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Laptop advice

Kip Powick

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Those of you who followed my exploits in Cuba realize that my laptop blew its screen. I found that to replace the screen would cost me $948.00 plus installation and being a relatively cheap ex aviator I decided to splurge the extra $$$ and go for a new laptop

I need something that does not have all the bells and whistles on it as I use it primarily for word processing and running a Nav program, with GPS connected, on my boat. I have been looking at a Dell 1150 but am open to advice. Would like to stay under $1500.00

Also, my old laptop OS was Win 98 and my desktop is Win2KPro. I use AJC Sync to move stuff between the computers and am wondering if XP Home or XP Pro is what I should use.

Any thoughts would be appreciated and I really don't need this thing to go "on line" so that is not an important factor.

Thanks in advance

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I love my company Dell D505, which I've had for 1 1/2 yrs without a single hiccup. As for the OS, I'll defer to the techno geeks out there. XP Pro works well for me on the laptop, and I have the XP Media Centre edition on my PC at home, which is great for managing TV, music, photos and video files.

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I see on e-Bay there is a couple of Dell 1150s brand new still in box. Currently going for $590.00-620.00US

N Hilliard

Yeh, just watched one go for 730.00USD plus 65.00USD shipping and Insurance so that puts it at about 995.00CDN but not sure about Customs and such. Have a son living in US...I'll let him buy one if it looks good.

Fun to watch the bids takeoff with just seconds left !!!!!

Lots of good deals on EBay wink.gif

EDIT... Rec'd an email from a fellow who gave me some links to check. Wow...in the US I can get a Brand new screen for $285.00 USD. at a Computer parts shop or a used one with a few scuff marks on E-Bay for $89.00USD

Far cry from the $900.00+ I was quoted by the manufacturer, What to do---what to do ...

Do Not Disturb...cheap pilot thinking dry.gif

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Unless your in a corporate networked environment, XP Professional is a waste of money.

I beg to differ. XP Pro has some advantages over its scaled down counterpart. The one feature I use most that home does not have is the remote desktop feature which allows me to use my computer from anywhere as if I were sitting at it.

I have used Pro since the very beginning. I do not like the watered down verrsions that Microsloth likes to make for all of their products. For me it is all or nothing.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally...I am once more "connected".

Compaq Presario V2010US - WinXP Home - 1.6Ghz - 60g HardDrive and I have gone "wireless"...oweeeahoooe !!!

Got it on sale as it is a 2004 model, new out out the box. Neighbours son who works at a "store" got it for me.

Color me happy-happy-happy.........

Sure easy to transfer files between the Desktop and the Laptop when wireless and am really impressing SWMBO when I set it down next to the dinnner table !!! (just kiddin)

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Got my folks a cisco/lynksys wireless router for their lap-top. If anyone has one of the beastes how do I secure the link. When they connect, the system status box says it is unlocked. Somebody in the neighbourhood also has a wireless router. I can see it, but theirs is locked. Is my parents system locked to them, and encrypted only to ours.


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It has to be done during the setup process. Look for the term WEP on the setup page. The manual that's on the CD with the Linksys router should explain how to make the network secure. Go for the highest level of security available.

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J.O. a little advise please

Just bought a wired router but still in box. I wanted the extra protection and to be able to access the internet with my laptop. Would I be better off getting a wireless? thanks for any input


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Wireless is merely a convenience if you want to move your computer from room to room. If you are always going to be using your laptop at the same location, a router that is hardwired in is fine and security is not an issue. A hard wired router is not accessible to others.

If you have a desktop and a laptop, a wireless router will give you the option of having the desktop always connected to the Net and being able to take the laptop anywhere in the house and still be connected to the Net. It also allows you the option of transferring data between the two computers without a cable connection.

The new wireless routers have security features built into them and it is just a matter of "turning on" the features when they are installed. (see JO's post above)

Hope that helps wink.gif

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Hi Kip:

I got a laugh from reading this. You started off with, "I need something that does not have all the bells and whistles on it," and "I really don't need this thing to go "on line" so that is not an important factor." You end up with a new razzle-dazzle wireless machine! The same thing always happens to me too. I start off planning to buy a used PDA and end up with a new notebook. I plan to rent the subcompact and end up with the SUV. Why do we deceive ourselves? laugh.gif


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Hi Kip:

I got a laugh from reading this. You started off with, "I need something that does not have all the bells and whistles on it," and "I really don't need this thing to go "on line" so that is not an important factor." You end up with a new razzle-dazzle wireless machine! The same thing always happens to me too. I start off planning to buy a used PDA and end up with a new notebook. I plan to rent the subcompact and end up with the SUV. Why do we deceive ourselves? laugh.gif


laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif It's because pilots are like Magpies or Whiskey Jacks... can't resist new shiny gizmos! biggrin.gif

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Rationalizing Now - - Rationalizing Now --- Rationalizing Now

Well a "fellow" convinced me that it was easier to swap files between the computers if one went "wireless" and the new machine came with all the wireless voodoo magic in it so all I needed was a router and instead of buying a $20.00 cable I felt it was better to spend $60.00 on a new router and Scuba 02 said "Do what you want" and the wireless router is "new" and has a cute antennae and it was easy to set up and Scuba 02 was buying cause it is my anniversary present and it does look new and shinny and it has lots of little lights that flash and glow and .....

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Rationalizing Now - - Rationalizing Now --- Rationalizing  Now

laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif Getting lots and lots of laughs this morning!

huh.gif Query... What's a Whiskey Jack?

It's a bird. A very unintimidated and inquisitive bird. First time I met one, it shared my sandwich... as I was eating it! One bite for me; one bite for him. If I find a picture I will try and post it (ace computer nerd that I am blink.gif )


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Voracious little creatures those things. I've been sitting up in the mountains having dinner and had a whiskey jack sitting on one side of my plate eating my food while I was eating off the other side..

Good stuff with the laptop Kip. There are a lot of bargains to be had out there if you take the time to look around. Might want to keep it away from the carribean this time.. heh....

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