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Our guy - Dagger

Kip Powick

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Dagger watched the lights countdown as he descended to the lobby of the Chateau Laurie and reflected upon the data he had gleaned in the past three days. The interview with Robert had gone well and Monte seemed very responsive to his questions. There was no doubt about it, the meeting of airline executives in Ottawa had afforded a great venue to pick the brains of those that were directing Canada’s major airlines.

His only disappointment was the fact that he would have to stay the weekend as Clive had managed to elude him until Friday afternoon and had finally agreed to a one on one interview but on Monday around noon. Dagger felt his frustration with being stuck in the Nation’s Capital for a weekend could probably be offset by following through with a young lady he had met last Wednesday night in the bar of the Chateau.

While it was true that “Trixie” probably had an IQ close to that of a soil sample, her lack of intelligence was compensated for by her physical appearance. Dagger had never seen, let alone met, such a voluptuous and desirable woman in his entire life. Inwardly Dagger frowned as he thought of some of the cretins on the airline forum he frequented who would refer to Trixie as a woman built for action, a woman to die for, a body that wouldn’t quit. Unfortunately his past two evenings with Trixie had ended with a peck on the cheek and a warm handshake, neither of which satisfied Dagger’s macho ego. Tonight he intended to take her out for an evening meal and “damn the expense”, and see what would develop from there.

The elevator doors opened and Dagger looked across the lobby and saw Trixie standing by the Concierges desk looking at brochures. They walked to the main doors and exited the hotel and Trixie slipped her arm around Dagger’s waist. Little was said and both seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.

As they turned onto Bank street Dagger grabbed Trixie and very firmly steered her into Abdul Segars Fine Jewelry store. Dagger leaned across the glass counter and was staring at rings when the jeweler approached.

“I’d like to see a fine diamond ring for my friend here,” he said as he winked at Trixie.

“Certainly sir”, replied the jeweler as he retrieved a lovely diamond ring from under the glass and placed on the blue velvet cloth. “This is a spectacular ring,” he said and can be yours for the modest price of $5000.00”

Dagger looked at Abdul and with a smirk said "I don't think you understand, I want something very special”.

At that statement, the jeweler went to his special stock and brought another ring over."Here's a stunning ring at only $44, 999.00", the jeweler said.

Trixie’s eyes sparkled, her whole body trembled with excitement and she licked her lips as she moved closer to Dagger.

Dagger seeing this said, "We'll take it."

The jeweler asked how payment would be made and Dagger stated, "By cheque and I know you need to make sure my cheque good, so I'll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds. I'll pick the ring up Monday afternoon.".

Monday morning, a very teed-off jeweler reached Dagger in his hotel room and screamed over the phone. "There's no money in that account!"

"I know." said Dagger, "But can you imagine the weekend I had?"

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