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Not aviation related at all... 3 guppies

Mitch Cronin

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This story is still evolving, but it's reached a point where I want to tell it... ...and sometimes even us aviation freaks need to put our mind on other things. biggrin.gif

About four weeks ago, my son asked if he could have a few guppies our neighbor's son wanted to give him. Their tank was apparently full of baby guppies and my son had wanted to replace a goldfish that died a long time ago, ever since.

Mrs. Mitch agreed, so my son came home with three guppies in a goldfish bowl.

After a few days, it was evident the guppies weren't going to be happy in that little thing, so Mrs. Mitch took the little son of a Mitch off to the local pet store and bought a ten gallon fish tank, a pump, and some stuff to make it look nice.... I dutifully assembled the bits and pieces when they got it home, and after setting it up on the lad's dresser, we thought all would be well...

The next day, Mrs. Mitch reports that our son claims there are only two guppies... "One's just hiding" I said... an hour or so later, my son comes to tell me one guppy is definitely AWOL! ...so I look.... I'll be darned! There are only two guppies! Where'd the other one go? They're too small to eat each other... he's not on the floor... he's not on the dresser anywhere... he's definitely not in the flippin' tank!??... "He must be in the filter!" Says the boy.... "No.o.o.ooo, he's too small to get in there... isn't he?" ...So I lift the filter up off the tank, and sure enough, there on the "media" side of the container, at the bottom of the stack of filter stuff, is the little guppy... still squirming!

I set the little fella free and he lives to this day... He's named Nemo, of course. Only, this guy actually made it through the impeller!

I think it was only a day or so later, that my son and his Mom decided the tank made his room too crowded, so they headed off to the fish store to buy a stand, so they could move it to the living room... they came home with a nice stand, and 4 more fish.... a couple catfish like things, and 2 "African Zebra Pearl Fish" (little, thin, grey guys with white stripes)... A day or so later, when I asked why they hadn't gone for something more colourful, they said they were told they couldn't get any of the "pretty fish" because they didn't have a heater.... I should have shut up, but I didn't... Off they go, back to the fish store to buy a heater and some brighter fish.

This time they came home with two algae eaters, and a pair of "Platty's"... one a "sunburst" (yellow and orange), and the other a "tri-colour" (white, black and orange)... that one was fat. ... pregnant, it turned out. Within a few days we had 18 little wee baby Platty's... or "fry" as I've learned they're called....

Well, heck... that 10 gallon tank just wouldn't do for all those fish!

So then it was my turn.... I headed out to the fish store this time... I won't say how much it cost me, but I'm sick when I think about how much we've spent in the past month overall... on just three guppies. ....and when I returned with the 65 gallon tank, a stand, a filter, and all the odds and ends to fill it and make it look nice, I found myself promising to stop buying rum for about 20 weeks to pay for it. sad.gif

...so now, we have a 65 gallon tank downstairs, with eighteen little platty's, a pair of neon tetra's (we bought 6, but 4 died overnight) and a single African Zebra Pearl fish (the other one died)... we have the 10 gallon tank upstairs, with two Platty's, two bottom dwellers (the catfish like things), two wall dwellers (the algae eaters)... and of course, the three guppies.... and I'm back off the rum.

Three guppies eh? Amazing what change they can bring! laugh.gifbiggrin.gif

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...so now, we have a 65 gallon tank downstairs, with eighteen little platty's, a pair of neon tetra's (we bought 6, but 4 died overnight) and a single African Zebra Pearl fish (the other one died)... we have the 10 gallon tank upstairs, with two Platty's, two bottom dwellers (the catfish like things), two wall dwellers (the algae eaters)... and of course, the three guppies....

But they are all fresh water fish. Have you looked into a salt water set-up? laugh.gif

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Speaking from experience, stay away from platys. They will give you nothing but headaches, unless your local purveyor of live fish can get you nothing but males or females.

Good luck with the big tank. It's a good way of spending an afternoon when you have to clean the mother tongue.gif

Iceman laugh.gif

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Mitch, I think you've been royally scammed. Do you think maybe the mother of the kid who gave your son the "free" fish made him get rid of them because she knew what 3 guppies might lead to? laugh.gif

On the other hand, I firmly believe that when it's all over, one will never regret making investments in their kids lives. It may only cause him momentary joy, or who knows, it may lead to a brilliant and lucrative career as a veterinarian, either way, it's worth it. Heck, maybe I should have bought some fish for my kids instead of taking them for all those airplane rides! wink.gif

I would also like to pay tribute to the truly commendable sacrifice you were willing to make, so as to allow your son the valuable life lesson of experiencing the deaths of all these pet fish. However, I think it's a pretty steep price for any father to pay, and in the spirit of the AEF family, I think we should all pool our resources, and make donations to the "Save the Rum Fund". laugh.gif

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I don't know much about fish but why the alert on staying away from Platys? What type of fish are they etc?

Ever since my dear Bubbles died in 1966 and the tank was sold off very quickly by my parents , I've always wanted another. There is something so peaceful and calming when you sit back and just watch. Unless of course you've got a couple of cats who are equally intrigued by the fish and a husband who puts his foot down emphatically!

Of course , I'd love to have some birds , a Jersey cow, couple of horses, a few more dogs and that damn elusive motorcycle !

A boring day at AEF ? Maybe but sometimes these posts are just plain entertaining and remind us that there is more in our lives than dealing with work related issues that most of us can't resolve anyway. At least without a huge amount of stress.

We're all lucky that Mitch leads such an interesting life and is willing to share it with us...

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Platys are cute, very colorful and very prolific.

We had them for the first while and the females kept dropping dead from exhaustion because they were always pregnant.

I don't remember what we have now, I'll have to ask the better looking half, but they are just as hardy, just as interesting to watch, but don't breed easily.

As well, we have a shrimp to help keep the tank clean. He is the most fun and interesting to watch overall.

Love the fish, just like watching a fire in the fireplace in the winter. The random motions seem to put you into that wonderful alpha state, and they always come up with something new to amuse you.


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Neons are very sensitive to water climate, for all fish in a new tank, you should allow the water to age about a week, yes they sell these fancy chemicals for new water, but the not so hardy fish will still suffer.

I do suggest that you get a plecostamus(pleco) they eat algae and other stuffs, but will not attack the fish, some algae eaters will attack the fish, a small cat fish is a good item also.

For lighting, if you are using standard bulbs, try a slight blue tint ones, they produce less algae, if you are using flouresant, I believe they sell ones that produce less algae also.

A good filter is essential, for a 65 gallon and Aqua clear will do fine, for bigger tanks, a Fluval or Eheim is recommended.I have heard about these new membrane filters that use a live bacteria, they are supposed to be amazing but very expensive ohmy.gif

I always preferred the large gravel as it was easier to clean.

You do realize that this becomes addictive, from tetras, it will go to ghouramis(sp) to Bards to Cichlids, and eventually everyone gets an OSCAR.Oscars start off about the size of a quarter, but will get close to a pound in a few years, I had one that was well over a pound when he finaly passed. sad.gif

Cichlids have always been my favorite, but remember, you can not mix African with North American, the African Cichlids will kick the hell out of the North American. Have fun biggrin.gif

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Geez Mitch,

Maybe Dubya'd let you have this one for your tank...


But take it from me, do NOT switch over to salt water. You'll need a second job to pay for the fish - you'll never afford Appleton's as well!


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Sheesh!... everything from a big fish fry, biggrin.gif ...to donations for rum cool26.gif ...

to plans for new buggers...

Iceman... Right on. It's almost like meditation, isn't it?... So Platys are prolific are they... and I've already got 20 of 'em! ...hmmmm...

Newgirl... "such an interesting life"?? ...these are fish... in a tank... Suddenly I remember one of my brothers having a hot date with some girl.. they were trading stamps... wasn't you, was it? wink.gif

... you must have me confused with someone else... I'm the guy who never gets out anywhere, and any time anything interesting comes along to break the doldrums, I seem to run back here and blab about it ... If I've somehow made my life sound interesting, I've done far too much blabbing. tongue.gif

Thanks Rob... I'll have a look at a plecostomous(?)... I think the filter I have is alright.. it's a great big monster with a pair of "bio-wheels" on it... ? I dunno, maybe they just sold me the one they thought (knew) I could get sucked into buying?

I've heard about the expense of salt water geezers... sounds like the domain of rich folk to me... like all those pilots making 500 grand a year flying 3 hours a month... laugh.gif

Cheers Folks,


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On a similar vein, this story reminds of the guy in our office who needed a new amp for his stereo. He buys what's out there and asks me what all the inputs/outputs are on the back...I said most likely for "surround sound". He asks, "what's that?", I say "it's a multi channel sound track found on DVD's to give you that theatre effect right in your own home." He say's "I've got some old speakers in the basement....". The next day he's not so happy as he jury rigged some old speakers up to the new amp and when he popped in the Star Wars DVD with the THX opening it blew the speaker right off the wall. Now he's off to the store to get more speakers and he's into it now for over $800. While he's there he's catching on to the whole home theatre thing and buys a woppin' big TV too. So the $250 amp has now cost him close to $3000. Then he asks me what HDTV is...I didn't have the heart to tell him. ohmy.gif

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