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That's my boy !

Kip Powick

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Three weeks ago my youngest son was leaving SLC for LAX to make connections to HGK, on business. Like all passengers he was not too keen on being up at 4:30am and was about to go through Security when a family of 5 went in front of him. Apparently they didn’t see him standing there and the mother apologized profusely but he asked them to go ahead. He stood behind them and watched the family take off their shoes and dump everything in the little plastic tubs as they slowly made their way through X-Ray and the metal detector.

Apparently my son’s “tub” was about 3 or 4 inches behind the last child’s tub when a 25-30 year-old pilot shoved my son’s “tub” out of the way, glared at him and said, “I don’t have to ask!”.

My son was taken aback and apparently asked “What’s with the attitude??” The pilot apparently replied “ You had better watch your attitude and are you flying today?”

My youngest son, never at a loss for words, and recognizing that “Propeller Pete” was not one of the bigger carriers pilots stated, “Yes, but not on Jackass Airlines”.

End of conversation, much grinning and chuckling in the crowd. Nice to see the kid has a bit of his old mans sense of humour biggrin.gif

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I often have to jump the line, but I make sure I apologize to the people I'm jumping in front, most are understanding, some are not, that's just the way it is. I was in SFO last week, when I went to the crew security line, there was at least 20 people ahead of me. This brought a smile to my face, for what it was worth it moved along pretty quick. Still the same old crap though, CSA comes flying through to the head of the line (no bags), steps through with her lunch bag and the scanner beeps, but they wave her along anyway, without even a second glance. Mean while pilots and flight attendants were getting the third degree from homeland security people who's command of the english language is worse then mine and most of them third and forth generation americans.

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"recognizing that “Propeller Pete” was not one of the bigger carriers pilots"

I'm sorry Kip but, your comment is crude, condescending and of the same "class" as the one to which your free-riding son found objection!

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I'm sorry Kip but, your comment is crude, condescending and of the same "class" as the one to which your free-riding son found objection!

Who crapped in your cereal????????? "free-riding son"???????????? He is the VP of a company based in the USA and does not ride FREE..He pays full fare just like everyone else.

My comment????? I wasn't there.....my son was raised around pilots, all kinds for his entire life, until he left the nest. As far as I am concerned he can call any pilot anything he wants......why are you dumpung on me, the messenger?? You want his email address???..........unbelievable. huh.gif

Try to see the humour of the occasion, climb off your high horse, and relax....sheeesh....what a grouch!!!!!!!! blink.gif

Oh..yeh...have a nice weekend

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Hey Kip;

For what it's worth I think your son was right. Nothing I hate more than arrogance. For the time it took "Propeller Pete" to be a jerk he could have said, "Excuse me please I need to go ahead. Thank you." Glad to hear than he was racheted done a notch and I would have loved to have seen it in person.

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Yeh, I thought my kid's response was priceless. I have had to "jump the queue" a few times but made sure I was apologetic, and gave a valid reason for doing so and I never had any problems.....a smile goe a long way. smile.gif

It sounds like this guy had a real ego problem, perhaps was PO about an early flight, didn't get any last night, or something, but when one is wearing a uniform, representing the company that pays your wages....best to leave the attitude at home and grin and bear it. Manners should always be at the forefront of any encounter with a perspective customer, in fact they should be at the forefront of every encounter with anyone.....yes?? sad.gif

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Each airport is responsible for their local procedures. Some airports like Halifax, Calgary and Edmonton have dedicated crew access doors, others (most US airports and Transborder gates at Canadian airports) expect the crews to push their way to the front of the regular passenger screening line. I hate doing it but that's what we have to do - at the very least a smile and a rueful demeanor goes a long way.

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It's always - or it should be - an uncomfortable feeling when one is forced to exercise the "jump the queue" prerogative; personally it made me feel somewhere between "elitist" and "arrogant". And as "Cat3Dual" hints, sometimes the look from the paying customers isn't exactly endearing.

I found that an apology and a quip normally garnered both smiles and easy acceptance. Something along the lines of: "Sorry to jump ahead - just wanna make sure I get a window seat" worked quite well.

Of course, the other option would be to NOT jump to the front. If all crew did so, perhaps the ensuing delays would result in a fix to the farce...

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My youngest son, never at a loss for words, and recognizing that “Propeller Pete” was not one of the bigger carriers pilots stated, “Yes, but not on Jackass Airlines”.

Non big airline propeller pilot??? Waddya mean by that???

I would have thought the ride thru the Mitchnick/Keller process would have talk you a lesson or two,,,,like a little humility. Or are you suggesting that BIG airline JET pilots are immune from exhibiting bad behavior. Not kool.

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Russ Dee

Not sure why you would be offended by Prop Pete. It was fitting and got the point across with some humor. Being young as described, he may have just hung up the

keys to the Cessna.

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It's always - or it should be - an uncomfortable feeling when one is forced to exercise the "jump the queue" prerogative; personally it made me feel somewhere between "elitist" and "arrogant". And as "Cat3Dual" hints, sometimes the look from the paying customers isn't exactly endearing.

I found that an apology and a quip normally garnered both smiles and easy acceptance. Something along the lines of: "Sorry to jump ahead - just wanna make sure I get a window seat" worked quite well.

Of course, the other option would be to NOT jump to the front. If all crew did so, perhaps the ensuing delays would result in a fix to the farce...

A very simple but effective fix is a sign like they have at many US airports. Seattle and San Diego at two I can think of.

"Please allow flight crew to the front of the security line"

-and Kip, funny story.

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I would have thought the ride thru the Mitchnick/Keller process would have talk you a lesson or two,,,,like a little humility. Or are you suggesting that BIG airline JET pilots are immune from exhibiting bad behavior. Not kool.


This is really getting monotonous......I WAS NOT THERE. Try reading what is written and attempt to figure out who said what.

As an aside............. "the ride through Mitchnick/Keller process" taught me one thing......some people just don't know when "over is over".

Some of you guys look for some hidden innuendo in everything written...get over it....how sad that you seem to be lacking any appreciable sense of humour.

Or are you suggesting that BIG airline JET pilots are immune from exhibiting bad behavior

Perhaps you should be asking that question of yourself. dry.gif

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I would have thought the ride thru the Mitchnick/Keller process would have talk you a lesson or two,,,,like a little humility. Or are you suggesting that BIG airline JET pilots are immune from exhibiting bad behavior. Not kool.


This is really getting monotonous......I WAS NOT THERE. Try reading what is written and attempt to figure out who said what.

As an aside............. "the ride through Mitchnick/Keller process" taught me one thing......some people just don't know when "over is over".

Some of you guys look for some hidden innuendo in everything written...get over it....how sad that you seem to be lacking any appreciable sense of humour.

Perhaps you should be asking that question of yourself. dry.gif

I realise you weren't there. Us little airline propeller guys aren't complete idiots. It was your narrative of the event that was all your's and I maintain inappropriate.

You and your little fan base think otherwise. Must be a big airline jet guy thing.

nuff said

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Us little airline propeller guys aren't complete idiots

If that is the inference you drew, that is unfortunate but knowing my son,............... if had been a major airline carrier pilot, he probably would have made the same remark... I think.

Arrogance and ignorance are two accoutrements that never enhance the image of a pilot in a uniform, prop or whiz-bang. sad.gif

gotta run...bidding on EBay...........

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My youngest son, never at a loss for words, and recognizing that “Propeller Pete” was not one of the bigger carriers pilots stated, “Yes, but not on Jackass Airlines”.

End of conversation, much grinning and chuckling in the crowd. Nice to see the kid has a bit of his old mans sense of humour biggrin.gif

Just a sec. I don't have a horse in this race but any readers...please take a moment and re-read the quoted remark.

Kip draws a correlation between the "size of the carrier" and the decision to make a remark. When called to account, Kip says; "Call my son. Here's his e-mail address." No, Kip. This was your characterization; you suggested the relationship. You were quite proud to suggest that your son's "judgment" was similar to yours. Chip off the old block and all that....

So--if he had recognized the offender as an American Airlines pilot (or Delta---or AC), he would have remained quiet? Frankly, I think you've taken liberties with the story. I think you've inserted your own prejudice. I'm prepared to assume your son would have made the remark to any offensively arrogant member of any airline crew ---and good for him. I'm not prepared to visit the sins of the father upon the son.

The reality is that most crew accept the privilege of preference with some slight degree of humility. There are an unfortunate few who evidence an offensive level of arrogance in asserting what they appear to consider a birthright.

The fact is, however, that those "unfortunate few" come from "the bigger carriers" as well as the small regionals. I only suggest that Kip et al recognize that comments whether sarcastic or otherwise should be directed at all culprits and not just those whose employer may be "Jackass Airlines". There are some very capable and very nice people working for "Jackass Airlines" and a few as*ho**s who are "bigger carriers pilots."

PS: Look at the thread regarding WS hiring cadets. Canus Chinookus wasted no time apologizing for the ill-considered remark; " stoop to Jazz's level"

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Holy crap people! Do you actually read what you are writing before hitting the "Add Reply" button? If Kip's choice of words in relating the story are getting you that riled up, then either you have absolutely nothing better to do, or someone has stolen your senses of humour! As CE said, lighten up people!

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This was your characterization; you suggested the relationship

Ok Counsel.......perhaps I typed it in error........but he...........my son...him....he was the one who felt this guy was a "Propeller Pete". I merely typed in what he passed to me..he has been around the block and knows the game...he is quite able to describe people as he sees them.

You were quite proud to suggest that your son's "judgment" was similar to yours. Chip off the old block and all that..

Yes I am, infact I probably would not have been that quick with the comeback...age does that to you.

I think you've inserted your own prejudice

What a complete crock......do you think I just jumped into a jet, never did the prop thing....you certainly are free with the assumptions and I would certainly refrain from making any assumptions about any predjudices I may or may not have......you are bordering on outright arrogance seeing you have never met either me or my son and the only character traits you may feel you have garnered about me are as a result of the my meanderings on this forum.

Your gross error is that you draw the conclusion that I am the one who assigned this pilot the name...

Must be pretty bored tonight to put this much effort into illiciting a response from me to the effect that I was the one who pinned the tail on the donkey.

The fact that there are A**holes in every facet of the pilot corp is acknowledged by all but it seems to bother some that my son knew this guy was not a major carrier pilot and that he buttonholed him as a Prop Jock.............well guys, that's tough, I make no apology for his description, or his opinion..he is entitled to it...like all of us....

Anyhow..I have had enough of this crap.....surely some of you people who are making a big issue out of a humerous incident can find more productive things to do...I know I can......and am going to do so.

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You don't get it, do you? Alternatively, you understand but are unwilling to acknowledge the possibility that you "mis-spoke".

There is no arrogance whatsopever in my observation that the remark was allegedly made because (emphasize "because") the offending pilot was NOT a pilot with one of the bigger carriers. That is a very suspect rationale.

And---as you well know----even if you're with a Regional, you aren't necessarily a "prop jock". I'm assuming your son is similarly so informed.

Hell, Kip. Why not just "bite the bullet" and concede; "Hey guys. Sorry. Didn't mean to give offence. I think my son may have just been characterizing any pilot who conducted themselves without class and courtesy as an employee of "Jackass Airlines." ?

Now that---that would have been funny AND inoffensive!!

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Holy crap people! Do you actually read what you are writing before hitting the "Add Reply" button? If Kip's choice of words in relating the story are getting you that riled up, then either you have absolutely nothing better to do, or someone has stolen your senses of humour! As CE said, lighten up people!

It is the exact same attitude that was reflected in the response to Picher; "You are NOT a mainline pilot. You have not "earned your wings". Go to the back of the line!!"

This isn't about humour; it's about prejudice.

There are a few state troopers who clothed themselves with capes and put cones on their heads and took photos. They thought it was all a joke and those few who objected were ostracized.

Explain the humour. 1) If a mainline (major carrier) pilot conducts himself/herself inappropriately, say nothing. 2) if a pilot with a "smaller airline" evidences arrogance, suggest he is employed by Jackass Airlines ---and generate a laugh.

What's the difference? Why wouldn't the comment be fairly directed at the major carrier pilot?

Bottom line----I think the line is humourous if directed without discrimination. No problem. You take exception to the recognition of discrimination.

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Hell, Kip. Why not just "bite the bullet" and concede; "Hey guys. Sorry. Didn't mean to give offence. I think my son may have just been characterizing any pilot who conducted themselves without class and courtesy as an employee of "Jackass Airlines." ?

Sorry, I'm not to that point in my life where I take offence to everything anyone says and have to point out that "the following comments are not meant to offend or belittle any pilot, person or character in the airline industry........I have boundaries but what was posted isn't even on the horizon.

..if you want to dissect the humour it and point fingers, feel free but if you think I'm going to apologize for what someone else said because it might just offend some really thin skinned pilots...well good luck.

This whole tangent in this thread is unbelievable...... blink.gif

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Using radio waves and gold particles to kill cancer----now THAT'S unbelievable !!

(I watched 60 Minutes after the Masters)

What the hey....I didn't persuade every Judge I appeared before either.

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