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So... tell me about this prayer business...?

Mitch Cronin

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....my dog could use a bit right now... Griffon. He's having his spleen removed right now because it has a tumor that was bleeding into his belly... doc says he's got a 50% chance it's cancerous and he'll be toast pretty quick, and a 50% chance he'll survive the surgery.

..if anyone knows any good words, or maybe some voodoo or something, I'd sure appreciate it.

That dog is my best friend.

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Mitch, if it helps..

My dog was born with one testicle, a heart murmur and irregular heartbeat (which required surgery and reappeared again 4 years ago), swollen anal glands (which requres them to be emptied on a regular basis by the vet) and something called reverse sneezing (which basically sounds like he's gagging and unable to breathe for up to a minute at a time). If this dog can survive 9 years with all of these problems, so can yours.

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user posted image

"If it's true there are no dog's in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they all went."

I don't know who said it, but I'm in.

I sure am gonna miss my friend... he sang with me while I played guitar just yesterday.

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Anyone who's spent time on this forum over the past few years knows how much Griffon meant to you and your family. I'm really sorry for your loss. I know this doesn't help much right now, but in time, I'm pretty sure that the heartache will dull a little and you'll look back on many fond memories of him with a smile.


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I had to catch a flight early yesterday. That meant I wouldn't have time to walk my best friend.

As the time to leave for the airport neared it dawned on me what an a**hole I was and how much I took my best friend for granted.

I changed flights and we went for our walk.

The sun was beating down, the leaves were turning colour and some of the fall flowers were in full bloom. The trails were clear of crowds, and Highland creek was starting to fill with the salmon running upstream.

It doesn't get much better than that for me.

Thanks Buddy.

These moments are the immeasurables that having a dog brings to a persons life. You can't put a value to them.

Buddy’s getting up there in age now but even yesterday he was still chasing every noise and scent in those woods at full tilt. Watching him brought Kips signature to mind - Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body .. but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy crap .. what a ride!"

I suspect Griffon lived the same way. Remember him fondly Mitch and be mindful of the lessons he gave you.

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My 11 year old Sheltie was in the hospital for 3 days this spring with a Panceatitus (? sp) attack, on intravenous , meds etc. He pulled through but I still live with the knowledge that the next attack may be his last.

Dogs and even cats just seem to sense when their time has come and go the extra yard by singing with you or playing ball one last time or in a cats case wanting to be on your lap.

I feel for you. It's not an easy time.

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Hi Mitch

I'm so sorry. There is something so special about dogs. We are now blessed with two of them. They are so trusting and loyal. Griffon was a beautiful creature.

By the way, I do absolutley believe that there are animals in the next life.

I wish I could say something to make the pain go away but we both know I can't ,so I can only say that my heart goes out to you.


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Hi Mitch,

I am so sorry to here of Griffon's passing. I am hoping that with time when the grief passes, that you have great memories of that big guy.

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The dogs in our life are great friends. I am away in PEK at the moment and I miss my dog most off all. All dogs do go to Heaven. What a great picture of Griffon. All the best.

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Guest floatrrr

Sorry about your old pal Mitch. These faithful friends are irreplaceable. The only good part is he isn't suffering any more.

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