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A Model CEO


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Mr. Nishimatsu gets it. He is a true leader who has earned the respect of the troops through his actions.

How come every book I read on leadership totes the many benefits of this style of leadership, yet so few (so called) leaders actually practice it?

Is it really that hard to do?

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Just goes to show you what a peice of human trash Milton is. CEO's like Milton are ground zero to why the world finds it self in the situation it is in today. What ever happen to the corparate leadership of the 60's/70's that fell on it swords when they screwed up. Now Daggar is going to say it's all the pilots fault or unions fault, but when Uncle Holly said tighten your belt, we all tighten are belts. He gave us leadership, when Milton said tighten are belts at the end of a gun, he then proceeded to rape us and the company of 2 billion dollars. The money at least part of it would help tide us through the next coulple of years of hard times. The cash reserves we have now will not keep us out of CCAA, even if the unions totally play ball this spring by extending their CA for one more year.

Of course when we end up back in CCAA, it will naturally be the Unions fault, at least according to some people around here dry.gif

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Just goes to show you what a peice of human trash Milton is.  CEO's like Milton are ground zero to why the world finds it self in the situation it is in today.

I am no lover of Milton but it seems to me that many are quick to forget that he took AC off the edge of the cliff and most of you retained your jobs....Credit where credit is due...but let's not forget how close many came to joining the unemployed line.

His part in the restructuring met with world aclaim and was used as a model for other companies. You may not like the guy ...but.....

Perhaps one should be dissing all the "inbetween" eggheads...not the top banana. dry.gif

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he put the company on that cliffs edge before he pulled it back. sure there were some extenuating circumstances during this time but those were the times when real leadership was needed to prevent being on that cliff in the first place.

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The people who gave Milton that acclaim are only doing it because it made a lot of them richer quicker. The rest were left saying "damn, why didn't I think of that?".

Yes Milton pulled AC out of CCAA. But he did it with the help of vulture funds who worked their magic by tearing apart AC and "unlocking shareholder value". That was the only strategy, to make money for a select few and the rest be darned.

What's left? Having to coax money from the very companies that were sold off in order to maintain some sort of liquidity? I don't know why AC needs 70 million from Aeroplan. But from my simple point of view it doesn't look like a good indicator.

We'll see how that strategy works in the long term for the employees of AC and for their sake I hope I'm out in left field on this one.


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As an Air Canada pilot I get very tired of hearing tirades filled with uninformed drival.....

Fact - Milton's and Brewer's bonuses came from the shareholders for meeting certain targets

Fact - the $2 billion that you claim was raped from the company was part of the financial arrangement in the CCAA deal....read the judgement from the ACPA $2 billion lawsuit...the judge didn't mince words....to paraphrase the judge, they said that the pilots had to be deaf dumb and blind to not read the deal and it was all outlined right there and the judge then threw out the lawsuit..where is that lawyer now, the one that convinced ACPA that it had a case...laughing all the way to the bank with his 6 figure bill....call the $2 billion payout to the shareholders the price to be paid for going into CCAA...

If you're going to rant, say something interesting and new, the old tirades are getting tiresome

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Fact  - the $2 billion that you claim was raped from the company was part of the financial arrangement in the CCAA deal....read the judgement from the ACPA $2 billion lawsuit...the judge didn't mince words....to paraphrase the judge, they said that the pilots had to be deaf dumb and blind to not read the deal and it was all outlined right there and the judge then threw out the lawsuit..where is that lawyer now, the one that convinced ACPA that it had a case...laughing all the way to the bank with his 6 figure bill....call the $2 billion payout to the shareholders the price to be paid for going into CCAA...

If you're going to rant, say something interesting and new, the old tirades are getting tiresome

One must go back and see who held approx 95% of the AC.A shares at the time that the payout occured to fully understand where the money went.


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