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For the author of these words:

Mitch Cronin

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"Further, I think there are many who feel Mitch has a screw loose & don't want to send him over the edge."

It's ok man, I've been all the way to the bottom and I've found there is no edge for me.

It was more like riding a box-cart down a reeeeealy long hill, and getting up to ridiculous speed before hitting the slightest bumps would throw me airborne for fifty feet or more, before i'd hit hard, only to hit the next bump at even greater speed.... But I hung on tight and had lots of help, and now I'm safe. The wheels never came off.

It's been a long crawl back... I've been a little impatient with myself and others at times ...and was willing to try almost anything to fix it for a while there.... I started smoking again - intentionally, after 3 years quit, thinking that might help... and I'm not back at the median plateau yet, but I'm getting there, and will... with or without disagreements or arguments here.

In truth, disagreements here, have been, and continue to be a source of education and growth for me. Sure, not all of it is very pleasant, but even when exchanges turn sour there are things to be learned.

Life is far too beautiful and far too short to ever let communication of ideas or emotions throw you down.

My screws are all in place, and most are coming up to their proper torque now... smile.gif (if you know of a way to lockwire them tight, I'd be mighty grateful for the tip? laugh.gif )

If you, or anyone wants to call me an a-hole and/or feel you want to set me straight, you go right ahead. I don't bite. ... and I know I won't be falling off any edges. (I've warned the boys at work not to let me out on a runway with a triple seven full of gas. wink.gifbiggrin.gif )

...fade with sound of maniacal laughter..... ;)

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Mitch, it's been said before but I'll say it again; I think you've missed you true calling - writing. You might want to enroll in your local college creative writing class. I think you'd have a great career in that field.

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Mitch, I didn't read the post where the 'author' posted those words, so I don't know the individual or the context. All I can do is shake my head at the ignorance it would take to do post that phrase.

I've only been on the planet a short while. That said, I've done a few things, been a few places, been fortunate enough to work and study with some very fine individuals, some of them in the psychology and religion business. Here's what I've come to believe about people and loose screws.

Every creature capable of reacting out of character has a point at which it will do so. That includes humans, our pets, etc.

I have yet to meet a person at the 'totally sane' end of the continuous spectrum between said sanity level and 'totally insane'. I have met a few that I would have placed at or near the other end of that spectrum. That said, I have known a number of people with exceptional skills at producing a deep veneer of calm under pressure. Some have fooled themselves into thinking this exempts them from the spectrum. You don't get an exemption from humanity.

Any time I encounter someone who is struggling, the old phrase 'there but for the grace of God go I" comes to mind. It reminds me that my turn will one day come, as will all of ours, including the poster of the phrase that started this thread. The individual struggle may look different, but we will all pay our dues in the end.

That you have shared your journey as you have has taken class and courage that perhaps is lost on some. It's not lost on me. Thank you.


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Amen, Vsplat.

Fine words indeed.

And Mitch: "My screws are all in place, and most are coming up to their proper torque now... (if you know of a way to lockwire them tight, I'd be mighty grateful for the tip? )"

I think your sanity provides sufficient lock-wire to carry you through life. And goodness knows, we could all use an extra good screw from time to time. laugh.giflaugh.gif

HEY, Not My Words! biggrin.gif

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Ditto all of the above, Mitch. I would only add that strength of character comes from facing adversity head on, as it sounds like you've done. And I also agree that you should try your hand at writing for more than our little forum community.


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Some have fooled themselves into thinking this exempts them from the spectrum.  You don't get an exemption from humanity.

Ain't that the thruth....

Anyone who thinks otherwise is due for a reality check and a good, long, hard, look at themselves in the mirror...

Great post Vs

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I think Mitch is nuts.. and I wish he'd publish some more of his writings.  smile.gif

BTW, I think most of the people I really admire are nuts.

If you work in aircraft maintenance then you truly have a few screws loose.

Working 20 years of mids kind of helps too!! blink.gif At least he is not AVIONICS tongue.gif

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