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Flu Shot? Awaaaaaay Off Topic But Important

Kip Powick

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Very well written. Two years ago, after having refused flu shots for-everrr, I contracted what has been described as influenza. I was not told any particular strain. But I had never been sicker in my life. Chest pains, dizziness, excretions from every-wherrrre...

I thought it was The Big One. Nope. "You've got the flu," after all kinds of tests, swabs, poking and prodding.

Later in the year, I related the episode to my CAME and he took some time to explain (his understanding of) the development of the annual serum. I won't go through that here, but he convinced me to have one that year, which I did. I don't know if it worked, but I was more concerned about side-effects. Last year as this year, no side-effects.

It will be interesting where this new investigation goes. CBC has had a lot of recent successes with various stories it has followed, the Budget Rental Agency in BC among the latest. (A scam I've been aware of for nearly 10 years as it was pulled on me in Mancester some time ago.)

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Given the theory of "seven degrees of separation", which these days, is more like "three degrees of separation", if there were 8,000 deaths annually from the flu in Canada, everyone would know at least a couple of people who died from the "epidemic / pandemic / insert other alarmist term here".

I don't know anyone who "died of the flu". Do you?

It's another reason to take what you see / read in the media with a healthy grain of salt.


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I always wondered about the true benefit of getting the flu shot until I got the flu one year. I've had colds and I've had bad colds and I've had mild cases of food poisoning and I've had some truly epic hangovers but I'd have to rate the flu as above all of them on the misery scale. I accept the reporter's assertion that the "flu" doesn't kill as many people as is advertised but does it prevent getting the flu is the question that concerns me, not whether it's a matter of life and death. I've always considered the "flu kills" statement really meant "flu kills immunocompromised individuals" and don't get the shot as a lifesaving measure but rather to avoid the misery of getting the flu even if it won't kill me.

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I've had one every year since they started giving them, no side effects that i can determine.

If you do get the flu shortly after the shot, it is not the shot that gave it to you, it takes 4-6 weeks for the vaccine to become effective, you were just unlucky to get the flu before the vaccine became effective.

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I'm with Seeker. I have had the full blown Flu and I can't remember feeling worse in my life and that includes having had Malaria.

I was out of action for two weeks. My wife followed and at one point I had to pick her up from the bathroom floor as her balance was affected.

Whenever I hear that some athlete has the Flu but will dress for the game my reaction is that he/she may have something but it is NOT Flu.

I believe a real danger from Flu is to those who already have a problem, particularly of a pulmonary nature or are just older and fragile. It may well be the final straw that reduces their ability to ride out their problems.

The vaccine is not a complete guarantee as the virus can be something of a moving target but if it can increase my odds of avoiding flu I will go for it.

Interestingly I believe that BC is requiring health car personell to get the shot unless there is a good reason not to.

Part of the rationale is that you can have the flu and be infectious before you really come down with it.

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The flu shot is a dead virus.


As the above points out, if you get the flu in or around the time of the shot its because you had already contracted the virus and had NOTHING to do with the shot.

Why would you NOT take something that may help you from catching it in the first place.. Refusal to protect oneself when help is available makes absolutely no sense In my opinion.

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