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O’Regan is being disingenuous. It was his own government’s past policy decisions regarding right to strike that led to the language in the CIRB’s order. If he truly wanted to stop the strike, they should have reconvened parliament and put forward emergency legislation, but doing that would have forced the NDP’s hand in deciding if they would continue to support the government, or vote against it. No, a vote against wouldn’t topple the “coalition”, but it would make it very difficult for the tenuous coalition to hold going forward. 

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32 minutes ago, J.O. said:

O’Regan is being disingenuous. It was his own government’s past policy decisions regarding right to strike that led to the language in the CIRB’s order. 

He doesn't appear to know his portfolio particularly well.  If his intention in instructing the CIRB to issue the order it did was to prohibit AMFA from striking you'd think he'd have made sure that the order would in fact legally prevent a strike.  If neither he nor the CIRB actually has that power, he ought to have been aware of that.

WestJet's management appear either to have believed assurances from O'Regan that he had saved the day or to have gotten poor legal advice elsewhere.  They're now blustering about somehow holding AMFA liable for a legal strike.  I wonder if Alex gets shown the door once this ends.

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14 hours ago, Turbofan said:

What I don't understand is how WJ management thought they were safe from this.

The CIRB order reaffirmed the right to strike.  Did they not read it?

The labor minister clearly didn't read it until today either

I think it appropriate that the minister isn't getting involved right away.  As we've seen in the past  with government intervention, at times even before a walkout, it is almost like a management ploy to hold back and let the government impose either a settlement or back to work, thereby being the bad guy.

By allowing this to go on for a while, the government can claim they didn't step on anyone's constitutional rights until it hurt the economy, management then get's shown for it's impertinence, and the membership can feel proud that they stood together.

Isn't there an old adage that 'companies get the union they deserve'?

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The standard gameplay for large corps in Canada has been for a long time that they don't really need to negotiate.  They kinda, sorta negotiate but not really - just enough to meet the regulatory timeline.  Then, when it suits them they throw it to the gov who will impose arbitration.  Do a lockout and then point out the "severe economic impact" of the work stoppage.  The gov has, historically, played along.

This Westjet situation shows it perfectly.  The corp and the gov expected things to go the way they have always gone and they both have been caught flat-footed.  The minister even stated that he thought his imposing of forced arbitration had "fixed" it and would have prevented a work stoppage only to announce a few hours later; "Oops, I guess I'm not allowed to do that (anymore)."  Big surprise for the Westjet management!

This development is very significant and greatly shifts the landscape.  I would guess the C-suite at Westjet is frantically updating their resumes because their continued employment is unlikely after this gets resolved.  I would also guess that this will cause a lot of consternation and re-evaluation of bargaining strategies at other large corps currently involved in negotiations or about to enter them.


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5 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Sorry folks, as the self-proclaimed official voice of the WJ maintenance group here on the AEF I've been kind of busy. Anyway, Coles notes of the last couple of days...

I am continually surprised and honestly a bit amused at the company's stance. AMFA has not for one microsecond ever refused to to negotiate or meet the company at their request. The exaggerations, half-truths and outright lies that have come from our c-suite are mind numbing. The company has continually slandered us as professionals and AMFA as an out-of-touch "American" union (this from our German CEO and Dutch COO) that doesn't understand the Canadian labour market. We will be down to about 30 aircraft flying end of day today with management and some scab labour doing the checks required but unless an agreement comes tonight or tomorrow it will be half that tomorrow and then it will most likely be a full shutdown.

The sentiment of the Engineers, me included (I'm in year 26), is give us a deal or we'll burn it to the ground. No subpar offer that gives us a lot less than what the cost of living has been since Covid will pass. We've probably all noticed that airfares have managed to keep up with inflation.

A few of you probably know that I've been on this forum for a very long time and I am disgusted by how our present management is behaving. It's a travesty.

Appreciate the update from someone on "the inside". As an AME, I support you guys and gals 100%, as does every other AME that I know. I read somewhere that because the Westjet AMEs are new members of AMFA, there is no "strike fund" to draw individual financial support from. I don't know if this is true, but I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket. I would like to donate to the cause, if you know of a way I can do that? Is there a "go fund me" account or something like that?

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I see that Alex is now seeking "urgent clarification" from government on why binding arbitration doesn't mean that there cannot be a strike.  He has had his clarification already, and the strike is legal at least for now.  He really seems to be clueless.  The clarification needed to my mind is as to why WestJet hasn't returned to bargaining 

Maverick, good luck!

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1 hour ago, conehead said:

Appreciate the update from someone on "the inside". As an AME, I support you guys and gals 100%, as does every other AME that I know. I read somewhere that because the Westjet AMEs are new members of AMFA, there is no "strike fund" to draw individual financial support from. I don't know if this is true, but I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket. I would like to donate to the cause, if you know of a way I can do that? Is there a "go fund me" account or something like that?

I don't think we need that yet but I do know that quite a few AC guys have stopped by the picket line and it's been greatly appreciated! We had a picket line in Kelowna yesterday, 70% of our guys were there on an hour and half notice. There was an Air Canada pilot walking by going who took the picture and he was hugely supportive! Means a lot to us.

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16 minutes ago, J.O. said:

I hope the company pulled back on their effort to rob the retirement plan to fund the wage increase. 

I guess you will find out when the absolute details are published.  I know that others have built the fund into their agreements.

and the new agreement, as posted by the AMFA

Jun 30, 2024

June 30, 2024

As a direct result of our members’ solidarity, AMFA was able to reach a second tentative agreement (TA2) providing substantial improvements over both your current terms of employment and the terms provided for in the first tentative agreement (TA1).

TA2 provides for:

  • Immediate 15.5% increase without any shifting of monies from the WestJet Savings Plan (WSP)
  • Out year pay increases of 3.25%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.5% over the 5-year term
  • Overtime beyond eight hours within a pay period within a pay period paid at a 1.75 X rate


WestJet, Unifor agreement includes pension, benefits gains

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1 hour ago, Malcolm said:

Does the membership need to vote on this TA?

Yes we do. I'm not worried about this one. I think it's an excellent first contract!


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