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The story behind Ex-MP Rahim Jaffer's drunk-driving arrest

Kip Powick

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Now how did Kevin know they were busty let alone hookers?

It's in the story;

"(Former and current associates of Gillani were granted anonymity for this story for several reasons, primarily because they fear physical retribution from Gillani and his associates.)"


"The women were supplied by 23-year-old Jasmine of high class escort agency Cachet Ladies. Gillani tells his friends he is engaged to Jasmine, whom he met a year ago on an escort date."

Here's their website - Cachet Ladies

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It's in the story;

"The women were supplied by 23-year-old Jasmine of high class escort agency Cachet Ladies. Gillani tells his friends he is engaged to Jasmine, whom he met a year ago on an escort date."

Here's their website - Cachet Ladies

The only Jasmine I saw there was 18 yrs old. The hourly rate is $400.00 or $4000.00/day........strictly wide body playpals wink_smile.gif

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The only Jasmine I saw there was 18 yrs old. The hourly rate is $400.00 or $4000.00/day........strictly wide body playpals wink_smile.gif

If you've been cruising that website I'd suggest clearing the history from your browser. 018.gif

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No need.....after you have been married for 45 years you get a "pass" once a year.....and....................that was it.Grin-Nod.gif

Yes, I guess. Shame to waste your pass on just looking though. wink_smile.gif

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Thank god his twit wife resigned today sparing us all more embarrassment.

What is it with these clowns when they get elected they suddenly think they are important.

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Guergis resigns, now faces RCMP probe

OTTAWAHelena Guergis, the embattled Minister of State for the Status of Women, has resigned and faces a police investigation.

"Last night my office became aware of serious allegations related to (Guergis)," said Prime Minister Stephen Harper Friday, before adding he has referred the allegations to the RCMP and the federal ethics commissioner.

Harper said that until the allegations were investigated, Guergis would sit outside the Conservative caucus. Harper named Rona Ambrose, the Minister of Public Works, to the status of women portfolio.

"I'm very disappointed," Harper said. "It's a very sad day."

Guergis has been under fire for her recent behaviour and allegations about her husband, former Conservative MP Rahim Jaffer.

Harper said the allegations do not involve any other minister, senator, MP or government employee.

Harper said he would not comment on anyone else involved in the allegations, noting Jaffer is a private citizen.

The office of the federal ethics commissioner issued only a brief statement confirming she is reviewing the matter.

"Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson has confirmed receipt of a letter from the Prime Minister's Office about the conduct of the former Minister of State for the Status of Women, Helena Guergis," her spokeswoman Jocelyne Brisebois wrote in an emailed statement Friday. "The Commissioner is currently reviewing the letter."

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said he did not believe Harper could say with confidence no one else in his cabinet or caucus was implicated.

Ignatieff called on Harper to "be more forthcoming" about the nature of the allegations. He noted that Harper had appeared to change his mind about Guergis quickly.

"Just 24 hours ago, the prime minister said he had confidence in his minister," Ignatieff said. "Now, 24 hours later, boom, she's gone."

"The other thing that is getting tiresome is calling Rahim Jaffer a private citizen," Ignatieff said, noting that he is a former MP who was still using his parliamentary business card and until Thursday had the Conservative Party of Canada logo on his website.

"This is becoming an insult to the intelligence of Canadians," he said.

Guergis was already facing criticism for her abusive behaviour toward security and airline staff at a Prince Edward Island airport earlier this year, and for fawning letters to the editor written by her aides, who didn't identify their ties to Guergis.

Then Thursday, the Toronto Star published an investigative report by Kevin Donovan detailing what happened a few hours before Jaffer a former Conservative MP from Edmonton was arrested last September.

Guergis announced her resignation in an email sent to media outlets Friday morning.

"This morning, I tendered my resignation as Minister of State for Status of Women to the Prime Minister which he accepted," Guergis wrote.

"The past nine months have been a very difficult time for me. I have made mistakes for which I have apologized. I want the people of P.E.I. to know that when I spoke emotionally I was speaking about the airport as I would never insult my father's birthplace. I apologize again. I have worked hard for Canadian women and I am proud of my record of my accomplishments on their behalf. I will continue in my position as MP for Simcoe-Grey and continue to serve my community."

Jaffer was charged with drunk driving and cocaine possession, but the prosecution ended up withdrawing those more serious charges, saying there were problems with the evidence that would make a conviction unlikely, and Jaffer instead pleaded guilty to one count of careless driving and paid a $500 fine.

The report placed Jaffer at a booze-soaked dinner in a Toronto restaurant with a cast of characters that included financier Nazim Gillani and former CFL player Mike Mihelic both since charged with fraud and "three busty hookers."

Unaware that Jaffer had been stopped by the Ontario Provincial Police and arrested sometime after he left the restaurant, Gillani sent an email to a dozen close associates the next morning boasting the ex-MP had given them access to the halls of power straight up to the Prime Minister.

"We had a rather earth moving experience last night at dinner with Rahim Jaffer," Gillani wrote to the associates in an email obtained by the Star. "Mr. Jaffer has opened up the Prime Minister's office to us and as a result of that dinner he today advised me that he is just as excited as we are and joining our team seems to be the next logical step."

"Any suggestion that Mr. Jaffer has opened the door to the Prime Minister's Office is false," Harper said Friday.

The Star also reported Jaffer had been handing out the business cards he had as an MP.

Jaffer's reputation had already been in tatters following his arrest and subsequent slap on the wrist, but it was the suggestion that he had been peddling his political ties that dominated conversations on Parliament Hill.

A spokesman for Harper rejected any suggestion that ex-MP Rahim Jaffer could give his shady business associates special access to the leader of the country Thursday.

"Any accusation that the PMO has opened doors for Mr. Jaffer or his business associates is false and it is also absurd," PMO spokesman Dimitri Soudas said in an interview Thursday. "I can tell you that the doors to the Prime Minister's Office are padlocked to anybody who wishes to peddle influence.

No longer a Minister but hanging in there for the gold plated pension KP

PMO says Jaffer has no influence with Harper

Consumers caught in crossfire over drug plan

Travellers to foot airport police bill

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When you look up the phrase, "nest of vipers" on the internet you get a picture of this crowd - not sorry to see her go and wouldn't mind seeing the rest of them in jail.

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When you look up the phrase, "nest of vipers" on the internet you get a picture of this crowd - not sorry to see her go and wouldn't mind seeing the rest of them in jail.

If you're going put every politician that did something illegal, immoral, or unethical in jail, you might as well put a fence around Ottawa-Hull, and put the Liberals on one side of the river, the Conservative on the other, and the NDP somewhere in the middle :Clap-Hands:

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What's the cheesy cliche? Don't lie down dogs if you don't want to get fleas.

As a public figure Jaffer should know better as the perception is reality.

If he is doing business with Gillani then he should be prepared for the consequences of such an association. He was/is a politician long enough to know this and if he does not that he is either incredibly dumb or incredibly un-self aware.

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Helena Guergis touted firm linked to husband Rahim Jaffer

In letter to local council, minister promoted green deal but failed to mention tie to Jaffer

Helena Guergis touted a green technology company to Simcoe County officials while her husband Rahim Jaffer and businessman Nazim Gillani were involved in a plan to take the firm public in a $1 billion deal.

Guergis wrote a letter last September to the top..............


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll answer my own question:


...Last Friday, Mr. Prentice announced to the House that Mr. Jaffer approached a senior staffer to make “representations” on behalf of someone else’s company. There was confusion on where the meeting took place, but under questioning by Liberal critic David McGuinty today, Mr. Prentice confirmed that the meeting took place in Helena Guergis’s ministerial office.

Ms. Guergis resigned this month as status of women minister after Prime Minister Stephen Harper passed unknown allegations on to the RCMP. There have been reports that Mr. Jaffer, who lost his Edmonton seat to the NDP in the last election, had used Ms. Guergis’s office for his private business.

He denied this when he appeared before a parliamentary committee last week, saying that he had used her office for work that a spouse would do, such as signing Christmas cards, sitting in on scheduling meetings. He said he “rarely” went in there.

I'll bet there are a few other things that are rarely taking place in THAT household :whistling:

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