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Wildcat Strike at YYZ stops all flights

Kip Powick

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It has been reported on another forum that "some" rampies have been going home early and having a friend "punch" them out a couple of hours later. I guess some people have been advised that they now have to check in and out with a supervisor.

Also, apparently as a result of an investigation there was going to be a mass firing, (approx 140), and the phrase that is quoted on another forum is..."if they do that, we're gonna walk"

This is merely what I have read on a couple of other forums...whether it is true or not ..........I guess we'll wait and see. As someone else said, "In the near future all ground work will probably be out sourced , to the betterment of the airline".

Personally, I think this is a real "bad" time to pull a stunt like that....pretty thin ice for some.

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Sudden Halt

The sign at the airport tells it all – delayed or outright cancelled. It’s the news that greeted travellers at Pearson International Airport on all Air Canada departure screens Wednesday afternoon. The airline has been grounded in Toronto because of a wildcat strike.

The dispute appears to involve discrepancies on time cards. Up to 900 staff members have walked off the job in protest, and passengers have been told to go home – they won’t be flying anywhere on Wednesday.

Reports indicate those carriers affiliated with Air Canada are also being affected – which means Jazz flights are staying on the ground, too.

It’s not clear how long the dispute will last, but airport officials are advising would-be fliers or those expecting guests using the airline to call for confirmation that they won’t be coming.

The dispute couldn’t come at a worse time for the national carrier – it’s still emerging from the effects of its bankruptcy declarations and the Canadian travel industry had finally started to recover from the fallout of September 11th.

January 19, 2005

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Clarification please: Ground Workers?


From what little I've read here, it sound as if we're talking about the rampies only? Yes?? If anyone knows a thing or two, please lemme in on the dope?

....god I hate that term "ground workers"... dry.gif

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I just got a call from a friend working in the Cargo Call Centre and he said it's all the rampies and all sales who are off the job. Cargo call centre is getting flooded with customer calls asking what is going on. The CBC had a bit with one of it's reporters whose on an inbound flight that is stuck off the gate waiting for someone to come and bring them in. IMO not the brightest way of solving the time card problem.

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Anybody who knows about labour laws in Canada will know that before tomorrow there will be a court order forcing the workers back to the job with strong monetary threats for non-compliance.

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Sounds like Mikey's gonna miss the bush party.

from ctv.ca

Labour problems at Air Canada have effectively brought the airline's operations at Toronto's Pearson International Airport to a standstill.

"Just speaking to CTV's Mike Duffy, who'd been trying to get out to Washington tonight, they've told him and all other passengers to go home, their flight will not be getting out tonight," CFTO News' Graham Richardson reported Wednesday from Pearson.

"I'm told there's been a wildcat strike here," CTV's Mike Duffy told Newsnet.

The Greater Toronto Airport Authority confirmed the shutdown to CFTO.

The dispute apparently involves the airline's baggage handlers who called in sick en masse. The situation has been simmering for two or three days, Duffy said.

"They came on the P.A. system and announced Flight so-and-so would not be flying because of a manpower shortage," Duffy said.

Air Canada hasn't commented yet.

Bill Trbovitch -- a spokesman for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, which represents the workers -- told The Canadian Press the dispute was over how workers punch out at the end of a shift.

"We know that it is over a long-standing issue," he said, adding employees weren't expected to return to their jobs on Wednesday night.

"There are apparently some supervisors, or maybe some non-striking union workers, who are handling some of the larger flights," Duffy said.

Besides the outgoing flights, there are no baggage crews to handle the incoming ones, he said.

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Unless you know,or walked in the rampies shoes lately,,keep your two bit comments to yourself.

You maybe next.

At least they had the balls to walk for what they believed was un just.

It's about time IMHO

Who are you directing this comment too and what makes you think these employees are any more hard-done-by than the rest?

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Unions should protect and fight for hard working employees who receive poor treatment by their employer. If that means to strike...then strike! But an employee which steals, purposely misleads or refuse to do the job his employer has hired him for, the union should not support this kind of worker.

These workers that have friends punch out for them should be fired! If this union supports this form of stealing then AC should locked them all out.

They should get rid of any and all of the corrupt and dishonest unions and their workers. mad.gif

Sympathy? Only for the honest workers at AC whom will be affected by this. sad.gif

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LTV... Two bit comments is at least partly what this forum exists for...

CCA... it's the IAM... but there is a deep, rotted chasm within the IAM... There is virtually no leadership. So it's not likely to be as much of a union thing as it is a grass roots thing.

Maintenance will certainly be effected tonight as we won't be able to get the birds that were planned, but we'll be able to get some of them, and some others will probably, by chance, happen to have needs we can accomodate...

I'll bet the big issue will be effects downline and tomorrow morning.

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Unless you know,or walked in the rampies shoes lately,,keep your two bit comments to yourself.

You maybe next.

At least they had the balls to walk for what they believed was un just.

It's about time IMHO

Hey Longtimer,

If they stole, then they go! Stealing time on the clock is the same as money or product and I for one would not support a thief. mad.gif

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And what is unjust about the company wanting you to punch your own time card?

Punching someones time card other than your own has been grounds for dismissal at the last two places that I have worked.

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