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All safe ac 319

LongTimer V

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I thought he shredded it...

A rather sad looking 319 on the ramp at PLS.

I'm sure it will feel much better shortly and be heading home soon.

My daughter is 17 now. She isn't as intrigued by shredders as she was in 2003....



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A rather sad looking 319 on the ramp at PLS.

I'm sure it will feel much better shortly and be heading home soon.

My daughter is 17 now. She isn't as intrigued by shredders as she was in 2003....


So Bean you used your daughter to do your dirty work back in 2003? Pretty low.....

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Get a grip.

My kids were shredding stuff well before WJ was a gleam in anyones eye.

Most kids like to spend time with their dad doing "grown up" stuff in dad's office. Punching holes in paper, coloring, you name it.

Original WJ'rs will remember my kids and their hotdog stand on Saturdays outside McTavish Place. $2 for a hot dog and soda and a trip to Toys R Us afterwards to spend their earnings.

Go to any head office of any business anywhere, including your own. Shredding garbage has been standard operating procedure for decades. The key word is garbage.

Some of you folks really need to get a life......

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Man, I hate it when people are talking and I don't know the full story. I KNOW it's rude to ask, but can someone fill me in....?

Right. Didn't think so.... :Dancing-Chilli:

If you posted an email address someone might send something to you anonymously.....but it's unlikely that you'll get it posted in public view or even as a PM.

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Geez guys. How 'bout we give it a rest? My "shredding" comment was intended as a playful jab – one of those "but, if you suck one…" glib kinda jibes – BUT certainly not an attempt to rip open old wounds. My bad! Obviously I shoulda kept it to myself.

My apologies to Thebean…as someone above says: Ancient history! Time to throw the garbage out (sorry...sometimes I can't help myself!) :biggrin1:

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