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So what do y'all know about...

Mitch Cronin

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Why do you ask?

It's interesting, that's all. There are many that are easily shown to be man made, but then there are some where, evidently, that's not so easy to show. There are some physicists that have studied the sites, who claim the soil has been altered, the electro-magnetic fields in the area changed, and the stems of the plants are bent nicely at a "node" about an inch off the ground with no damage to seed pods, etc...

It's not easy to find any "debunking" on the web... I found mention of a few peer-reviewed and published papers dealing with the changes to the plants (which, in the cases where it's not obviously man made, continue to grow). I found one published paper arguing that the methodology of those others was flawed, but otherwise, in spite of a huge following of interested "cropies" (folks who try to visit and photograph the sites) they don't seem to have generated enough interest to be proven hoaxes at all. Even that wiki page - if you read the discussion section - acknowledges at least 20% of them are unsolved. (and the article provides no citation for the claim that such published, peer-reviewed papers have been discredited)

Those who have demonstrated their board and string methods wound up demonstrating they certainly could not have created many of them in that manner. Those plants did sustain damage, and their accuracy wasn't on par at all with some of the more detailed ones. Nor was it difficult to tell how they'd been made. Not so with many others. ...so even if they are all man-made, it would be interesting to know how. ...done in a few hours, in the dark, sometimes with such detail one could be forgiven for thinking it would take a team of people a week to map it all out.

There was another demonstration where a team (who happily take credit for some of them) created a comparatively simple patterned circle in 5 hours, using a combine, among other things... Obviously, that method is easy to detect. Heck, there are even some creating 'crop circle advertising' .... but again, none of the those people are able to create such designs without easily detectable traces of their methods.

I did find an interview with one of the founders of SETI (who absolutely did not take them seriously at all) who said "if extra-terrestrials wanted to communicate with us they'd use radio, not some such silly means of communication as this.". But I've got to wonder what makes him so sure? ... especially now that other branches of science are leaning toward the notion of multiple dimensions - perhaps multiple universes... Seems plausible to me that radio waves may be unable to bridge whatever separates different universes?

Dismissing anything out of hand, without any serious examination, seems foolish to me.

In any case, some of them really are quite nice to look at. smile.gif

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I did find an interview with one of the founders of SETI (who absolutely did not take them seriously at all) who said "if extra-terrestrials wanted to communicate with us they'd use radio, not some such silly means of communication as this.". But I've got to wonder what makes him so sure?

Dismissing anything out of hand, without any serious examination, seems foolish to me. 

O.K., thanks for letting us know. Feel free to keep us up to date if you find anything further on it or other similar mysteries.

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What's life for if you're too busy to ponder things like the cosmos, the meaning of quantum physics, the meaning of life, truth in all things, possibilities of other worlds, spirituality, and happiness? If spending time on my days off having a gander through things I find interesting is, in your eyes a little crazy, then I'm happy to be crazy.

I actually headed into this one thinking I'd surely find all sorts of explanations for the crop circles. Like so many other topics, I figured I'd only seen one side of a coin when I happened upon a video espousing their mysteries. I soon found there seemed to be a surprising lack of explanation available. I thought maybe someone here, with all our usual gang of folks who love to post links, might be able to steer me to that other side of the coin somewhere. But so far, only Canus Chinookus has posted a link, and it's to a wiki page that has one dominant author, who - by my reading on the "discussion" page, as well as missing citations in the article - displays a rather evident bias, without visible foundation...

So I'm eager to read some truth if any of you can set me straight?

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Guest rattler

. But so far, only Canus Chinookus has posted a link, and it's to a wiki page that has one dominant author, who - by my reading on the "discussion" page, as well as missing citations in the article - displays a rather evident bias, without visible foundation...

So I'm eager to read some truth if any of you can set me straight?

Mitch: here are a couple of goto's for you to check out.




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Remember the TV series called Chariots of the Gods? Hosted by Leonard Nemoy.

Pretty good stuff. All questions no answers though.


Erik von Daniken from the late 1960's. Velikovsky was much more believable!

(I was gonna say "Great movie, with music by Vangelis", but it's such a serious subject tongue.gifbiggrin.gif )

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OK, let's say ET is out there, and he's smart enough to visit our planet(or time, or space time, or what have you). Why would ET go to so much trouble to make pretty patterns in farmer's fields when he could be far more effective just showing himself and communicating? Meh, maybe there's something going on with the 20% unexplained, but as far as I'm concerned, it's a hoax.

Sasquatch was proven a hoax too, when the hoaxer died of old age and his kids outed him.

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Speaking of ET et al, I want to know why any alien group that was advanced and intelligent enough to travel this far would choose the toothless redneck in the '55 Chevy pickup truck to be the first person they visit when they got here?? laugh.gif

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Really?  I never heard that...  sad.gif


"Following the death of Ray Wallace, a local logger, his family attributed the creation of the footprints to him.[6] The wife of Scoop Beal, the editor of the Humboldt Standard, which later combined with the Humboldt Times, in which Genzoli's story had appeared,[24] has stated that her husband was in on the hoax with Wallace.[25]"

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