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Todays PX/RX

Kip Powick

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In Halifax a deer is on the runway and a student pilot and his instructor want to take off…

Tower: Cessna CGB cleared for take-off.

Student: "What should I do? What should I do?"

Inst: "What do you think you should do?"


Std : "Maybe if I taxi toward him it'll scare him away."

Inst: "That's a good idea."

(Taxi toward deer, but deer is macho, and holds position.)

Tower: Cessna CGB cleared for take-off, runway 24.

Std: "What should I do? What should I do?"

Inst: "What do you think you should do?"


Std: "Maybe I should tell the tower."

Inst: "That's a good idea."

Std: Tower this is Cessna CGB, uh, there's a deer down here on the runway.

(long pause)

Tower: Roger CGB, hold your position. Deer on runway 24 cleared for immediate departure.

(Two seconds, and then -- I presume by coincidence -- the deer bolts from the runway, and runs back into the woods.)

Tower: Cessna CGB cleared for departure, runway 24. Caution wake turbulence, departing deer.

Question…..Now, what do you think was going through the student's mind just prior to starting his takeoff..? biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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shouldn't they be labeled

"TX/RX" for "Transmit and Recieve" instead of PX/RX?


You are correct , Sir. henceforth my prose will be labeled accordingly.

"PX" is actually the title of the RAPCAN magazine that comes out once a quarter. The name was arrived at by an informal poll as the older gentlemen still remember the days when a PX, (Position report),had to bemade as one passed a designated spot over the earth and then along came radar smile.gif . I, being a relatively young member of RACAN, was out-voted as I had suggested that the magazine for retired airline pilots be called "Clipped Wings".

Remember this PX.. Yo, Centre this is Joker 32, over "Sick Chapeau " at 04, FL 330 estimating "Speedy Creek" at 16...the "Queen" next....over

PX is also what we called the Post Exchange back in the days of real airplanes, now of course it is called the BX or Base Exchange. Yep, how things change... RCAF Station Trenton went to CFB Trenton and is now called 8 Wing Trenton. The air element was in "Blue" went to "Green" and back to "Light Blue" and now wears a crappy colored flight suit that one should wear changing oil.

Gone are the "sharp" looking uniforms, too much PC and the gung-ho attitude of the venerable pilot has gone the way of the dodo bird . But enough of my personal opinions...want to hear what I think of electric airplanes icon_question.gifbiggrin.gif

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...want to hear what I think of electric airplanes?

Hey Kip,

I always thought of you as the type of guy that was always encouraging others to accept new ideas and adopt change.

Nevertheless, there were probably those who, with the introduction of hydraulics and VORs, spoke similar words.

Our business is always changing (thank goodness) and, at some point in the future, some of us may bemone the fact that kerosene no longer powers mass transit flight. blink.gif


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Yikes Inchman! Not kerosene powered!? ....but you're right of course... one day.

Sure Kip, I want to hear what you think of "electric airplanes"? ... I'm presuming you're referring to the Airbus family?... But just before you do, just for fun, I'll tell you I got to play with one a bit last night... one of our 340-500's... What a machine! You know, Airbus even took a few pages out of the DC10 book for that one I think. I love it! That sir, is a flippin' airplane and a half! Meat and potatoes, with lots of gravy thrown in for taste....

...or so sez me. biggrin.gif



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Hey Kip,

I always thought of you as the type of guy that was always encouraging others to accept new ideas and adopt change.

Mitch / Skyhigh

Ahhhh...the power of the printed word. I couldn't find a "smily" that had his tongue planted firmly in his cheek when I made the comment about the electric airplanes.

MITCH knows I flew the 310 for 3 years and I must admit it was "fun"...to a point. I don't argue the fact that new technology is here to stay and will make further advances, but I do think a pilots job is becoming less "stick and rudder fun-flying" than it used to be.

If 95% of ones entire career has been airline flying or perhaps other fixed wing, not over 30 degrees of bank, no formation, no aeros, no whiz bang flying then I can understand how that individual might interpret my remarks as one who does not move to embrace technology....but.....

I would venture to say that anyone who has had it all, will always remember those flights where man and plane became one. The only place I know that allowed one to fly the entire spectrum with a machine was DND, and I was fortunate enough to have it all.

Technology?? I'm into it and trying to keep up with it. Half my income goes for batteries and gadgets...can hardly wait for summer to use my "Pocket-mail". Thrilled Scuba 02 rolleyes.gif when I just purchased two Cobra radios so I can find out where the hell she is in the mall biggrin.gif

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Can you explain why the CFB's are now called 8 Wing etc? I live in the Queen and of course near Moose Juice. The base has always played an important role in our area. Up to the 80's (I think) it was on rare occasion used as the Queens alternate in severe weather conditions.

Also whatever you call your PX/TX keep them coming , I love them !

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I wish I knew the answer as to why they are now called "Wings" and the reason for the numbers (ie YWG is 4 Wing....YOD is 17 Wing). I'll phone a couple of contacts tomorrow and see if I can get the straight scoop on the reason for the change.

I physically left in '88 and they were still CFBs. Personally I liked the RCAF Station name but...hey...when the ex Corporal started to run DND, as a Federal Minister...who am I to say "No way?"

Yep, Regina was used as an alternate and I think it still can be if there is no other place. I know YTR can still be used as an alternate but I don't believe one can flight plan it as such but it is still useable...maybe someone who is still in the industry can elaborate.

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Then again, being a Captain on a Navy base could get you some perqs. biggrin.gif

Yes indeed. I remember flying into YAW just after "intergration" and being asked what was the "highest rank on board". Well in the T-Bird, solo, it was me and my new rank was now "Captain".

Kinda nice when the staff car drove up to the airplane as I parked...... and I actually convinced the driver to give me a lift to the "Wardroom" biggrin.gif

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for Newgirl

Managed to find this on the web. In a nutshell, Intergration came and architects of that fiasco are now gone so things are slowly creeping back to what was. Sort of a "what goes around, comes around" thing. Each Senior Brass Hat is slowly moving back to be a distinctive part of DND instead of the "blended" Forces. I can see how it has now evolved but not sure how they got the "Wing" numbers. I'll keep on digging.

The new "Canadian Forces" opted for the generic-sounding "Canadian Forces Base" (CFB) or "Canadian Forces Station" (CFS) prefixes. This is starting to evolve. Although the CFB prefix is still the official name for the installation, service-specific names are beginning to appear. Several minor installations of Maritime Command which are already located on the two major navy bases are again prefixed with HMCS, and Halifax has maintained the historic HMC Dockyard title (the RN's ex. HM Dockyard). In the 1990s, Air Command reorganized its bases and squadrons into a classic "wing-squadron" structure and now major air force bases have changed how they refer to the facilities accordingly (eg. "CFB Shearwater" is now referred to as "12 Wing Shearwater"). In Land Force Command, army bases are beginning to see a use of the "camp" prefix again, and in one specific instance, CFB Gagetown is referred to by three names: CFB, the old pre-unification "Camp Gagetown" has now resurfaced, and the newer "Combat Training Centre (CTC) Gagetown" is also being used, particularly in highway signs.

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I would venture to say that anyone who has had it all, will always remember those flights where man and plane became one. The only place I know that allowed one to fly the entire spectrum with a machine was DND, and I was fortunate enough to have it all.

Being upside down, deliberately, at 52,500 feet is not going to happen in any equipment with "Alpha floor" protection.

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now wears a crappy colored flight suit that one should wear changing oil.

Now Kip, I know you didn't mean that the Engineers should be clad in crappy colours wink.gif

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I think he's saying that the oil would actually improve the appearance of the flight suit.

Yes I have to admit I loved my time in the forces. Where else in the world could a ground crew get to take the stick of an F18 or T-33 and do some acrobatics?? Nothing like being in control of a tbird at the top of a loop looking down at the world. Woooooo Hooooooo..

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Is it a recent occurence that the army/navy/airforce are known and advertised as the Canadian Forces, not the Canadian Armed Forces???

It seems to me that I read at the time that using "Armed" in the designation was perceived to be too threatening... blink.gif

Personally, I just think that it was prescient. tongue.gifbiggrin.gif


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