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Eight Hours of Screaming


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Good question. This boy may have some form of autism. Or perhaps just a parent who lets her iPad help raise the child.

I’m seeing this more often on flights where parents let their kids run wild and expect everyone onboard to become their babysitters.

Eight hours of that? Brutal.


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This child, read passenger, was uncontrollable before the flight departed and should have been removed. By not following its own rules the Carrier ensured everyone's trip was going to be a nightmare.


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Awhile ago when I was on a break sitting in first class I was woken by a banging sound. I sat up to find two young boys (twins) behind me doing everything but sitting in their fully reclining seats. Taking their cutlery and slamming onto the table trays, jumping around and screaming. Meanwhile their mother slept and/or watched movies the entire time in the row ahead of them. Never budged.  

While this was happening I made eye contact with another first class passenger who just shook his head in disgust. 

Photos: During a brief quieter moment plotting out their next course of action. I have video too but I can’t blur out the faces. 



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I was at a resort down south and at lunch time in the main dining room, this "child" was running around and screaming and bouncing cutlery on the tables...... An elderly British fellow watched the antics for a while, as the kid ran around and around the buffet. The old fellow went over the buffet and got a dinner plate and heaped it as high as he could with spaghetti and lots of sauce. I watched him as he kept an eye for the kid and just at the right moment he stepped out in front of the kid and "pretended" to accidentally collide with the child and dumped the entire plate all over the kid...... from the neck down...

Needless to say he apologized profusely as the mother came running to her child, grabbed him and kept telling him they had to go back to their room and change his clothes.....the kid never came back.................... and as the exit door closed on the mother and the child, applause broke out at all the tables. :D

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5 hours ago, Kip Powick said:

An elderly British fellow watched the antics for a while, as the kid ran around and around the buffet.

Are you sure it was an elderly British fellow and not some retired Canadian airline pilot? (would be a better story if it was)

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3 minutes ago, seeker said:

Are you sure it was an elderly British fellow and not some retired Canadian airline pilot? (would be a better story if it was)

Nope, he'd have made the mother wear the spaghetti.

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