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Is He Right?


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On March 30, 2016 at 11:44 AM, boestar said:

There is a distinct difference between dropping the "PC Norm" and outright lying and spreading hate and propaganda.  Trump is the latter.

as for reaching out to the muslim community since 9/11.. The only reaching out has been hatred, assault, and outright bombing of the wrong bloody country.  The "Muslim Community" as a whole was not responsible for 9/11.  A few extremists were responsible not the Muslim community.

You seem to have a particular bent against muslims in many of your posts and it sounds like you may well be a supporter of Trump.

Keep in mind that ISIL is NOT a religious group at all but a political group hiding behind a religion.  Propaganda would have you believe that this is not the case.  I am just getting sick and tired of hearing that muslims are bad when this is simply just not the case at all.  in fact I am willing to bet there are far more Christian Terrorists in the world than there are Muslim ones.  I fear Christians more than muslims because their track record already speaks for itself.



What's your opinion on Sharia Law? Seems like more & more "moderate" Muslims are approving of it. You?

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Sharia Law in Canada ..No?  We have a system of law.  Its not perfect but it is ours.  If they want to practice it in their homeland and it is their system of law, I am ok with that.

There are things that one has to adopt when immigrating to another country.  Their system of Law is one of them.

Of course, Our system of law allows for a citizen (or resident) to petition the government to change laws.  That is a democratic right of all citizens.


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I think Europe is in serious trouble here and they're starting to realize it. Governments are now speaking "the code". Waves of people trying to immigrate started off as refugees, refugees became migrants, migrants became economic migrants and just today, economic migrants magically transformed into... illegal migrants. I'm just cynical enough to bet that "illegal migrant" is PC code for "get ready, now we start doing something no where close to PC at all".

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1 minute ago, J.O. said:

Based on what I'm seeing and hearing, the BBC story is a pretty accurate reflection of the Canadian vision of his Donaldness.

Not saying you are wrong but from what I see, the reflection depends upon what part of Canada and of course the age / sex/ etc. of those being asked.  I wonder what the reactions would be if they had asked about Hillary?

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From all I've witnessed, it seems clear to me that both Donald and his supporters are people with a relatively low IQ. ANYONE with an ounce of insight can see him for the self-absorbed, blubbering fool that he is..... The problem is that, thanks to several years of extremely poor education quality in the US, half of that population seems to be made up of people who know next to nothing! ....and all his lies fly right over their heads.

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4 hours ago, Mitch Cronin said:

From all I've witnessed, it seems clear to me that both Donald and his supporters are people with a relatively low IQ. ANYONE with an ounce of insight can see him for the self-absorbed, blubbering fool that he is..... The problem is that, thanks to several years of extremely poor education quality in the US, half of that population seems to be made up of people who know next to nothing! ....and all his lies fly right over their heads.

And of course they all have the "Right" to vote.  I don't think either of the 2 Republicans who are leading the pack are exactly star material but then I also don't think Hillary is either.  None of them will be exactly good for Canada and what any winner will bring to the US / World will remain to be seen.

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Bernie Sanders is the biggest breath of fresh air one can possibly imagine! .... his popularity is rising, and if the folks who don't usually vote actually show up.... who knows what could happen? 

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53 minutes ago, Mitch Cronin said:

Bernie Sanders is the biggest breath of fresh air one can possibly imagine! .... his popularity is rising, and if the folks who don't usually vote actually show up.... who knows what could happen? 

Another old white guy :lol: but it seems that his roots may not be very deep either, at least according to the Washington Post recent article:


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How do the left live with themselves?

John McCain was too old to take office, but Bernie's apparently not?

Regardless, if the King of idealistic dreams was to actually win the November election, by January 1st the combined wealth of the 10% club would be hidden away in places completely safe from the clutches of Bernie and his crew. By the time Bernie's socialistic approach to governance showed itself to be destructive to the notion of entrepreneurial spirit, the moral and financial bankruptcy of the nation would be assured and any hope of salvaging the once progressive, productive & capitalistic America lost.


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Back to the article quoted by Defcon above:


A very interesting and seemingly respectable Conservative (read: Republican but not necessarily Republican in political support) Think Tank.

I'm still reading McCarthy's article but it seems well researched and relevant.

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5 hours ago, DEFCON said:

How do the left live with themselves?

John McCain was too old to take office, but Bernie's apparently not?

Regardless, if the King of idealistic dreams was to actually win the November election, by January 1st the combined wealth of the 10% club would be hidden away in places completely safe from the clutches of Bernie and his crew. By the time Bernie's socialistic approach to governance showed itself to be destructive to the notion of entrepreneurial spirit, the moral and financial bankruptcy of the nation would be assured and any hope of salvaging the once progressive, productive & capitalistic America lost.


I'm pretty sure Bernie thinks Argentina is a success story.

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Not about Trump but perhaps reflective of why he might just become the next POTUS.


Mississippi governor signs law allowing service denial to gay couples

Says law intended to 'protect sincerely held religious beliefs'

Thomson Reuters

Posted: Apr 05, 2016 1:07 PM ET Last Updated: Apr 05, 2016 4:27 PM ET

Protesters call for Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant to veto a bill, which they say will allow discrimination against LGBT people, during a rally outside the governor's mansion in Jackson, Monday. (Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press)

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant on Tuesday signed a far-reaching law allowing people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples and protecting other actions considered discriminatory by gay rights activists.

The measure also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.

Bryant, a Republican, said in a statement he signed the law "to protect sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions of individuals, organizations and private associations from iscriminatory action by state government."

Bryant has signed a bill that lets businesses refuse service to gay couples based on their religious beliefs. (Rogelio V. Solis/Associated Press)

Mississippi is the latest state to draw national protest for a law seen as anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. North Carolina recently barred transgender people from choosing bathrooms consistent with their gender identity.

Tennessee is considering similar legislation related to school bathrooms, and civil rights groups are watching a Missouri measure seen as discriminatory. Last week, the governors of Georgia and Virginia vetoed "religious liberty" bills.

The latest wave of measures, pushed by social conservatives, came after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year that legalized same-sex marriage.

'A sad day'The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) criticized the Mississippi law, which it said was set to take effect in July.

"This is a sad day for the state of Mississippi and for the thousands of Mississippians who can now be turned away from businesses, refused marriage licences, or denied housing, essential services and needed care based on who they are," said Jennifer Riley-Collins, executive director of the ACLU of Mississippi, in a statement.

The ACLU, which is involved in a federal lawsuit challenging the North Carolina law, said it was considering its next steps in Mississippi.

Pushback from businesses

The U.S. business community has been pushing back against such legislation.

On Tuesday, PayPal Holdings cancelled plans to open a global operations center in Charlotte, N.C., and invest $3.6 million US in the area over its new law.

In a letter dated March 29, founders and chief executives of more than 100 companies, including Apple, Twitter and Alphabet urged North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory to repeal the legislation.


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It's kind of funny I think to watch as all the various Rights the people hold, which are really only privileges, begin to come into serious conflict with each other. As it goes, the US Supreme Court will now be required to decide which Right trumps another in given circumstances and although this was a predictable situation, it truly is a goat fart of a result!

Gender neutral public bathrooms are the idea of the purely nutty social engineer. Can you imagine sitting still waiting for your 12 year old daughter to emerge from a public facility a man has just walked into? Am I wrong, but that scenario would never be allowed to unfold on my watch.   

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13 minutes ago, DEFCON said:

It's kind of funny I think to watch as all the various Rights the people hold, which are really only privileges, begin to come into serious conflict with each other. As it goes, the US Supreme Court will now be required to decide which Right trumps another in given circumstances and although this was a predictable situation, it truly is a goat fart of a result!

Gender neutral public bathrooms are the idea of the purely nutty social engineer. Can you imagine sitting still waiting for you 12 year old daughter to emerge from a public facility a man has just walked into? Am I wrong, but that scenario would never be allowed to unfold on my watch.   

I think we should have. Male Washrooms, Female Washrooms and mixed washrooms. This would allow all to be comfortable with their choices. The same goes for changing rooms etc. 

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4 hours ago, Malcolm said:

I think we should have. Male Washrooms, Female Washrooms and mixed washrooms. This would allow all to be comfortable with their choices. The same goes for changing rooms etc. 

Yeah, except it's way more complicated than that.  There's a person's physical gender and then there's the gender they identify themselves with.  So when you say "female" washroom who are you referring to - the person who was born female or the person who identifies as female and started their hormone therapy yesterday but is still physically male or the guy who just wants to go into the women's washroom and plans to claim he's always thought of himself as female?  The only true solution is to have a whole row of individual washrooms with no gender specified at all which obviously is not possible in some places due to space and is massively more expensive even if there is room to build them. 

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Or you can just have one washroom for everybody, big deal. Have individual stalls if you wish, but if I'm just having a whizz who cares who is standing beside you. Now if they ask if they can hold it for me that is another matter.

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5 hours ago, DEFCON said:

It's kind of funny I think to watch as all the various Rights the people hold, which are really only privileges, begin to come into serious conflict with each other. As it goes, the US Supreme Court will now be required to decide which Right trumps another in given circumstances and although this was a predictable situation, it truly is a goat fart of a result!

Gender neutral public bathrooms are the idea of the purely nutty social engineer. Can you imagine sitting still waiting for you 12 year old daughter to emerge from a public facility a man has just walked into? Am I wrong, but that scenario would never be allowed to unfold on my watch.   

Anyone who believes that their right to discriminate should hold sway at the Supreme Court over someone else's right to be free from discrimination is dreaming in Technicolor.

There's a much simpler answer. If we could stop sexualizing absolutely everything, we'd go a long way towards making these first world problems disappear. I've used gender neutral washrooms in Europe on several occasions. It's not even close to a big deal at all.

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