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YYZ - Security screeners "work to rule"

Kip Powick

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Passengers complained of long lines at Pearson International Airport Thursday because of a protest by security guards.

Some passengers said it was complete chaos at the airport, as they experienced delays for several hours.

Bassem Handy, a passenger who was on a flight from San Francisco to Toronto, said he and other passengers waited on the airport tarmac for 45 minutes. He said no announcement was made explaining the delays. When he called Air Canada’s concierge service, the airline said airport security is on a work-to-rule.

“As a result of a work and labour issue with CATSA guards today, pre-board screening is very slow this evening. We do expect some delays for passengers travelling out of Toronto Pearson,” a spokesperson for the Greater Toronto Airport Authority said in a recorded message.

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority or CATSA is responsible for passenger screening at airports across the country.

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Since this was an illegal job action, I hope that by now they have fired the person or persons responsible for organizing this.....? Let them know that while we can't fire all of you we will not tolerate illegal activity. It does nothing to help further your cause.

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The Problem starts at the top...


Axe-wielding executives in the public service stand to earn big bonuses based on how much they cut in the run-up to the 2012 federal budget.

Treasury Board President Tony Clement says 40 per cent of “at risk” pay for senior managers will be based on how much they contribute to the Conservatives’ target of finding at least $4-billion a year in permanent savings.

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The Problem starts at the top...


Axe-wielding executives in the public service stand to earn big bonuses based on how much they cut in the run-up to the 2012 federal budget.

Treasury Board President Tony Clement says 40 per cent of "at risk" pay for senior managers will be based on how much they contribute to the Conservatives' target of finding at least $4-billion a year in permanent savings.

Government policy could well be an issue here. More likely, it's government incompetence, as in contracting out the work, and then accepting a low bid contract, leaving it for the contractor to figure out how to make money on it.

The scheduling concept Garda wishes to implement is allegedly the same used for Ontario hospital employees. They bid on less desirable shifts, i.e. who would take the smallest shift premium to work those shifts. They get the shifts. It's amazing to me that a group or union that can organize a sit-in can't get its members to "high-ball" management, i.e. submit high bids. But I digress.

CATSA has set up the system on the cheap, not just in Toronto but around the country.

LaPresse has a story today that brand new x-ray machines at YUL aren't being used to the fullest because even though they are lot more effective at detecting fake explosives when police test the system, they slow down security checks. When CATSA cut the number of security guards at YUL (also GARDA), the security personnel began reverting to old x-ray machines (I have no idea why the old machines weren't removed) because they displayed a simple image and allowed staff to process passengers faster. Ergo, we passengers are less secure, but happier, and CATSA wants happy passengers who think they are secure.

Clearly, the minister responsible for CATSA has a lot of explaining to do, because the feds haven't exactly stopped collecting the security fee.

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Airport security chaos escalating, public at risk, officers say

Harper gives companies green light to drop gloves

"As professionals charged with protecting the public, officers cannot remain silent in the face of breaches of fundamental principles of airport security. We have an obligation to Canadians, international passengers, and our allies to keep our airports secure," said Mr. Cadeau.

Professionals? He's kidding, right?

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"We are witnessing dangerous breaches in security screening protocols meant to prevent terrorist attacks and hostage-taking" said Tim Cadeau, a spokesperson for security screening officers at the airport.


How much more irresponsible can one get? Un-f***ing-believable. That's one messenger who should be fired.

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Should security people be considered to be ‘essential service’ employees? As far as I know, they’re not, which means they should enjoy the same ‘rights’ the rest of us do. Unfortunately, we don’t have any real ‘Right’ and our government is keen to point that out. Take the time and ask a screener what the issue is. None of us would have stood by and done nothing while the manager, an apparent idiot, messed with our personal lives the way she did. Perhaps a little show of ‘union’ support may be in order?

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Is it just Pearson that has a contractor fill the screeners' roles or are all airports staffed by companies such as Garda? I used to be under the impression all screeners were CATSA employees.

No, there are mainly contract employees. Garda certainly has a contract at YUL.

This is a dispute the Conservatives have to wear. CATSA is their beast, but budget cutting they have not only outsourced the labour but reduced staffing. Cutting out the "gravy" as right wing politicians like to call it is never as easy as they claim.

That being said, there is a valid contract, a grievance process, and a mediator in the file. Whatever happened Thursday when the dispute began should be water under the bridge but some of the same YYZ screeners were back at it yesterday, slowing the system. The biggest offenders were taken off the line and will probably be fired.

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No, there are mainly contract employees. Garda certainly has a contract at YUL.

This is a dispute the Conservatives have to wear. CATSA is their beast, but budget cutting they have not only outsourced the labour but reduced staffing. Cutting out the "gravy" as right wing politicians like to call it is never as easy as they claim.

That being said, there is a valid contract, a grievance process, and a mediator in the file. Whatever happened Thursday when the dispute began should be water under the bridge but some of the same YYZ screeners were back at it yesterday, slowing the system. The biggest offenders were taken off the line and will probably be fired.

Not sure how CATSA is the Conservative's beast as it was created by a Liberal government. At one point the amount of money collected by the airlines on behalf of CATSA far exceeded what was actually spent on security. I do not know when the tipping point was (or if it happened at all) but CATSA had never been the most efficient operation.

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