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Monday's Stupidity

Kip Powick

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I think it's a good thing Kip. Someone should keep them honest. I don't often pay much attention to advertising of any sort, but I'm sure at some level I'm hearing their claims... after all, we know money is spent studying the psychology of advertising ...so it seems to me a bit of a relief to know their claims have to have some validity.

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there must be some pretty gullible people out there is they believe only 10% of the adds on TV and in the paper......really Oil of Olay is going to rejuvenate your skin???

Thank goodness for the "mute" button on TV and I only read news..not the adds in the paper. I can't believe that the legal system would even waste their time on this garbage. mad.gif

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The Lawyers are the ones making all the money. Of course they will waste their time because time is money.

And the Lawyers are the only winners again.

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I think it's a good thing Kip. Someone should keep them honest. I don't often pay much attention to advertising of any sort, but I'm sure at some level I'm hearing their claims... after all, we know money is spent studying the psychology of advertising ...so it seems to me a bit of a relief to know their claims have to have some validity.

I agree, and I would like to know why certain auto manufacturers are getting away with claiming some really outrageous fuel economy on their vehicles lately. Tonight, I saw on a billboard a GM Equinox that they claim is getting 1100 kms per tank. Other SUV's claim mid 40's mpg. Not in a million years, and I think they should be taken to task. It's not just misleading, it's outright lies!

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How Many on here drive German Cars?

I used to keep a running total of roadside breakdowns I would pass on the highway. VW was so far out in front I lost count of the others.

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Tonight, I saw on a billboard a GM Equinox that they claim is getting 1100 kms per tank. Other SUV's claim mid 40's mpg. Not in a million years, and I think they should be taken to task. It's not just misleading, it's outright lies!

Yes and no.....I base my answer on my knowledge of MPG with a boat and a boat's performance.

For Example.....there are photos, by the maker, of my model of boat up on plane and yes, it can do it...with only one person, (naked), at the helm and no other accessories on/in the boat. In reality my boat would only get on plane if it had a Titan strapped to it.

The same can be said for cars and their milage claims...under IDEAL conditions with a well tuned motor and "Twiggy" driving, probably on a downhill slope etc, the milage claims can be substantiated.

The problem with advertising is that "the masses" tend to believe what they read, see, and hear. That is not saying that one must be a pessimist about everything but in my opinion common knowledge and common sense seems to have taken a holiday when many people take written adds and TV adds as the gospel.

The biggest boondoggle is the billion dollar cosmetic industry where women are sucked into believing that if they use a particular cream they will look like the 20-30 year old models that are flogging the stuff.

As I tell Scuba 02 when I see her applying her make-up.."takes a little more crack filler every year, doesn't it dear" and, bless her soul, she is smart enough to realize there is no "wonder" cosmetic that will take her back to her 30's.

Unfortunately many people put their faith in what an advertisement is intending to sell them whereas I look at all advertising with rather a skeptical eye.

As PT Barnum is rerported to have said , "there is one ........ wink.gif

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Guest rattler

I agree, and I would like to know why certain auto manufacturers are getting away with claiming some really outrageous fuel economy on their vehicles lately.  Tonight, I saw on a billboard a GM Equinox that they claim is getting 1100 kms per tank.  Other SUV's claim mid 40's mpg.  Not in a million years, and I think they should be taken to task.  It's not just misleading, it's outright lies!

Regarding the 1100kms on a tank of gas, probably quite accurate as any vehicle with a large enough fuel tank could do the same. tongue.gif

However, it does seem that there are lies and damn lies when it comes to mileage.

My 11 year old Toyota still gets (actual measured mileage) between 44 and 46MPG on our trips from YYC - YVR. (and yes that is at +5 to +10 over the posted speed limit). Imperial gallons of course. So when folks ask me if I am going to purchase a more fuel efficient vehicle, they are hard pressed to come up with one.

The UK has an interesting site.


The department of energy in the US also has a site that supplies MPG numbers

http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/ratings2008.shtml Just remember though that their numbers are based on the smaller US Gallon

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It also has mainly to do with how one drives.

The car I currently drive advertised 46mpg(imperial) when I bought it new. Out of the box, I would average about 45mpg on the hwy.

Now that it's five years old, I baby it with synthetic lubricants(since new), maintain it as if I were Mitch, and drive it conservatively.

Last road trip, with my wife, two kids, and a trunk full of suitcases, air conditioning on, it averaged 43.4mpg. That is for an 1100km trip, constantly on cruise at 105-110kph.

So in my opinion, the advertising isn't far off, you just have to lose the 'Zoom, Zoom' factor.


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Guest rattler

Article on Fuel Economy ..

Jay Leno's Top 12 Eco and Alt-Fuel Columns

Jay Leno certainly enjoys his collector cars with some serious horsepower under the hood, but he has had an eye on environmentally friendly transportation technologies since he began writing for Popular Mechanics 10 years ago. In his earliest columns, Jay described the birth of the electric car and later, how to practice environmentally responsible auto maintenance. Jay has discussed the virtues of ethanol, hydrogen and even steam power. And several years ago, he converted his 20,000 sq-ft garage to run on solar and wind power. Most recently, Jay partnered with GM to develop a biodiesel-powered supercar that could theoretically top 240 mph. Here's a look at Jay's best alternative-fuel and eco-friendly columns and the stories behind some of Jay's most radical green machines.


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How Many on here drive German Cars?

I used to keep a running total of roadside breakdowns I would pass on the highway. VW was so far out in front I lost count of the others.

And yet you come to a country like Nigeria nad all you see is VW's in various states of complete disrepair still motoring up and down the roads all grossly overloaded icon_question.gif

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My dear old '99 Suburban diesel get's 1100 km per tank... 154 litres... But Kip.... if that floating mansion of yours has a planing hull, then if you can't get her to plane you just haven't got enough ponies! ...if we could strap a cf6-50 to her, we could get her up on the plane in no time! biggrin.gif

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How Many on here drive German Cars?

I used to keep a running total of roadside breakdowns I would pass on the highway. VW was so far out in front I lost count of the others.

Specs, you must be meaning years ago, in the age of the old bug, no? My impression is that German engineering is among the finest! ... and in fact, the old Beetle was a dear old "people's car" that was far ahead of it's time. Beautifully engineered simplicity of function. Fixing 'em was an absolute breeze... But you saw lot's on the roadside because people who couldn't afford to maintain them were the ones who owned them.

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There are also alot of VWs on the road that have over 300,000 kms accumulated. It's more likely that they will have problems eventually when that happens. Most North American cars are in the scrap yard by then.

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Specs, you must be meaning years ago, in the age of the old bug, no? My impression is that German engineering is among the finest! ... and in fact, the old Beetle was a dear old "people's car" that was far ahead of it's time. Beautifully engineered simplicity of function. Fixing 'em was an absolute breeze... But you saw lot's on the roadside because people who couldn't afford to maintain them were the ones who owned them.

Try it yourself Mitch.

I stopped counting after passing a new style beetle on fire somewhere between Trenton and Brighton.

Even today - Dad's got an 2006 VW. His mileage must be <10k / yr and he only gets it serviced at the dealer. It's a freaking nightmare. Engine light keeps coming on. They change or reset the reset the indicated culprit and 3 or 4 days later - bing - there it is again. Nothing but runaround after runaround from the Autohaus since May. This weekend he brings it over for something new (with eng light on again) - Interior lights wont come on. No wonder the freaking things catch on fire.

German cars are about image and perceived comfort. Strip away the marketing and the aura - from a reliabilty and maint cost POV, they're worse than an RJ 100.

(You're probably right about the old VWs. )

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My dear old '99 Suburban diesel get's 1100 km per tank... 154 litres... But Kip.... if that floating mansion of yours has a planing hull, then if you can't get her to plane you just haven't got enough ponies! ...if we could strap a cf6-50 to her, we could get her up on the plane in no time! biggrin.gif


Are you finally admitting that fans are for boats????? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Are you the one to blame for that????  tongue.gif

I wouldn't blame him for that...

Much like ARMAC, RES 3, and now STREAMLINE, it was just another example of how a basic framework was purchased without the perepherals to make it work.

Then, even more money is spent to try and come up with patches.....


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