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US soldiers kill US soldiers

Kip Powick

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Why is the white North American with an opinion contrary to the ‘politically correct being directed to attend some form of sensitivity training or another when the Muslim faith itself demands intolerance and in fact, death to the ‘non-believer?

McVeigh was an aberration. The Muslim agenda has but one apparent purpose, domination of the global religious / political landscape.

Good luck to your children and grandchildren.

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Hmmm...sounds similar to Christanity who seem to want to force their morals on us. Abortion, gay marriage, sex, stores closed on Sunday, etc. At least that is pretty much all done peacefully(at leats in this age).

However, the terrorism risk in Canada and the west, directed at the west(among many others) is not coming from Christianity.

Woxof.....secularism is the only logical way forward.

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Conduct the same poll on your average White Canadian person and se what percentage whould like to see the PM hung and Parliament blown up. I would bet the percentage would be high as well.

These polls are not really accurate. how do you know that out of the percentage of people polled some didnt just get a Tax bill, called for Jury Duty, or some other government imposed deal. That would sway mt immediate answer.

If I am not mistaken there have bben more individual "Terror attacks" in the US that were conducted by AMERICANS. Average everyday white bread americans. but when an immigrant does it then that is not ok and a war starts.

I agree that people need to be dealt with as individuals.

Boestar - Watching the world go to hell in a handbasket

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Conduct the same poll on your average White Canadian person and se what percentage whould like to see the PM hung and Parliament blown up. I would bet the percentage would be high as well.

You gotta be kidding. You really think that.

I say your wrong by a mile.

Start a poll, lets see.

If it was more than 1% I would be very suprised.

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If I am not mistaken there have bben more individual "Terror attacks" in the US that were conducted by AMERICANS.  Average everyday white bread americans.  but when an immigrant does it then that is not ok and a war starts.

"Based on data from this survey, along with available Census Bureau data on immigrants' nativity and nationality, the Pew Research Center estimates the total population of Muslims in the United States at 2.35 million."

That is 0.6 percent of the population. Hmmm......what percentage of large terrorist plots broken up are from the same group? Only 0.6%? I think not. Of course there have been more "terror attack" by what you call "Average everyday white bread americans". Your logic is shown to be ridiculous when you look at the population percentages.

Here is a list of plots broken up(not including some recent events).....Sears Tower, airliners, New York City tunnels, Brooklyn Bridge, New York stock exchange, etc. That's quite a list for 0.6 % of the population. Who thinks that being at 1.2% of the American population wouldn't create that much more risk? Oh, by the way.....Jews-1%, Bhuddists-0.5-0.9%, Hindus-0.4%. Please find me a list of plots from that community.

Anyone using cold, hard logic instead of touchy, feely, we can't hurt anyone's feelings type of thinking will come to an obvious conclusion. The truth is the truth and that is, as usual, what I state.


Some of the cases of plots that U.S. authorities say they have foiled since Sept. 11, 2001 include:

December 2001: Richard Reid, a British citizen and self-described follower of Osama bin Laden, foiled an attempt to blow up a Paris-to-Miami flight with explosives hidden in his shoes. He pleaded guilty in 2002.

May 2002: Jose Padilla is arrested in Chicago on a return trip from Pakistan. Initially held as an enemy combatant and accused of planning to build a "dirty bomb," he was formally charged with aiding foreign jihadists in a Miami court in 2005. His trial began May 14.

September 2002: The "Lackawanna Six," American citizens of Yemeni descent living near Buffalo, N.Y., are arrested for allegedly having attended an al-Qaida camp in Afghanistan in the months before the Sept. 11 attacks. The six pleaded guilty in 2003 to providing material support to a terrorist organization.

May 2003: Iyman Faris of Columbus, Ohio, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Kashmir, pleads guilty to supporting al-Qaida. He was accused of planning to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. He is sentenced to 20 years.

June 2003: In Virginia, the FBI charges a group of men with being part of a conspiracy to support holy war overseas. In all, 11 men eventually were convicted in what the government described as a "Virginia jihad network" that used paintball games as a form of training.

August 2004: U.S. authorities issue alert, announce evidence of a years-long plot to attack the New York Stock Exchange and other financial institutions in New York, Washington and Newark, N.J. They later accuse plotters of also planning attacks in England. Eventually, five men pleaded guilty in London, where alleged ringleader Dhiren Barot was convicted. At least one other man is awaiting trial.

August 2004: Two men are arrested on the eve of the Republican Convention in New York for allegedly plotting to blow up a busy subway station. James Elshafay, a U.S. citizen, eventually pleaded guilty and testified against the other man, Shahawar Matin Siraj, a Pakistani. Siraj was sentenced to 30 years in prison; Elshavy to five.

August 2004: Authorities arrest two leaders of a mosque in Albany, N.Y., and charge them with aiding in a purported plot to buy a shoulder-fired grenade launcher to assassinate a Pakistani diplomat. The former imam of the Masjid As-Salam mosque, Kurdish refugee Yassin Aref, and Mohammed Hossain, a mosque founder, were later found guilty to counts relating to money laundering and conspiracy.

June 2005: A Pakistani immigrant and his American-born son in Lodi, Calif., are arrested for allegedly lying to the FBI about the younger man's training at a jihadist camp in Pakistan. Hamid Hayat, the son, was found guilty of supporting terrorism and lying to the FBI. He is seeking a new trial. The case against Umer Hayat, the father, ended in a mistrial; he later pleaded guilty to lying to a customs agent about trying to carry $28,000 into Pakistan.

August 2005: Four California men, one the founder of a radical Islamic prison group, are indicted for allegedly conspiring to attack Los Angeles-area military bases, synagogues and other targets. The men have pleaded not guilty and await trial.

February 2006: Three men are arrested in Toledo, Ohio, for allegedly providing material support to terrorists. One of the men is accused of downloading videos on the use of suicide-bomb vests.

April 2006: Two Georgia men are charged with material support of terrorism after allegedly videotaping buildings in the Washington area, including the Capitol and the World Bank, and sending the video to a London extremist active on jihadist Web sites.

June 2006: The FBI announces the arrests of seven men in Miami and Atlanta in what officials called the early stages of a plot to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, and destroy FBI offices and other buildings. All pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.

July 2006: U.S. authorities announce the arrest of Assem Hammoud, a Lebanese man they claim was plotting to bomb New York City train tunnels to flood the financial district.

March 2007: A Pentagon transcript is released indicating that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of other terror plots, including that of Reid, during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

May 2007: Six men were arrested in an alleged plot to unleash a bloody rampage on Fort Dix in New Jersey. Five are charged with conspiring to kill military personnel and could face life in prison if convicted. The sixth faces up to 10 years in prison if he is convicted of weapons charges.

June 2007: Four Muslim men planned to destroy John F. Kennedy International Airport, kill thousands of people and trigger an economic catastrophe by blowing up a jet fuel artery that runs through residential neighborhoods. Three men were arrested and one was being sought in Trinidad.

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Too tough to argue with facts Moon?

Actually, I have been working pretty long days the last 3 days. My snipe was in bad taste. It's been deleted. Notwithstanding the fine community which shares some spelling: http://dorkingabout.com/index.htm wink.gif

Y'know, there are lies; there are damned lies; and there are statistics. Statistics can be used to bolster both sides of any argument, depending on who interprets those stats. The glass is half full or the glass is half empty is a great example.

What has been said above has insinuated that there is at this time an active war on Islam within North America. The "facts" quoted by woxof come from CBS. Why do we give full credibility to a commercial news agency's interpretation of some statistics in one area and condemn them for reports in other areas - aviation related stories being an example? Is it because that's what we want to believe? What is wrong with an error-laden news report about an aviation incident if it bolsters many people's belief in the fear of flying? Many of those people (and there are a lot) seek solace in reading about aviation problems or disasters and are comforted that their fear of flying is justified in the "facts" reported. The news agency knows that revenue from advertising increases when people read what they want to see.

All this is background to what some here are advocating without saying. I'm not stupid. I'm not going to suggest what they are not saying.

Japan? It has such a different legal system and has not been a target of anyone for over 60 years with the exception of an impotent North Korea. It has not exercised imperialism since August of 1945. It has not exported war to other soils since 1945. It has not developed the thirst for energy and fresh water in the amounts we see here in North America. It has a strict immigration policy; it has a difficult language; it has a death penalty for murder and treason, although it's on hiatus since earlier this year; it is still somewhat isolationist with its culture, a culture it continues to foster ever since the middle ages. Few if any of these things exist in North America, and in particular the USA. In Canada, just the opposite of what is exercised in Japan - guaranteed multi-culturism. Which to me spells a guarantee of problems down the road with our nationhood as individual cultural groups form their own cities or eventually their own provinces.

From http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/c...nternment1.html

Many historians believe internments camps came about because of racist attitudes Canadians held towards Japanese Canadian's-many of whom lived in BC. Once the bombing on Pearl Harbour happened racism came to a head. British Columbians started to blame all their troubles and problems on the Japanese. Japanese people were blamed for everything from a bad crop to a flat tire. The scared people of BC cried out, wanting the BC Government to deal with the problem as they saw it-Japanese Canadians. The people of British Columbia wanted to feel safe in their homes again and they wanted Prime Minister Mackenzie King to rid Canada of people of Japanese orign. They were causing a threat to Canada (or so it was believed by the public.) Mackenzie King wanted the votes from B.C. so he was more than happy to do what they asked. Mackenzie's first order of business was to incarcerate all Japanese males between the ages 14 and 45. They were ordered to move more than 160 km inland. This was to "safe guard" the pacific coast from Japanese spies. The Canadian government took away all of the Japanese fishing fleets, in order to protect Canada.

Now, replace all references to Japanese with references to Muslims and update the time frame to today. Is this what some of you are proposing? Who understands the concept of history repeating itself? I assume everyone.

Or do we just deport them? What if they were born here? Where do we send them? What happens when countries refuse repatriation of those not born here?

I acknowledge that many mosques may be monitored. Or is this misinformation being promulgated by authorities to make the rest of "us" feel better. Regardless, if anyone doesn't think this will incite moderates, then they have their heads in the sand.

Woxof likes the number 0.6% of the American population. Exactly how many terrorist acts have occurred in the USA since 9-11? How many murders? How many bank robberies? How many rapes? How many instances of child abuse?Statistics have been presented to show how many have been prevented, but that is the word of stellar agencies such as Homeland Security, the ATF, CBS and so on.

If any or all of the examples of blocked plots are true, that only demonstrates how stupid some of the less than 1% of the 0.6 percent are in their belief that they can succeed in their isolated goals. Still, 23,000 people with guns can control a huge population. If they are organized. Anyone who knows anything about the world of Islam knows just how cellular and schismatic the world religion is. There is no structure or central leadershp of the faith. Some Iranian clerics have offered that Iran is the crucible of the faith. Individuals interpret their scripture and come to as many different interpretations of the Qu'uran as there are leaves on a tree. And that to me to the educated Muslim (and there are a HUGE number relative to our traditional North American culture) lean towards peaceful interpretations as there are no hard and fast international directions otherwise. Peace is good for business. Nobody, including the Palestinian grocer in Gaza wants war. It's bad for business.

So, if in fact there is an active war against Islam in North America, and you as a devout Muslim believe this assertion, what would you do? If there is not an active war against Islam, then for what purpose are all the "facts" being broadcast by so many security agencies and huge media conglomerates? Other than to incite not ony moderate Muslims, but to polarize and to foster hysteria in everyone else?


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My snipe was in bad taste. It's been deleted.


Once again I will tell you. Change who we allow into this country in the future.

Once again, my suggestion is about controlling future immigration to our country.

Notice how Mr. Moon links my logical argument that not letting certain foreigners in to our country in the future as having something to do with putting Canadians into WWII type internment camps(as you try pretend that I am advocating) or deporting groups. Why? When is the term"racist going to be tossed in here?

Then the information I posted about the multitude of terrorist attacks must be innacurate because it came from the media. Mr. Moon......Show us on the forum where exactly you have found any errors in that news release. You know that these plots did happen. Can we stop the denial of the obvious please. Once again, how often do we have plots by Jews, Hindus, Bhuddists, etc. Once in a blue moon when you combine them all.

And then once again.... it is said that because there have been many murders, we should not worry if we are creating a huge risk in the future for terrorism because of our present immgration policy. Who out there thinks that the two should be linked? Totally illogical, like almost all of your replies.

In fact I found this info below just now on another site(this is all while doing very little searching). There have been dozens of other plots all over Europe and North America. For heavens sake, we read about another one just about every week now it seems:


During the week of September 21, the FBI along with respective state and local law enforcement announced the disruption of three terror plots, including the arrests of the three following men:

Najibullah Zazi. Zazi, a 24-year-old Afghani, was arrested after purchasing large quantities of chemicals used to make a TATP bomb, the same type of weapon used in the 2005 bombing of the London Underground and the 2001 "shoe bomb" plot. Zazi had traveled to Pakistan, where he received instruction in bomb making and attended an al-Qaeda training camp. Zazi allegedly planned to detonate TATP bombs on the New York City subway.

Hosam Maher Husein Smadi. Smadi, a 19-year-old Jordanian, was apprehended last week in an attempt to plant a bomb in a Dallas skyscraper. He was arrested and charged after agents posing as terror cell members gave Smadi a fake bomb, which he later attempted to detonate.

Michael Finton. Finton, an American citizen, was arrested on September 23 by undercover FBI agents after attempting to detonate a car bomb filled with what he believed to be close to one ton of explosives outside of the Paul Findley Federal Building and Courthouse in downtown Springfield, Illinois. Evidence presented against Finton has shown that he expressed a desire to become a jihadist fighter and was aware that his planned attack would cause civilian injuries. He has been arrested on charges of attempted murder of federal employees and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.

Finally...what was your snipe that was in bad taste? I missed it. I always know that when someone reverts to the insults, they have lost the argument. Feel free to post it again.

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It would appear that these folks could learn a lot by studying the operations and tactics employed by the Provisional IRA over the years ... although, I suppose that studying about Christian "freedom fighters" would likely be frowned upon. ph34r.gif

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Seeing as that is the main point of my postings....I'm quite glad to see that you agree with me.

The rest is pretty much just basic common sense. You will likely come around to agreeing with it someday if you just do careful, rational analysis.


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Government unveils new citizenship guidebook

Thursday, November 12, 2009 - CBC News

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney unveiled a new and larger version of the citizenship guidebook for prospective immigrants on Thursday, one that emphasizes the importance of getting a job, obeying the law and the nobility of serving in the army.

The new 62-page guidebook, called Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, is what newcomers aged 18 to 54 will use to prepare for their citizenship test.

Kenney said when you become a citizen, you inherit certain obligations.

"And one of those responsibilities is to know who we are, from where we came, what values define us and to live in accordance with those values," he said in Ottawa on Thursday.

Under the subheading "citizenship responsibilities," prospective citizens are reminded that rights come with duties, including obeying the law, voting in elections, serving on a jury, taking responsibility for oneself and one's family by getting a job, and volunteering.

'Canada's openness doesn’t include "barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, honour killings, female genital mutilation or other gender-based violence."

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Guest rattler
Government unveils new citizenship guidebook

Thursday, November 12, 2009 - CBC News

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney unveiled a new and larger version of the citizenship guidebook for prospective immigrants on Thursday, one that emphasizes the importance of getting a job, obeying the law and the nobility of serving in the army.

The new 62-page guidebook, called Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, is what newcomers aged 18 to 54 will use to prepare for their citizenship test.

Kenney said when you become a citizen, you inherit certain obligations.

"And one of those responsibilities is to know who we are, from where we came, what values define us and to live in accordance with those values," he said in Ottawa on Thursday.

Under the subheading "citizenship responsibilities," prospective citizens are reminded that rights come with duties, including obeying the law, voting in elections, serving on a jury, taking responsibility for oneself and one's family by getting a job, and volunteering.

'Canada's openness doesn’t include "barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, honour killings, female genital mutilation or other gender-based violence."

Waiting for the usual condemnation by the Liberals and the NDP.... cool.gif

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Below is a letter I received by email and normally I wouldn't post it but this one is fairly straight forward (though a bit long winded).

Living overseas it struck me because it is something I see or encounter almost everyday with regards to Canada and immigration. In every single paper in the ME and a huge number on the subcontinent and surrounding areas are ads promoting immigration to Canada. They all advertise the same thing - free health care, education and government assistance. They all advertise 'easy' immigration to Canada (or Australia in many).

Granted they are ads by lawyers and companies who make money from helping people immigrate but the point remains that Canada is viewed as an 'easy mark'.

I have lost count (dozens) of how many times I have spoken with crew on a flight and have heard comments (oddly all almost word for word the same) -"my cousin lives in Toronto/Calgary/Vancouver. I may go there after this job since he can get me in. Or to England where my other cousin lives or I may go home. We'll see."

The point is that immigration now does not rely on any significant sacrifice or want by the prospective immigrant. Travel is cheap and easy as opposed to those who came by ship even as recently as teh 60's. Many of Canada's immigrants can simply go back when things get better or an opportunity arises.

There are no significant hurdles to pass that show that someone is truely interested in coming to Canada and 'melting in'.

A good example would be the supposed 'doctors and engineers' etc that are driving cabs!! One would would think that in this day and age of easy and accesible information that an educated individual would take nor more than several hours to discover the requirements to work in those professions in Canada. Yet there are more than a few websites now decrying Canada and its immigaration policy because they cannot work in their field.

Each side of my family and that of my wife immigrated to Canada as we both heard (and still do) hear some of the stories. It was a tremendous decision made over time. They arrived with no help from the government (EI, welfare etc were unheard of) and had to survive on arrival. They worked hard. But most importantly they embraced Canada and everything that was/is Canada.

They embraced Canada because I think they had to go through a lot to get here---it was a sacrifice and they were happy for the opportunity.

I don't know the answer but I have a feeling that until the current immigrants feel somethig similar and, more importantly, until Canada says 'melt in' and MEANS it we will continue to see immigrants who come with the 'entitlement' syndrome or a lack of commitment to Canada.


A Letter to the Editor (excellent letter)

So many letter writers have explained how this land is made up of immigrants. May be we should turn to our history books and point out to people why today's Canadian is not willing to accept the new kind of immigrant any longer.

Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to Canada, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in Halifax and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new Canadian households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.

Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labour laws to protect them. All they had were the skills, craftsmanship and desire they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity.

Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. Canadians fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Sweden, Poland and so many other places. None of these first generation Canadians ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Canadians fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were defending the Freedom as one people. When we liberated France, no-one in those villages was looking for the Ukrainian-Canadian or the German-Canadian or the Irish-Canadian. The people of France saw only Canadians.

And we carried one flag that represented our country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be a Canadian. They stirred the melting pot into one red and white bowl.

And here we are in 2009 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes a Canadian passport and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being a Canadian is all about. Canadians have been very open-hearted and open-minded regarding immigrants, whether they were fleeing poverty, dictatorship, persecution, or whatever else makes us think of those aforementioned immigrants who truly did ADOPT our country, and our flag and our morals and our customs. And left their wars, hatred, and divisions behind. I believe that the immigrants who landed in Canada in the early 1900s deserve better than that for the toil, hard work and sacrifice those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags, fighting foreign battles on our soil, making Canadians change to suit their religions and cultures, and wanting to change our countries fabric by claiming discrimination when we do not give in to their demands.

Its about time we get real and stand up for our forefathers rights, we are CANADIAN Lest we forget it!!! I am a Native of this Country and proud of it!


NO MORE not saying CHRISTMAS in stores and our schools!

I Want my Canada of birth BACK !!!

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Excellent post, Trader. Well done and spot on.

I believe the last significant move Canada made on immigration (I'm not all that familiar with the processes, then or now) was the removal of the ability to apply for Landed Immigrant status from within Canada. The status needs to be requested prior to arrival in Canada. I think this change was made in the 1980's.

There seems to be a move by Harper to tighen up Refugee Status applications. If true, this might be as significant a change (depending on the terms) as was the LA status.

Time will tell.

And BTW, new Canadians are not required to "melt". On the contrary, they are encouraged to bring their cultural differences with them. Unfortunately, there are large segments of ghetto-ized Canadians who have also brought their cultural problems with them in the hopes of integrating those troubles into the ever changing Canadian society. It only takes a few instances from any culture to make headlines.

I don't know the answer other than to move towards a "melting pot" society and move away from the "multi-cultural" model. A massive undertaking.

Try to find a politician with the gonads to take THAT on. dry.gif

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Great post Trader. I hope you can find a way to give it widespread circulation. It's definitely something that needs to be comprehended on Parliament Hill as well as at Queen's Park.

Both governments could start by eliminating grants to various "cultural" groups to further the traditions of their previous homelands. If folks want to have their own little festivals that's fine, but they can do so with their own money.

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Guest rattler
Government unveils new citizenship guidebook

Thursday, November 12, 2009 - CBC News

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney unveiled a new and larger version of the citizenship guidebook for prospective immigrants on Thursday, one that emphasizes the importance of getting a job, obeying the law and the nobility of serving in the army.

The new 62-page guidebook, called Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, is what newcomers aged 18 to 54 will use to prepare for their citizenship test.

Kenney said when you become a citizen, you inherit certain obligations.

"And one of those responsibilities is to know who we are, from where we came, what values define us and to live in accordance with those values," he said in Ottawa on Thursday.

Under the subheading "citizenship responsibilities," prospective citizens are reminded that rights come with duties, including obeying the law, voting in elections, serving on a jury, taking responsibility for oneself and one's family by getting a job, and volunteering.

'Canada's openness doesn’t include "barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, honour killings, female genital mutilation or other gender-based violence."

An example of why we need to underscore our beliefs vs those of possible immigrants.

Somali woman stoned to death for adultery

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 | 5:32 AM ET Associated Press

A judge for an Islamic militant group in Somalia says a woman has been stoned to death and her boyfriend given 100 lashes for having an affair.

Sheikh Ibrahim Abdirahman, the judge for the group al-Shabab, says the woman was killed Tuesday in front of a crowd of some 200 people near the town of Wajid.

Abdirahman says the 20-year-old woman had an affair with a 29-year-old unmarried man and gave birth to a stillborn child.

The militants that control much of southern Somalia and have links to al-Qaeda have instituted a conservative reading of Islam's Sharia law.

The stoning death was at least the fourth for adultery in Somalia over the last year. It was the second time a female has been killed.

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