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Downloading music q's?

Mitch Cronin

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My kids are bugging me to get "Limewire" so they can download music like mad.... they say it's got a membership fee, and they reckon that means it's legal.... does anyone here know?

I'm all for the simplicity of access to music like Napster used to provide, but I'd rather stay on the up and up... I have no desire to be cheating any musicians or record companies.... If Limewire is legit, I'll go for it...

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment you may be able to provide....



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There is a free version of limewire and a limewire pro that you pay for. I have heard that the pro version is better in that there is less chance of getting spyware. The free version has apparently some spyware that may cause your system to slow down. Uninsatlling limewire running 3 spyware removers then reinstalling can fix the problem, or so I understand. wink.gif

It is a peer to peer file sharing deal so you figure out the legalities.

Someone told me the pro version is around $20.00 - $25.00 per year.

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Just make sure you set the share status to a small limit or no sharing at all. Although some won’t share with people that don’t share!

It is OK to download in Canada but illegal to share and they have grabbed a few of the larger sharing accounts.

Also, your internet provider will shut you down if you upload too much data which will happen if you’re a big sharer and you left the system to share unrestricted. wink.gif

Forgot to add,

I use Limewire free version and it works great!

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Mitch......As a pilot, (ex) it goes without saying that I use LIMEWIRE FREE version. Have never had a problem with it and use ADWARE to clean up now and then and also run my FREE virus scanner .

So far nothing has happened but then again I normally only download about a song or 3 a week.

I also used BEARSHARE and ARES but only have LIMEWIRE in the box now.

Bon Chance

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Mitch, I too wish to remain up- n-up..so to speak..thus giving royalties where they are due etc.

Have you looked at itunes.com?

99cents a song..or quite often less when buying the whole album.

Oh yeah..it's run by apple but fully compatible with pc.


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I have used Limewire for ages and have downloaded thousands of songs. In canada we pay our royalties through a tax on blank media. The artists get their money and thats why it is legal to download in Canada. I have had no issues. I place public domain music in my shared directory to share so there are no reprocussions.

Good Luck


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Check this out from many moons ago... June 17, 2005

As for legality, that one is open for interpretation. Ethical or otherwise...

The courts in Canada have deemed that the Canadian Recording Industry has given tacit approval of music sharing by virtue of the "levy" or "tax" that is placed on every piece of recordable media bought. When you buy anything from a Cassette tape to blank CD's or DVD's a portion of the money that you pay is given to the recording industry and is dispersed to the artists.

File sharing Legal in Canada

Downloading music

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Rapidshare for me.

Good sites for variety include


http://www.projectw.org and


The last requires some tech savvy to convert the downloaded files into playable cd's. But given the quality of the MOBILE FIDELITY SOUND LAB selection, it's well worth the effort.

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