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No Way Bro,

Kip Powick

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The last paragraph, Mr White's comments, I would assume, are composed of some of the local "jargon"... :biggrin1:

Man tries to rob people in line for Lebron James sneakers, is shot and killed

From Marylynn Ryan, CNN
updated 3:18 AM EDT, Mon June 24, 2013

Atlanta (CNN) -- A man, who tried to rob a group of people waiting in line to buy the new $180 Lebron James sneakers, was shot and killed when one of the customers pulled out a gun, Atlanta police said.

The incident took place before dawn Saturday outside a shoe store in Atlanta's Little Five Points area.

The group was waiting for the store to open for the day so they could buy the LeBron X Denim on its first day of release.

Police said the man approached the group with a gun in hand and tried to rob them.

One of the men in the group took out his own handgun and fired, said Atlanta police spokesman Carlos Campos.

"A number of witnesses were interviewed and this appears to be self defense," he said.

Campos said the customer was not charged.

Another customer in line, Taylor White, told CNN affiliate WSB-TV that the would-be robber should have thought twice.

"I didn't even expect him to come up here, thinking it was that sweet. Thinking it's that candy land like that," White said. "He wanted to pickpocket everybody. But people out here, they weren't going for none of that."

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Never mind that just a few minutes later they were voluntarily being robbed when they paid $180 for a stupid pair of sneakers, probably made in some sweat shop by a kid making $2 a day. I wonder if the guy at the cash register had to hold up a gun to get them to fork over the dough???

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The shame is that the NRA will point to the advantage of carrying a gun to thwart robberies while ignoring the fact that the gun wouldn't have been necessary in the first place if the robber hadn't had one.

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It is sad that society has back-tracked and reassumed the standard form of justice employed back in the old west, but with the removal of another waste of air from the streets, society did get a little bit safer. Even though things ended well in this case, it won't always work out so well. Government has a fiduciary responsibility to law & order. It's unfortunate, but their failure to provide has led the citizenry to take the steps they believe essential to the protection of family, self & property.

Regardless of the law, Canadians too are getting restless while they wait for their government to get serious with criminals, but seriously, how can government be expected to deal with street level crime when our so-called leaders are themselves engaged in a constant raid on the public pantry?

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If you could only get the guns out of the hands of criminals....... It will never happen.........

I agree. Too bad the US government didn't do something about guns before there were a billion of them.

Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that they shouldn't start the process to reduce guns. It might take 200 years, to undo the damage of the last 250 (or more correctly, the last 50) but it has to be done. Unfortunately, it will take a better man than any current politician to start the turn.

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Smith & Wesson fourth-quarter profit surges

Tue Jun 25, 2013 - CBS MarketWatch
By Tess Stynes

Smith & Wesson Holding Corp.'s fiscal fourth-quarter earnings more than doubled amid continued strong demand that resulted in double digit sales growth and higher margins.

The gun maker has been helped by strong demand in recent quarters, as gun enthusiasts stocked up on weapons amid a heightened chance of stricter regulations following last December's mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

The company again reported that it was unable to keep up with demand across its firearm product lines, despite expanded production capacity, resulting in additional growth in its order backlog, but didn't provide details about the size of its backlog.

For the new fiscal year, the company projected per-share earnings from continuing operations of $1.30 and $1.35 on net sales of $605 million and $615 million, well above recent estimates of analysts polled by Thomson Reuters for $1.18 and $590 million, respectively.

For the current fiscal quarter, Smith & Wesson forecast per-share earnings from continuing operations of 34 cents to 37 cents, including six cents related to stock and bond repurchases, on net sales of $162 million to $167 million. Analysts recently expected 29 cents and $141 million, respectively.

President and Chief Executive James Debney said "Significant increases in our manufacturing capacity, combined with continued robust consumer demand for firearms, resulted in higher sales of our most popular M&P products."

'For the quarter ended April 30, Smith & Wesson reported a profit of $25.2 million,'


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I always wondered why you had to "stock up on weapons"?

They don't wear out in normal use/non-use.

If you are a hunter or just a homeowner a shotgun, rifle and pistol should be more than adequate, why do you need more than that?

If the apocalypse you are anticipating comes, you can only use one at a time anyway, what's the point of having dozens?

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You could be right but the problem would / will be keeping more guns from entering the US underground market. So far their "War on Drugs" appears to be a bust and I doubt a "War on Guns" would fare any better. hmmmm "war on guns"....... :biggrin1:

The war on drugs (and a similar war on guns) are both destined for failure as currently envisioned because they fail to address the cultural issues that result in there being consumers who will buy guns and drugs. If you don't fix the demand, you haven't got a hope of stopping the supply, and throwing the consumers in jail does nothing.

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I always wondered why you had to "stock up on weapons"?

They don't wear out in normal use/non-use.

If you are a hunter or just a homeowner a shotgun, rifle and pistol should be more than adequate, why do you need more than that?

If the apocalypse you are anticipating comes, you can only use one at a time anyway, what's the point of having dozens?

It's a money thing. Previously in the States when they change the law, for the most part, all existing firearms and magazines were allowed to be kept and/or sold/traded. This results in groups of "pre" and "post" ban mags or "assault style" firearms, which significantly raises the value of the "pre" ban stuff...often many hundreds of percent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well if they want to exercise their rights then that must mean its time for the Militia to rise up and quell a tyrannical government. Oh wait did they forget that part?

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Chicago, like so many big cities, is over-whelmed with individuals that are just plain old rotten to the core types who will always remain incapable of becoming 'law-abiding' persons. Societies do-gooders seem to believe the tools of the bad guys trade (guns) are the source of all that's wrong and rather than acknowledging the obvious problem, they instead seek to address society's failures by turning their fears against the legitimate gun owner and the law abiding citizen?

Like it or not, neither guns nor dangerous criminals will be going away during our lifetime. Why then do the bleeding hearts continue to waste their time and energy chasing their tails instead of accepting the core of the problem for what it is and direct their energies accordingly?

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  • 2 months later...

I use a 12-ga for waterfowl and a 410 for upland birds and rabbits. [...] I use a .243 for small deer and antelope, a .270 for big deer and elk, and a .338 papua magnum for moose and bear.

Gee whiz, you're a regular naturalist! :glare: .... are there any critters you let live?

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"Stocking up" is because firearm enthusiasts are worried that soon the guvm't will not allow them to purchase firearms. Same reason people I know are stocking up on 40-60W incandescent light bulbs: as of 1 Jan the government won't let you buy any more.

So you haven't educated yourself to the fact that when the 40-60 Watt bulbs are gone, there will be LED bulbs that give the same light at a lower power draw.

Same thing with weapons. There will always be a pool of resources.

One just doesn't have to be paranoid/ignorant to realise that.

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Iceman, the guy is a gun nut. Certifiably wacko. So says the book of Mitch anyway.... One of those extreme right wing-nuts who think they're more powerful because of their weapons. ....folks like that haven't the foggiest notion of what's of real value. To him, even being able to list the guns he "uses", is a gratifying thing.

We have to share the planet with all kinds of folks [many are even worse than me!] ..... some of them you just have to smile and wave at....

Ain't that right Peter?


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I have no idea of the validity and was too lazy to check...

What a great comeback to a typical, modern, politically correct idiot journalist.

For those that don't know him, Major General Peter Cosgrove is an Australian.

General Cosgrove was interviewed on the radio recently.

Read his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children.

Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you have to love this!

This is one of the best comeback lines of all time.

This is a portion of an ABC radio interview between a female broadcaster and

General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military Headquarters.


So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?


We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.


Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?


I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.


Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

GENERAL COSGROVE: I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.


But you're equipping them to become violent killers.


Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?T
he broadcast went silent for 46 seconds and when it returned, the interview was over.

God, I would pay money to have seen her face.

I bet it would have made lemon juice look like honey.

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Gee whiz, you're a regular naturalist! :glare: .... are there any critters you let live?

I have no problem with responsible hunters. Not my bag but from an ethical standpoint blasting a deer that lived a free life in the wild is probably more humane than raising a steer in a feedlot - same goes for a ruffed grouse vs a chicken.

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"So you haven't educated yourself to the fact that when the 40-60 Watt bulbs are gone, there will be LED bulbs that give the same light at a lower power draw"

If we're to be concerned about the environment, don't the negatives of the new bulbs outweigh any purported benefit; i.e., breaking a new bulb literally requires the involvement of a hazmat team for the cleanup?

I don't hunt anymore, but will continue to support responsible people and their choice to do so. Hunting aside, why do so many people in this Country have so much difficulty with the notion that the firearm is as much of a tool of self-defence as it is anything else?

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Malcolm, anyone so enamoured with firearms as he clearly is, imho, is a gun nut. I'm just glad I don't have any neighbours like that.

BTW... I'm not opposed to hunting for food either, but those who consider it "sport" I'd like to see naked in the woods and hunted by the animals for a change.

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" but those who consider it "sport" I'd like to see naked in the woods and hunted by the animals for a change"

Hunting for heads does seem a little barbaric at face value and because said 'trophy' is not at all desirable from a table fare pov, the purpose in hunting these animals can only be necessary to the satisfaction of the male ego.

The annual deer hunting bs has started. My favorite (not) is the killing of a doe, which will almost always result in the orphaning and quick follow-on death of a pair of un-weaned fawns. From my pov, that is true barbarianism.

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.... To him, even being able to list the guns he "uses", is a gratifying thing.

Hi, Mitch - As gratifying as, say, a musician with a collection of different instruments for different music? Peter Gill seems to be a very avid, but legal and conscientious user of firearms.

We probably won't agree with him about a desirable level of oversight and regulation that should govern firearms ownership, but the very fact of his possession should not be an issue. To let it seem so just feeds the paranoia.

Cheers, IFG :b:

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