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Two TS Pax Flight Reports

Kip Powick

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No way!

CanadaEH...Please feel free to immediately go to another thread..it is not mandatory to read anything I post..;)

.Re - YUL – ADZ TS 128

First and foremost it is not my intention to infer that any flight I have been on, as a passenger, can be, or could be deemed as unsafe. Obviously the front end crew is qualified, otherwise they would not be there.

Ones opinion of the pointy end folks is probably based solely on what one hears (PAs), from the pilots. As well we, as customers, have to assume that the cabin crew is just as well qualified however, the passengers opinion about the cabin crew is normally based on what the passenger hears ………and sees.

Many of you know that I do harp on the quality of PAs especially from the pilots and I do so because due to the change in interaction between (pilots/pax) because of 911/security, etc., and these 'forced upon us changes' results in the fact that the customer has little, if any, personal contact with the flight crew…….and personally I think that is very sad. The only way pilots have of interacting with the paying customer is through the PA system and, believe it or not, passenger opinions of the professionalism of the crew are based on what is heard………… and what is not heard during this very limited interaction.

There were no problems in YUL with check-in baggage handling or security. It was actually quite smooth, but then again there weren't that many people at the airport at 4:00am. !!

On board there was a PA from the flight deck but it was difficult to understand and for the most part was not very informative. ( The AME's may know why but it would seem that in many cases PAs made while the aircraft is on the ground, (A310), seem to be very weak, with respect to volume and clarity).

The PAs from the Flight Director were very poor. It would seem that this fellows attitude was one of indifference and his haste to get off the mic was very evident. He basically parroted the limited info from the Flight Deck….altitude and time enroute. His attitude did not change during the entire flight and it was almost impossible to catch what he was saying as he rushed through his monotone PAs…. although he did have good command of the English language. One of the most annoying issues was the FD explanation on how to fill in a Colombian Customs and Immigration card..The card is only written in English and Spanish………so the FD got on the PA and spent at least 10 minutes explaining, in French, how to fill out the card for the unilingual Francophones. I wouldn't have a problem with that except for these two facts;

- all the time he was on the PA the movie was running but obviously no sound. In all the aircraft I have been in the movie normally "pauses" while the onboard PA system is being used. In this case the movie had a very complicated plot and each time the PA was turned on, either from the FD or the pilots, the movie kept running and remember all PAs were done in two languages.

- It was reported to TS twice in previous pax comments that the company should run off some paper translations of the document and hand the translation paper out to those that can not read Spanish or English. The papers could be collected and reused and the FD could stay off the PA.

The first time I noticed the movie running while the PA was being used I mentioned it to our FA…she said she would check it out and let me know….she never came back.

There is no point in narrating specific things that did not enhance this flight nor induce one to think highly of the TS operation except to say that this was a turn-around flight and I can only imagine the quality of service on the return flight to Canada. This entire crew projected an attitude of indifference and that they wished they were anywhere other than on that aircraft.

Re - ADZ – YUL TS 129

A great flight !!! The front end had their game plan up and running, the cabin crew was terrific. The PA's from the front were excellent, great information and the Captain on the PA projected a great attitude…………bear in mind that this was the return flight…these guys/gals had been up since, probably 4:00am, had flown down to ADZ and were now going to do another 5 hour leg back to YUL.PA's from the Cabin Crew were clear concise, friendly, and informative. The young lady projected a very professional and happy attitude and that attitude prevailed for the duration of the flight. Let's face it, we were leaving +92F and going back to 0C with a mixture of snow and rain forecast……no one was happy to leave paradise and head back to Canada. A happy crew took the sting out of leaving and having to endure a 5 hour flight in a pressurized tube and the thought of the Customs/Immigration lineups and digging ones car out of a snow bank ….in the dark !!!……

The onboard service was well done and I know that all the folks sitting around us were very happy with the flight.We had about a 20 minute hold at YUL as only one runway was being used due to snow/sleet/slush removal but we were well briefed on why we were in the hold.The only negative issue was arrival at the gate…. The jet-way would not move, (YUL had had freezing rain /sleet etc for a few hours prior to our landing). Naturally there are those that are in a big hurry to get out of the "tube" so many were crunched in the aisle….

Unfortunately we were close to 15 minutes waiting before there was a PA from the Flight Deck explaining what was the problem…in this case I think an earlier PA was warranted. The jet-way got to us in about 20 minutes.


In this day and age with all the Security issues the interaction between employees and passengers has been severely restricted and in my opinion that is not a good thing. We all can remember the days of kids in the Flight Deck, pilots wandering back and chatting with the paying customers, the smooth and fun interaction with ALL the FAs and the general feeling of having a good time on a long flight.That part of the airline operation appears to be almost lost…………. but not totally lost and it behooves the front line employees to step back and do some soul searching and ascertain how they can improve, not only their in-flight operation but also make the customer want to fly on their airline.I have almost finished an article entitled.. "Mould On The Gold" which explains what I feel has disappeared with respect to interaction, between not only flight/cabin crews and the passengers, but also the decline in the overall relationship between members of the front line operations.

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Hi Kip!

In all fairness, I reread your report and subsequently deleted my above post as it was evidently wrong. I read into something that wasn't there. That's what happens when you read diagonally... Sorry "bout that!

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Hi Kip!

In all fairness, I reread your report and subsequently deleted my above post as it was evidently wrong. I read into something that wasn't there. That's what happens when you read diagonally... Sorry "bout that!

Not a problem......I have deleted my reply to you...this should really confuse anyone who reads the thread.....:Grin-Nod: :Grin-Nod:

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'salright Mav, I got to read it all before they deleted it... My memory is pretty suspect, but I think it went something like this:

G- But K, I thought you loved us?

K- Of course I love you G, but we shouldn't be talking about that in public!


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You are correct to harp on the interation between Pax and crew. The crew (cabin and front end) are the face of the company. These are the people who shape the opinions of the passengers. Same goes for gate agents. That pressurized tube could be flying around with a generator on MEL or some other maintenance issue but the public has no idea about that and the flight is fine and the pax are happy. But one FA with a bur in his/her shorts can ruin the entire experience.

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