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Saturday's Chuckle

Kip Powick

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The US Dept of Defense briefed the president this morning.

They told President Obama that 2 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq.

To everyone's surprise, all the color drained from Obama's face.

Then he collapsed onto his desk, head in his hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears.

Finally, he composed himself and asked, 'Just how many is a brazilian?'

This is not surprising, since he obviously has no understanding of billion or trillion either.


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Holy smokes! What a pile of garbage! I can hardly believe anyone swallows that crap!

Un-real Zipped.... Absolutely amazing.

I lost my stomach for American politics years ago, so I never noticed... but I'd be curious to know what dear old Limbaugh had to say about GWB if he's calling Obama "embarrasing"? :Scratch-Head:

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Gimme a freakin' break. Rush Limgagh?

The Right has been doing its damndest to unseat Obama since he won. THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They did it during the initial Bush election. They're doing it again.

America is where GWB placed it. In a sewar. Obama has to extract it. He hasn't had time.

More later.

TV calls...

(HEY...it's Saturday night)

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Right on, Mr Loon. :tu: ....I just thought I'd see what he had to say about Sarah Palin, just for yuk, and the first several hits are of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIgoCtTUAx4&feature=related interview he did with her on radio... He actually pretends to take her seriously! :glare: ...or he really does, which would be worse. :wacko:

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As bad as Canadian politics are, the US system is a disaster. It’s not about what’s right for the country, it’s about proving the other party is wrong and evil. I find Jon Stewart and the Daily Show crew are a nice voice of reason in a very screwed up landscape. I'd consider myself a conservative, but FOX news and the Republican party are messed up, they don't care about policies, just attacking the Democrats and Obama (not that the Democrats are any better).

Newt Gingrich demonstrated this perfectly the other night on the Daily Show. He claimed one of the reasons Obama was a ‘radical’ was the underwear bomber was read his Miranda rights. When Stewart questioned why it was radical in this case, but not when the shoe bomber was read his rights Gingrich’s answer was that it was because Richard Reid was an American citizen (which he in fact is not). Pure non-sense, both sides are more concerned with making the other side look bad than make the country a better place.

This was one of my favourites.

Jon Stewart on CNN’s Crossfire talking about how messed up the system was (and this show) back in 2004, which in helped lead to the cancellation of the show which was on the air for 23 years.


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I totally agree. Jon Stewart has a unique ability to point out hypocrasy wherever it lies, and he's never had a problem in taking those who he's voted for to task when they deserve it. It's just too bad he didn't go on Crossfire back when Buchanan was on the show. Now that would have been fun to watch.

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Did I hear someone mention Sarah Palin. She is taking the U.S. by storm folks. The Americans love her and what she stands for. They love Scott Brown too. The folks of Massachusetts no what Obama is up to, and so should you. Limbaugh can be a little over the top at time but listen to what he says not how he says it. The Dems are shaking in there boots about the midterms in Nov.


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Zipped you could not be more wrong in your assessment and I suggest you broaden your horizons on reading of US politics however as a dittohead I suspect that you like having your opinions fed to you.

Palin is the darling of a small band of nitwits who lover her because she represents how they feel disenfranchised because the country is changing.

Malcolm you are wrong on a couple things. Mccain not suing does not mean what was said was right. It means that politically it is not worth going thru a legal proicess to adress what was said when only a complete idiot actually believes it.

Also saying Obama has accomplished nothing is wrong: repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, Signing the Equal Pay act, meaningful progress on health reform, adressing the Gitmo detainees, fighting 2 wars that he inheireted, trying to fix a crap economy that he inheireted, and that is just off the top of my head.

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Yes, you said Obama accomplished little outside a Nobel Prize (which I personally think was not an accomplishemnet nor was it deserved.

I pointed out what he had accomplished and offerred an opinion on why McCain did not sue, basically challenging your assumption that it must be true because he did not sue.

Does that clear it up for you?

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Also saying Obama has accomplished nothing is wrong: repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, Signing the Equal Pay act, meaningful progress on health reform, adressing the Gitmo detainees, fighting 2 wars that he inheireted, trying to fix a crap economy that he inheireted, and that is just off the top of my head.

Don't ask don't tell - nothing has changed, policy still exists.

Health care reform - lots of talk and nothing has happened and now will not happen with the election of Brown.

Gitmo - he may have addressed them by saying "hello" other than that they are still there and the debate rages whether they should go to civilian prisons or military prisons.

Fixing crap economy - he has spent tons and tons of money but the economy is not fixed and will suffer a depression as soon as the stimulus funds are expended.

Don't get me wrong - I am an Obama supporter, he has spent more time on TV than any other president in history has and is a great speaker. BUT he has not ACCOMPLISHED anything.

Maybe the "top of your head" is not the best place to search for information.or spelling

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Thanks for the note on the spelling, every baord needs a random spelling/typo douchebag to note it on people's posts.

Don't Ask Don't Tell is on it's way out, progress on Gitmo is happening instead of the illegal status quo that dim son is happening, the US is closer to health care reform than they ever have been and Scott Brown noptwithstanding the Dems still have an overwhelming majority in the Senate, not folabuster proof, but a huge majority. If they are too afraid to use it then they are cowards.

The effects of the stimulus spending are debatable but no economist knows for sure what will happen next.

I do not think Obama is perfect but thos whole "he has accomplished nothing meme" is retarded, the guy has been in office for a year!

If it makes you happy next time I will fill the post with links and copy and pasted articles to pass your muster.

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Not at all, my question remains, did you read the book and particually the remarks about McCain or are you only voicing an uninformed opinion?????????????????

Seeing as reading comprehension fails you.

Just because a person does not sue over remarks does not make them true. Can I say that any plainer?

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Thanks for the note on the spelling, every baord needs a random spelling/typo douchebag to note it on people's posts.

Don't Ask Don't Tell is on it's way out, progress on Gitmo is happening instead of the illegal status quo that dim son is happening, the US is closer to health care reform than they ever have been and Scott Brown noptwithstanding the Dems still have an overwhelming majority in the Senate, not folabuster proof, but a huge majority. If they are too afraid to use it then they are cowards.

The effects of the stimulus spending are debatable but no economist knows for sure what will happen next.

I do not think Obama is perfect but thos whole "he has accomplished nothing meme" is retarded, the guy has been in office for a year!

Thank you for confirming everything I said.

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We might want to give the man a little more time to accomplish his goals.

Then he best get on his horse. Current pace has him being a one term wonder whose legacy achievement will be having made Jimmy Carter look good.

Why is Obama failing?

February 20, 2010 - National Post

Robert Fulford

Barack Obama has done everything possible to destroy the glowing reputation he brought to the White House after his triumphs in the Democratic primaries and the general election of 2008. The most striking fact about the cloud of failure now surrounding him is that it’s entirely self-generated.

No credible Republican has been harassing him, leaping on his every mistake. Journalists of the liberal persuasion remain admirers. His most vocal detractors are loudmouthed commentators, unlikely to influence the independent voters who made Obama President. He has no one to blame.

This week, when Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana announced that he won’t seek re-election, despite his $13-million war chest and the fact that there’s no strong Republican opposing him, a Washington Post reporter wrote that his decision could suggest to other Democrats that “the energy so far this year is on the right.”

On the right? That’s astonishing. Fifteen months ago, no one could have predicted that words like those would be taken seriously at any time in the foreseeable future. And in the Washington Post!

When Obama became President, most Americans were probably willing to concede that he deserved their indulgence. He inherited two intractable wars and a terrifying economic crisis. He also received widespread credit for not being George W. Bush.

But no electorate’s genial tolerance lasts longer than a year.

Obama is now judged on his own performance. And his performance, so far, has been wretched. A Gallup poll indicates that, up against an unnamed Republican in 2012, he might get a tie. The inspiring candidate has turned into an ordinary politician, searching for a way to bring his approval rating back to life.

'You can listen to him for 20 minutes and realize an hour later that you can’t remember anything he said.'


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Rex Murphy talks about Sarah and Barack. Mostly about Sarah but vintage Rex.

Understanding the Sarah Palin effect

Rex Murphy, National Post Published: Saturday, April 10, 2010

Link to his article

Rex has either never heard her speak, or never bothered to listen. Holding up Sarah Palin as any sort of role model for anyone; women; feminists; "regular joes" or even politicians is to diminish all of them.

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