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Kip Powick

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...and that's exactly what differentiates a forum from a Bulletin Board, in this age of internet.... We're all just expressing our opinions.
Mitch.... in a different thread

I started this thread rather than add to the thread about Mitch leaving for a few "other" reasons.

When I hung up the spurs I did it with little fan fare and was most pleasantly surprised when two individuals showed up as I stepped out of my beloved T-Rex for the last time. One was Jenn, (cpfa), and the other was Mitch, the AME. That was the extent of my welcoming/its over group. The three of us went out for breakfast after I threw my security pass on Flight Ops desk and picked up the aircraft picture from behind the abandoned Ops desk, (it was a weekend).

Perhaps I was raised different or perhaps it was because of my rather disfunctional 'family' I left eons ago but as a pilot I never put myself above those that I worked with. Yes, I had the training and all the other stuff required to fly a plane and yes, I was truly fortunate that I lived in an era where a farm kid with grade 12 education could become an aviator.

I always tried to work with a crew with the attitude that as the pilot I could be FAIR, FRIENDLY and when required, FIRM with respect to direction to the crew.

To have a FA and an AME greet me as I stepped off the aircraft was far more important to me than some "brass-hat" who was only doing his duty as directed by company policy. Here were two persons who I had worked with and who I respected for their contribution to making my flights more enjoyable and safe.

Time passed and Mitch,cpfa and I flew in cyber space on the magic carpet called AEF. We endured that renowned "hacker" and "outted" him many years ago....we have seen people come and people go, and perhaps many that did leave became frustrated with the fact that their personal opinion was not shared by the majority of those that frequent this forum......in other words, the author could not take the heat generated by countless others and in leaving failed to realize that what has been written by every aurthor on this forum is, for the majority of cases, merely their OPINION......

Yes, I have a rather skewed sense of humour and yes I am passionate about a few subjects but in the end I do realize that my contributions to this forum actually mean diddly squat and my opinion is just that .........my opinion, nothing more and nothing less. If that opinion seems to illuminate a topic in a manner that the reader had not considered, then perhaps I was justified in taking time to post it........if on the other had it means absolutely nothing to everybody then I think we can all understand that no harm has been done.

Mitch, if you wish to delete AEF from your computer....so be it. You are an adult you can make your own decisions, we all know that, but understand that what you have posted throughout the years may have cast light in dark corners for many readers and on the other hand perhaps some of YOUR OPINIONS were thought to be outrageous but in the end does it really matter????

Take a break...you know I do when I get on the 'bateau' each summer and pehaps that vacation from cyber space allows me to come back refreshed and ready to put up a few thoughts .....but understand that as an author on AEF you will be sorely missed by those of us that have been your co-pilot for many a year and it will be very regrettable if the "newbies" don't have an opportunity to hear it from one of the real "worker bees".

Be safe,



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excellent post Kip...

I see the AEF as a sort of classroom. I have been in the aviation industry for 22 years and still I learn stuff on here quite frequently. I enjoy seeing opinions of others and really don't sweat it if someone doesn't agree with me. Debate can be the ultimate lesson. Some posters take it personally and get abusive to individuals. I ignore them.

Godspeed Mitch see you airside.

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Alright already! :white: ...seriously I think alot of folks here would prefer to see less Mitch, ...but alright, I just need a holiday from this for a while...

Thanks to all who've said such nice things.... I'm quite touched by all of it...

See ya in a while....

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Alright already! :white: ...seriously I think alot of folks here would prefer to see less Mitch, ...but alright, I just need a holiday from this for a while...

Thanks to all who've said such nice things.... I'm quite touched by all of it...

See ya in a while....

Luv ya ol' bearded one. :)

Welcome home

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I'm not crying, there's just something caught in my eye...yes a little dirt or something...biggrin.gif

Nice to have you back Mitch!

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There's so few of us here that actually WORK for a living that we need all that we have! :tu:

Where do I go with that one... so easy... must restrain... what was that liquor store bill from the fishing trip again?

I'll be in the sewer pipe for another 12 hours tomorrow after another 10 today. I only broke one thing and nope, no Mav, again.


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Alright already! :white: ...seriously I think alot of folks here would prefer to see less Mitch, ...but alright, I just need a holiday from this for a while...

Thanks to all who've said such nice things.... I'm quite touched by all of it...

See ya in a while....

Mitch, this is meant in the best way -- please make it a short holiday. :Clap-Hands:

We miss your input.



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Looks like Mitch' is having a ball on his vacation from AEF


Looks like we need look no further:

"God no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the Universe due to a series of developments in physics, British scientist Stephen Hawking said in extracts published Thursday from a new book."


With no disrespect.

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