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Halloween Candy Warning.........

Kip Powick

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With Halloween fast approaching comes a warning to parents and kids regarding Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold milk chocolate coins imported from China .

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is warning the public not to eat, distribute or sell the candy.

It is sold across Canada by Costco and may also have been sold in bulk packages or as individual pieces at various dollar and bulk stores.

The chocolate contains melamine which is the same chemical responsible for killing several babies in China , and sickening thousands more.

Here is the link... http://news.gc.ca/web/view/en/index.jsp?articleid=421359

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Worse - in Canada they cannot ban or control imports of dangerous Chinese toys. Instead Health Canada hinges it hopes on retailers to avoid these (good luck).

Over and over again China shows its contempt for the rest of the world yet we do nothing!! With the milk scandal they refused to release information to world bodies who were attempting to track the problem - and we do nothing. Hmm...wonder why that is???

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I think there would be far more of us 'few' people with all the bad news stories coming out of China these days. I don't think I'm the only one who's tired of being poisoned and ripped off by the Chinese.

Most people haven't a clue where the product is made until they get it home and happen to run across a tag or a stencil somewhere.

When the product is at the store the average consumer gravitates toward the one that seems cheaper for the same features.

How else would you explain WalMart?

By the way.

The safety problems with toys made in the USA are statistically higher than with toys made in China.

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Ther only problem is that nothing is actually "Made in Canada" anymore. We are a society of consumers and as such we seek the best bang for the buck. As was stated before can I get something with the samde feature set cheaper? if we can we will. North america moved away from manufacturing years ago because the cost of labour caused prices to rise to a point where they could not compete in the world market. Hence the move to manufacturing in developing nations and China. It really is our own fault as we allowed this migration to occur by demanding more for doing less. Don't get me wrong I am all for financial progress but at some point the manufacturing companies will move to where they can get cheap labour in order to reap larget profits. I have fallen victim to this in the past.

Rather than just a sticker why not DEMAND Canadian Manufactured goods otherwise do without.

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Ther only problem is that nothing is actually "Made in Canada" anymore. We are a society of consumers and as such we seek the best bang for the buck. As was stated before can I get something with the samde feature set cheaper? if we can we will. North america moved away from manufacturing years ago because the cost of labour caused prices to rise to a point where they could not compete in the world market. Hence the move to manufacturing in developing nations and China. It really is our own fault as we allowed this migration to occur by demanding more for doing less. Don't get me wrong I am all for financial progress but at some point the manufacturing companies will move to where they can get cheap labour in order to reap larget profits. I have fallen victim to this in the past.

Rather than just a sticker why not DEMAND Canadian Manufactured goods otherwise do without.

I demand to have the choice to pick the product I buy. If we force a candian only solution, we won't be any better off quality-wise

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Canadian and American jobs have moved on from being the manufacturer to being the designer, the manager, the owner, the entrepreneur. Having goods made in a country that can produce them cheaper means that the Canadian company is competitive and also that a knlowledge transfer has taken place so that the people who produce the goods overseas can become consumers also.

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The problem is that there is no protection. Health Canada freely admits they have no power to stop it--which, to me, is ridiculous!!

SO now that we killed a few people with bad meat we'll kill a few more with lead and cause serious injury to thousands more so they can keep making a buck. And all the while the government can sit there doing nothing.

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we'll kill a few more with lead and cause serious injury to thousands more so they can keep making a buck. And all the while the government can sit there doing nothing

going on a tangent here ................seems we're doing that in the YYZ area everyday..........with handguns. dry.gif

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