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A little something for Mitch ( & other sky gazers)

John S.

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I watched the linked video twice and a bunch of the others that are also included. The magnetic aspects of the 'flare' are quite spectacular to say the least. I thought the energy release and reach of the flare was most astounding and fairly alarming, at least visibly, in the other light frequency observations.

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Thanks John. Really cool stuff! Our little star is truly amazing to watch. To even begin to understand the multitude - and magnitude - of processes involved, is a remarkable achievement, but to have the technology to actually watch it happen is priceless!

Someone here posted a link to http://www.spaceweather.com/ a few years back, and I've been looking there pretty regularly ever since.

... y'see the wealth of good stuff wut goes on 'round here!? :tu:

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Yeah well, I'll be keeping a close eye on my garden and if any of those plants start feeding on people then to heck with the rules - I'm going across the border for the most toxic herbicides money can buy.

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