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Britain: Muslim 'cultural Sensitivity' Runs Amok (((Ot)))

Kip Powick

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From Kip's post:

"What we don't want is the tyranny of a majority view," he added”

So, what then of democracy??? When I read stuff like this, I really believe I must be sleeping and that all will be well again when I finally do awake?

Re Malcolm's thread:

Students advocating against increases in tuition fees is an annual event that's been going on for as long as I can remember. Students are in fact, investing in 'their' future, not mine, and I think they should regard the cost of borrowing for their post-secondary education as a business ‘loan'.

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Insanity! It's all insanity. I want my children to live in a sane world and not have to acquiesce to anyone's fantasies and imaginary friends. I only hope to live long enough for science to put to bed the questions that allow the insanity of organized religion to continue.

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It's just not the alcohol thing....although for some.........your views are understandable :biggrin2: .................. it's the rest of the changes that someone with the "power" feels is necessary...the "Three Little Pigs" banned...com'on now !!! :Furious:

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It's just not the alcohol thing....although for some.........your views are understandable :biggrin2: .................. it's the rest of the changes that someone with the "power" feels is necessary...the "Three Little Pigs" banned...com'on now !!! :Furious:

Entire, rather shocking article can be seen here...............................


..........................and the tide continues to roll in... :closedeyes::excl:

Well, y'know what's good for the goose... That would mean coffee, tea, bare arms, religious adornments, condoms, Black Forest and all other hams should be banned as well, out of respect. :Clever:

PUHHH-Leeeezzzzzze :icon_oak:

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You think it's just Britain?

In NZ, there was an issue about Muslims driving cars in burqas, which according to police representatives somewhat restricts field-of-vision and offers fleeing criminals the opportunity to disguise themselves. Greg O'Conner, President of the NZ Police Association commented, "If one's belief system was so strong that you didn't want to show one's face then perhaps that belief system should extend to not driving." However, the NZ Gov't was happy to take the work of certain Islamic lobby groups that the burqa is a requirement of faith and road safety takes a back seat.

In Spain after the bombings, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed told Lisbon's Publica magazine, "We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilias, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers, and the life of an unbeliever has no value."

Zacarious Moussaoui, the "20th hijacker" upon being sentenced to life in prison instead of the death penalty he requested, stated, "America, you lose." Nine of 12 jurists agreed that some sort of emotional abuse he suffered as a child should be a mitigating factor.

Just before Xmas 2003, Muslim community leaders in San Juan Capistrano, CA applauded the decision of the Catholic high school to change their football team name from the offensive "Crusaders" to "Lions." Meanwhile 20 miles up the road in Irvine, the Muslim Football League's New Year's tournament brought together the Intifada, the Mujahideen, the Saracens and the Sword of Allah teams.

Boston Herald reported a Mass Supreme Court ruling that "the state prison system failed to justify denying a Muslim inmate special feast-day meals such as oxen and camel."

The examples of appeasement are endless. Wake up.

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If they don't like it, then go back to a 'Muslim' country and commune with your fellow believers.

Feel free to stay if you wish to share in the FREEDOM afforded by our country and lifestyle, but don't complain about it!


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Maybe it's time to put back in place the laws and rules of the 1950's that so many since have abhored.

Like what? I think assimilation and the willingness to accept some of the cultural norms should be required to come here but asking for old laws is not the way to get there.

I think Australia had the right idea where their PM at the time, think it was Rudd, said something to the effect "if you don't like our values don't come here". IIRC this he said this after a group of muslim men raped a girl as she was immodest at the beach.

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Like what? I think assimilation and the willingness to accept some of the cultural norms should be required to come here but asking for old laws is not the way to get there.

I think Australia had the right idea where their PM at the time, think it was Rudd, said something to the effect "if you don't like our values don't come here". IIRC this he said this after a group of muslim men raped a girl as she was immodest at the beach.

Here ya go Chocky..

some clarification for you....as you are no doubt aware..if it's on the "internet" it has to be true !!!!! :biggrin2:




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“as in most religions there are the ignorant driven by the radical, it is only this group that we must be concerned about”

I’m not sure I’d agree with your analysis? The Nazi’s drove the ignorant masses and created a monster. Beyond, there are many examples in which the greasing of the ‘squeaky wheel’ led to a collective societal consequence.

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Surrounded by followers of the One True Faith are you, and how exactly does this translate into understanding? All of my neighbors are whiteys and I still can't figure out why they can't dance, box or play basketball.

The only true reading of the Koran is in Arabic, I've done that, have you? If not, how can you claim to understand what the migration of Muslims means?

Your attitude is exemplary of the failure of the West to understand and react to this issue.

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I may have incorrectly understood the closing part of your comment; "it is only this group that we must be concerned about" and taken it to mean; the radicals are the ‘only’ concern?

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If you apply the "Go home if you don't like it" evenly in North America, then only the First Nations would be left here.

That rings totally wrong to me... maybe I misunderstood you, but it sounds like you're saying we all "don't like it"? That just ain't so!

Besides, all this crap about "First Nation" folks being the only ones who aren't immigrants is pure bunk. They too came from Europe, many, many moons ago.

I say if you were born here, you're no immigrant, and I'll betcha your old Webster's would agree with that.

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