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The Mac and the Dinosaur

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Bought our little darlin' a Mac Book Pro for her birthday (really 'cause she's gonna need a laptop for university -she's goin' to Queens)...Wellll, HOLY JUMPIN' CATFISH this thing is AWESOME!

I honestly don't believe anyone would ever buy a PC again after seeing a Mac! Right out of the box the things this machine will do... absolutely stunning!

I'm sold. I have 4 PC's here on our little home network, and I'll never buy another! Mac is clearly the only way to go!

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Bought our little darlin' a Mac Book Pro for her birthday (really 'cause she's gonna need a laptop for university -she's goin' to Queens)...Wellll, HOLY JUMPIN' CATFISH this thing is AWESOME!

I honestly don't believe anyone would ever buy a PC again after seeing a Mac! Right out of the box the things this machine will do... absolutely stunning!

I'm sold. I have 4 PC's here on our little home network, and I'll never buy another! Mac is clearly the only way to go!

Who ARE you, and what have you done to MITCH????????

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Mitch taps into the force... finally...

If your daughter's MB didn't come with Safari 4, use the software update feature - under the Apple logo on the top menu line on my OS X.4.11 - and download it. It has a few very nice tweaks and seems faster. Also, since she undoubtedly has the Leopard operating system OS X.5, you might want to watch out for the launch soon of Snow Leopard (OS X.6) which will cost $29, at least in the US.

For the techno-nerd in you, MacFixIt.com is a nice site for figuring out the little conflicts, vagueries and bugs in Apple or Mac software and to alert you to new updates, upgrades.

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Hey Mitch:

Welcome to the dark side. I took the plunge 18 months ago and haven't looked back since. Macs are not perfect but are a whole lot less hassle and for me more intuitive than a Microsoft PC.

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Guest rattler


Hmmm must be a mind transfer from the Airbus, I bet you never thought about going to Mac's when you were working on the DC10. cool.gif

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Yer all DOG's for hiding this little secret under your hats!

Thanks Dagger I'll have her check all that stuff...

And Yes Timothy, it's been a hard go with her for a while... she's been angry at the world and taking it out on those she feels safe with (mostly me it seems).... but she'll be alright. ...sigh... Time may heal all wounds eventually, but I reckon a Mac helps a little.... I heard her singin' today. wink.gif

A DC10 and a Mac couldn't have come from the same planet, could they? huh.gif

.... no kiddin' though! Just an unbelievably awesome machine!



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Good post Mitch

We have a Dell laptop that comes off of warranty in September and I have said that our next computer is going to be a MAC.

So far on our Dell we have had to replace the RAM, the keyboard and last week the hard drive. This is besides the various quirks and random glitches that Bill Gates has saddled his operating system with. Never again another PC.

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Beware: Queen's can be hard on Mac PowerBooks.

My daughter graduated from there last year and the first that she had to do was get a new PB as the winters in Kingston were so brutal. (She now has the fastest of several Mac's in our house.)

Oh - don't get too involved with Garage Band or else it'll cost you $2100 for your own PB.

John S.

Mac user since the 80's.

PS love the comment about the same planet.

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I think I'm in trouble when she gets home now.... was trying to answer Moon when suddenly everything on the screen got huge (love how that thing somehow knows how many fingers you've got on that pad!).... couldn't figure out how to get it back to normal, so I just closed the thing and walked away.... whistling.gif

...Garage Band eh?... She mentioned I'd probably like that.... hmmmm biggrin.gif

Honest Moon... I think it's something like Haagen Dazs ice cream... Once you've tried it, how could you ever be satisfied with the cheap stuff? ....no more PC's for mitchy!....no sireee, never again. ...ok....gonna shut up now before someone pukes. laugh.gif

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So far on our Dell we have had to replace the RAM, the keyboard and last week the hard drive.

Well Macs are not perfect either. My year old MBP suffered a logic board failure, I had sprung for the Care option, (which is not exactly cheap, although I would recommend it, especially for portables), so it did not cost me anything, otherwise I would have been looking at around $900.

Not sure why it should have been so expensive, maybe Apple uses superior components but I have a feeling that most of the bits come from the few main producers.

My view of buying Apple is that they have good hardware specifications that work well together but the primary reason to use a Mac is the OS and the integration of Apples specific software.

Otherwise programs such as Photoshop, MS Office, Adobe Lightroom and so on, essentially work the same way on both MS and Apple platforms. Firefox for example on PC and Mac are not that much different.

So far, running a Mac does not involve the amount of time I used to spend in Anti Virus, Malware, spyware and maintenance efforts and the true believers will tell you that the Unix based OS is not as vulnerable as Microsoft. They may be right but I wonder how long that will last.

However I like the system and having changed I am here to stay but some of the Mac Messiahs who can see no evil, speak no evil etc. can be a bit OTT.

It is good but it a'int Nirvana yet, it can still have a few warts.

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I think I'm in trouble when she gets home now.... was trying to answer Moon when suddenly everything on the screen got huge (love how that thing somehow knows how many fingers you've got on that pad!).... couldn't figure out how to get it back to normal, so I just closed the thing and walked away.... whistling.gif

...Garage Band eh?... She mentioned I'd probably like that.... hmmmm biggrin.gif

Honest Moon... I think it's something like Haagen Dazs ice cream... Once you've tried it, how could you ever be satisfied with the cheap stuff? ....no more PC's for mitchy!....no sireee, never again. ...ok....gonna shut up now before someone pukes. laugh.gif

"control" button down and scroll the up-down wheel on your mouse will get you back to regular size. wink.gif

I love my Mac!

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Mitch, I can't believe you fell for the ad. Don't you know Macs have an internal clock that counts key clicks, er, time or something and that you'll go blind because the bright screen never goes dark or blue with something about "protection error"? I mean really, how can you be so naive.

Look...here's a link you should take a look at. Everytime you hear "droid", think "Mac".

Sheesh - just wait til you're retired and have all that time off. Without a PC to babysit, fix, cajole, change diapers, er, motherboards on and buy expensive virus programs and updates for, whatdya gonna do with all that time and money, travel or something?

Jeez. Another one bites the dust.

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Actually, my kids all have Macs and the only reason I don't is the flight data work couldnt' be done on a Mac - communications and available programs as well as IT support were all large issues.

That acknowledged, a computer, like any good tool, should be transparent to the user's intentions. The PC environment especially with Vista, requires too much attention. Vista constantly interferes with one's work, creating typos all over the place as keyboard input is missed - an hourglass is Vista's trademark and the user's constant companion. Windows 7 is a dream compared to Vista. I have the beta installed on a baby-PC netbook and it works well and without all the cobwebs.

Congratulations Mitch - good decision.

But will he ever return, naw, he'll he never return and his fate is still unknown...dahde dahhhde dahdahdah, da de dahdahdah...etc...

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And also remember that nothing is perfect. 

Good point. In fact I had a serious virus with one of the Mac's years ago - the kids were in high school and downloaded some free games. The 'problems' took a week to sort out and ever since there was a new rule: No more free games on Dad's computer.

The other concern that Mac users have is this: with only 6% of the market the virus writers would get more thrills by writing code for PC's. But with MAC getting more headlines these types of thrill seekers are switching sights to MAC's.

Apple once said that it is okay to be only 6% of the market - just like BMW. Too bad that BMW entered the 'sport=ute' line. I hope Apple does not try the same in the computer world.

Finally, and I think this might be a bad link for Mitch, have you seen Garage Band? My daughter and a friend made a music CD for another friend's birthday - they did the music (mostly with daughter's high end keyboard) and vocals. It is 90% as good as any commercial CD. I'm not kidding. If they had the pick-ups for violin and guitar it would have been even better.

Have a look:


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Hi Don:

I am sure you are aware that you can run Windoze on any Intel Mac either via Boot Camp (built into every Mac) or via a third party program such as Parallels or VM Ware Fusion. I run it on my iMac at home for some software and communications stuff that have no Mac version, although that list is getting shorter by the day. My iMac is one of the fastest Windoze machines I have every owned.

Come on in the water is warm.

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Guest rattler

Hi Don:

I am sure you are aware that you can run Windoze on any Intel Mac either via Boot Camp (built into every Mac) or via a third party program such as Parallels or VM Ware Fusion. I run it on my iMac at home for some software and communications stuff that have no Mac version, although that list is getting shorter by the day. My iMac is one of the fastest Windoze machines I have every owned.

Come on in the water is warm.

You should read the article I drew to Mitch's attention. It talks to the problems you could get running windows using boot camp. A relative of mine is doing that but to ensure nothing buggers up his Mac, he uses an external drive for Boot camp and Windows that is only connected to his main unit when he is using the windows programs. And of course he does not use Windows to access anything on the net.

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Thanks Ex9A guy - Water's warm I know. I've seen the boot camp/Windoze environment and it seems workable. Do the same issues that attend Windoze attend the Windoze environment in the MAC, (viri etc?).

Edit - okay rattler, re Windoze problems, I thought so...(no reason to think otherwise just 'cause it's a MAC).

The faster I can get away from Vista the better. It is an unmitigated blight, turning super-fast, twin-processor computers with 4Gb of RAM into Commodore 64's...literally!...I had faster work done on my 64 for the same type of aps, (notwithstanding far more complex GUIs etc etc). Microshaft should just give every Vista user a free upgrade to Windoze 7, the difference is so great.

I've moved on from flight data work (everyone's cost-conscious these days...) so have gravitated back into photographic work, music and other interests so the MAC would be great for that, I know.

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