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Any behavioral psychologists in the crowd?

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Are airline employees more competitive than others? If so, why do you suppose that is? Are there Mining Company forums out there where employees of competing companies trade barbs and trash talk each other?

Why do so many people so readily resort to nastiness and personal attack with people they don't even know, for the sake of a disagreement?

Is it tribal behavior? Are we all that easily triggered into a primal response? Is it that, for some reason, pilots might be more competitive? (two of the most most frequent protagonists here are not pilots, so that doesn't seem likely)

Why do people here seem to frequently choose to attack the author when they disagree with the content of the post?

whusgoinon? huh.gif

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...Is it tribal behavior? Are we all that easily triggered into a primal response? ....

I call it thinking from the groin.

It kind of reminds me of a bunch of kids discussing if Ford or Mopar is better.

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Your thought process has become very...... different since you went on "Days". 

I must say I've been feeling very...... different, since I've been on "Days" as well. biggrin.gif

... there's been a gradual clearing of the fog in my brain. ... and my mind has been going places I haven't been for a long time. I almost feel like a puppy dog playing in the water for the very first time. laugh.gifbiggrin.gifblink.gifph34r.gif

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It kind of reminds me of a bunch of kids discussing if Ford or Mopar is better.

Ya, but from the sort of kids... not the ones who trash talk with a grin or a laugh, but from the ones who do it with fists clenched.

Why it seems to show up here so regularly is puzzling.

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Guest rattler

Mitch the following is from a site that probably is not one you visit. Arthritis Society of Canada (not a likely site for this type of information but ) cool.gif

I have not posted the complete infomation here as the table does not display correctly

How you communicate with others is sometimes defined by psychologists according to patterns of interpersonal behaviour, that is, either passive, aggressive or assertive.

Assertive vs Passive and Agressive Behaviour

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Thanks for that Rattler, but describing the behavior and labeling it doesn't really offer me any better an understanding of it... or why some might be more inclined toward one behavioral pattern over another in these circumstances.

I guess the point of the question was really to suggest we all have a look... doing so might yield positive results, who knows?...

It's also a genuine interest... I usually find human behavior interesting, and often the roots of it can be intriguing to puzzle through.

I'm pretty certain there are a lot of us here who'd prefer to see much less of what Fido calls "thinking from the groin". Yet even those who prefer civility are occasionally drawn into the aggressive-competitive-tribal scat.

I wonder if it's something that results from our workplaces or profession, or perhaps something in our character that's coincident with whatever other traits we may share that got us into this field, or is it just as likely to occur anywhere else?

Is the frequency here just a result of the competitive environment airline employees in Canada are dealing with? ...I dunno....

Anyway, if asking these questions produces even a slight tempering of nasty spirit it's worth doing. smile.gif

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Are airline employees more competitive than others? If so, why do you suppose that is? Are there Mining Company forums out there where employees of competing companies trade barbs and trash talk each other?

Why do so many people so readily resort to nastiness and personal attack with people they don't even know, for the sake of a disagreement?

Is it tribal behavior? Are we all that easily triggered into a primal response? Is it that, for some reason, pilots might be more competitive? (two of the most most frequent protagonists here are not pilots, so that doesn't seem likely)

Why do people here seem to frequently choose to attack the author when they disagree with the content of the post?

whusgoinon? huh.gif

I don't have a clue what your talking about but, regardless, I think your wrong and a weak kneed, pinko communist ta boot! biggrin.gif

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I don't have a clue what your talking about but, regardless, I think your wrong and a weak kneed, pinko communist ta boot! biggrin.gif


Since we're in the mood for some friendly slagging...

I will have to humbly assume that upon purchase of your computer, Grammar Check was offered as a factory option and priced in such a manner so as to exceed the depth of your meager purse. (Contents of such purse no doubt having been squandered on wine, women and song.)

On the other hand, perhaps your computer is indeed equipped with just such a program and you merely lack the INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY to find and/or operate it. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

There, that feels better. wink.gif


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Since we're in the mood for some friendly slagging...

[blah, blah, blah]

There, that feels better. wink.gif


Ah, come on Great Slave. Give the guy a break. He didn't use the word "irregardless"... that should give him a few points at least!! laugh.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.gif


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Why it seems to show up here so regularly is puzzling.

It's the nature of the beast - Anonymity?

Having spent more than a few evenings in the tavern with competitors I've yet to see fisticuffs break out even at the worst of times. Nothing but respect and lots of laffs.

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Here's my take on this.

It truly is a different world for airline workers who joined the 2 major companies in the 60's-early 80's. It was a good era for airlines and each group were loyal to their company. We came to work on time, stayed late if we had to and gave good return for our monies earned.

Then came the down turn in profits of the 80's and some lay-offs started. The 90's were more prosperous but our management had to become more indifferent to the employees. The employees started feeling like they were less of a family but more like just a number. Perhaps some of us resented having Americans CEO's run the company.

More lay-offs came and in some bases that resulted in inferior service. Us old employees felt that the passengers weren't being looked after properly because they were waiting on the Reservation lines for 20 minutes or in a line at the airport. Some of us thought "If the company doesn't care , why should we!"

My biggest eye opener though was transferring to the airport. OTP was a big issue in the 90's and neither group (Rampies or CSSA's) wanted to take the blame for a delayed flight. While the majority of Rampies were true gentlemen , there were a few times we went head to head. As a woman it can be intimidating when this guy is in your face yelling at you. But it took about a year and I could cuss and return insults with the best of them. Once I learned how to deal with the "mans world" everytihing worked smoothly. And I'm proud to admit I never cried!

My husband worked with AC and then moved on after a number of years. His comment was "I can't believe the verbal abuse that we all dished out to each other and it was taken in good fun. If I said the same things to the women in my office, I'd be up on harassement charges."

So I really do think we are a different breed. We need thick skins, a sense of humour , patience and loyalty in that no matter what the odds are against us - we'll get the job done! JMO

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It's the nature of the beast - Anonymity?

That is probably 90% of the puzzle. It is so easy to say anything when there is no accountability. I belong to about 5 forums, three are required to use your real name...one really thinks about what one posts prior to hitting that last key.

Here??? user posted image

I know many of the anonymous posters and everyonce in awhile I am shocked at the individuals post because based on what I do know about the individual I wouldn't have expected that type of post and I have to always ask myself if they would have said that if they had to attach their real name to the post ......

Oh by the way...another cross for me to bear...TS has just announced that the "free" weight allotment for scuba gear is being decreased from 30KG per person to 20KGs. Neat eh...... when you consider that IF I was going to take a tank with me, and it is on the acceptable list on the TS website, the tank alone could weigh 17-19KG depending on the type valve and whether it was aluminum or steel. Snot-gram fired off to TS this afternoon.user posted image

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Since we're in the mood for some friendly slagging...

I will have to humbly assume that upon purchase of your computer, Grammar Check was offered as a factory option and priced in such a manner so as to exceed the depth of your meager purse. (Contents of such purse no doubt having been squandered on wine, women and song.)

On the other hand, perhaps your computer is indeed equipped with just such a program and you merely lack the INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY to find and/or operate it.

Actually, I don't think I have a grammar check on my computer and if I do...don't know how to use it. But maybe you can help me out. I'm try to send a letter to a aviation friend and I want to grammar check it first. Can you do this for me and send it back for me. Thanks Greatslave I really appreciate. Here it is.

Hello intellectual friend. I was wondering what happened one day when I wrote a response to a forum member and you responded. At first I thought you were just lost but then I realized that somehow you maneuvered your tight little 27 *ss in front of my jumbo apparatus. Now I don't want to damage your empennage but if you keep on shakin that little thing in front of this big boy you’re going to get sore. biggrin.gif

Just havin fun. wink.gif

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It's the nature of the beast - Anonymity?

I do think that anonymity plays a big part in the slagging, but on the other hand, there are also many people who do not abuse their anonymity.

Mitch, you may have missed this section in the article that Rattler referred to:

The underlying belief system of an aggressive person: "I have to put others down to protect myself. "

Basically, schoolyard bullies that haven't outgrown the need to put others down to boost their own self esteem. Anonymity is just the vehicle that allows them to get away with it as adults.

Personally, I can't imagine wishing any ill on another person just because they work for another company, but maybe that's because of all the years I've spent sleeping with the "enemy". laugh.gif

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There's no doubt that anonymity plays a part, but I frequent some other non-aviation forums (yes I do have a life outside of aviation!) where many posters are anonymous, but I rarely see the level of heat that we see here or on PPRuNe.

I think some of it is environmental, so to speak. Commercial aviation tends to be all consuming for many participants. That level of involvement often breeds a deep sense of pride. Sometimes that pride brings out the defensive side in people, and next thing you know, the verbal hand grenades start flying across the cyber-fence.



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I think some of it is environmental, so to speak. Commercial aviation tends to be all consuming for many participants. That level of involvement often breeds a deep sense of pride.

So what you're saying is that pilots have big egos? laugh.gif

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Guest rattler

There's no doubt that anonymity plays a part, but I frequent some other non-aviation forums (yes I do have a life outside of aviation!) where many posters are anonymous, but I rarely see the level of heat that we see here or on PPRuNe.

I think some of it is environmental, so to speak. Commercial aviation tends to be all consuming for many participants. That level of involvement often breeds a deep sense of pride. Sometimes that pride brings out the defensive side in people, and next thing you know, the verbal hand grenades start flying across the cyber-fence.



Avcanada makes this forum seem very tame indeed.

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Hello intellectual friend.  I was wondering what happened one day when I wrote a response to a forum member and you responded.  At first I thought you were just lost but then I realized that somehow you maneuvered your tight little 27 *ss in front of my jumbo apparatus.  Now I don't want to damage your empennage but if you keep on shakin that little thing in front of this big boy you’re going to get sore. biggrin.gif

Just havin fun. wink.gif


My response was merely an attempt to defend my argueably weakkneed and ever so hairy friend biggrin.gif and then you go and start hurling around anatomical aviation analogies. (It's a tight little 37 *ss by the way.) I'll wager that you have a reputation for wearing a large watch, Raybans and Buzz LightYear Pj's... all at the same time. Say hi to your Mom for me wink.gif .

In retrospect, Mitch works for AC and both of us do not. In keeping with the spirit of the thread, I suppose that we should both be picking on him. smile.gif


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My response was merely an attempt to defend my argueably weakkneed and ever so hairy friend biggrin.gif and then you go and start hurling around anatomical aviation analogies. (It's a tight little 37 *ss by the way.) I'll wager that you have a reputation for wearing a large watch, Raybans and Buzz LightYear Pj's... all at the same time. Say hi to your Mom for me wink.gif .

In retrospect, Mitch works for AC and both of us do not. In keeping with the spirit of the thread, I suppose that we should both be picking on him. smile.gif


Na, I'm just entertaining myself. She say's hi back! biggrin.gif

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