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Remember the grade 8 Valedictorian? ...Well, she was just voted Prom Queen , but after the vote was taken, and the day before the prom, this happened to her boyfriend.... He was heading up here to see her sad.gif .... so she never made it to her prom.

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The Lad was a good one. He was about to talk to me about taking my daughter up to Wasaga Beach for the weekend... (I'd already approved it, I just wanted to talk to him first... and he had no problem with that.)

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I am sitting here watching Myth-Busters with my 9 and 12 year old sons.

Reading that story sent shivers down my spine.


Ya, no kiddin' eh! Hold 'em close. You just never know what cruel tricks life can play.

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Hey MCDU, you're still hidin' in the weeds eh? Good to hear from you. ...and Thanks guys, but don't be sorry for me.... My Daughter is a wreck, but we still have her... I can't imagine the boy's parents' pain.

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Hey MCDU, you're still hidin' in the weeds eh? Good to hear from you. ...and Thanks guys, but don't be sorry for me.... My Daughter is a wreck, but we still have her... I can't imagine the boy's parents' pain.

Hey Mitch,

Thoughts of condolence to you all. You, you're daughter and her boyfriend's family. To lose anyone so close in such an unexpected fashion is a tragedy. I hope you all have good friends and close family to help lighten the burden of the moment.

Take care,


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Mitch......just got in......we are so sorry to hear that this accident had a direct connection to you. Our heartfelt sympathies to you, your family, and his family.

Tragedies that happen to those we know seem to be so much harder to bear.

Good thing a person of your nature is there for your daughter. There is little we can say that will ease the pain your daughter must be feeling and hopefully with the passage of time, only the good memories will remain.

Kip and Scuba 02

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OMG, Mitch, please pass on my condolences to your daughter,I can not even wonder as to how devastated she is, this is horrible.

Hold her tight when she cries, and be there when she wants to talk, be strong for her. This has obviously touched you as well, you are a good father Mitch!

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My Heart goes out to all of you.

What a shame just a senseless loss of what appears to have been a promising life.

My Father lost a brother years ago and My grandfather says to this day the hardest thing he has ever had to do is bury a child.

Its just not suppossed to be that way. "there supposed to bury us."

Ill hug my own boy just a little longer when I tuck him in from now on having heard this story.

Real sorry Mitch.


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This is very sad news Mitch. I hope your daughter and her boyfriend's family can get through this rough time.

Someone might have mentioned to me many years ago, "Oh by the way, when you become a parent, the job never ends. You will be worrying about them forever".

Somehow I missed that briefing. So now I just tell them I love them every chance I get, no matter what the situation or how good or bad a day each of us are having because random things like this can happen in a heartbeat.

My sincerest condolences,


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A true Tragedy Mitch. Best wishes for your daughter and her future memories of what might have been. And yours.

The sadness present in the young man's family will never end. Our family's similar loss dates to 1971, and it still hurts.

I hope they will accept my anonymous (they don't know me) sympathy and condolences.

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Very sorry to hear of this loss so close to home. Your daughter will need you right now more than ever I suspect. My condolences to the family and friends of the young victim as well.

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