should only be changed if absolutely necessary.

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Inquiry on the National Anthem

Re "in all thy sons command" here is a record of the 2001 inquiry containing an explanation of that line.


Two points..

  1. The "Inquiry" is one man's opinion and he is suggesting how and why it was written...no hard facts or actual evidence to buttress his points.
  2. "Sons command"...if there was a religious connotation would it not read "son's command" ((possessive)) ??

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"Nevertheless, I consider the Anthem as sacrosanct as the Charter of Rights. It should only be changed if absolutely necessary."

'Not withstanding' the reality, the Consitution is not "sacrosanct" in any way?

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Nevertheless, I consider the Anthem as sacrosanct as the Charter of Rights. It should only be changed if absolutely necessary.

Thankfully someone thought differently in years gone by. Here are the lyrics from the 1906 Richardson version (translated from the original French):

" O Canada! Our fathers' land of old

Thy brow is crown'd with leaves of red and gold.

Beneath the shade of the Holy Cross

Thy children own their birth

No stains thy glorious annals gloss

Since valour shield thy hearth.

Almighty God! On thee we call

Defend our rights, forfend this nation's thrall,

Defend our rights, forfend this nation's thrall."

Don't know it I get the bit about annals gloss :Scratch-Head:

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Thankfully someone thought differently in years gone by. Here are the lyrics from the 1906 Richardson version (translated from the original French):

Don't know it I get the bit about annals gloss Scratch-Head.gif

I'm guessing here but I think it means , "don't anyone mar, (stain), our glorious years , (annals)scratchchin.gif

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