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That's my boy !

Kip Powick

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Guest woxof

Obviously there is only one solution to this very long history of discrimmination against the Propellor Pete types by Jet Joe types. An affirmative action policy for all prop pilots and their descendents. If you have jet time, that will now be counted against you in your job applications. And that goes for your kids as well. This is the only way to even out the playing field against these past injustices. Perhaps reparations should be considered as well.

Guys like Kip should know better than to speak the way they do.

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-and Kip, funny story.



OK I surrender.

It's me.

It must be.

Cause what I get is sense of frustration, anger (maybe outrage) mixed in with a whole dose of sadness.

You see what I get when I read about this kind of thing is a whole lot of empathy for one of my colleagues,even tho I have obviously never met the guy. Instead of seeing some uppity 'non big carrier prop pilot" I see a fellow professional trying to make a living by safely and efficiently executing his job, in a outrageously dysfunctional security enviroment. Every day of the month (in his case if he was a 'small carrier propeller guy' that is anywhere between 18 and 22 days,,,,,, for 1200 freaken dollars a month!!!!!!!) he is subjected to the gauntlet passing for airport security.

Instead of creating, implementing and operating a National standard and National registry and and a National biometric identity card program that would lead to discreet National crew access system ,,,, the TSA and HS have determined the system will comprise of aircrew butting into the front of the line so they can be subjected to outrageous violations ahead of every one else.

I would guess our poor intrepid 'prop head' has been harassed, accosted, and assaulted (verbally and physically,,,believe me I've seen it) on his journey to the front of the line, by people who just don't understand that that is the way the TSA has mandated it to happen. Of course this is prior to the monthly or bi monthly random scratch, sniff, dump your undies and grope your crotch check that our 'professional' has to endure, in full view of the people he just butted out of the way.

It's sad and shocking. If my unknown friend had a bad day I wouldn't for a nano second blame him. Everybody who has to do it (especially that often)knows that the worst part about going to work in this post 911 environment is going to work.

Furthur, I personally would expect a guy who boasts of having done 42 years and 28 bazillion hours would understand that reality and maybe just maybe council his spawn to cut a guy a little slack cause maybe, just maybe, my unknown friend needs it that day.

Funny??? I just don't see it that way. Must be a little carrier propeller pilot thing. Shame on you all for not getting it.

I guess nuff wasn't said.

rant over

Over and out

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I have always thought the lack of context on-line can lead to a message that the typist did not intend.

The only think you have in cyberspace are your words and if words make people think you are different than the person you are then it is what it is.

Perhaps some over reaction to Kip's story but perhaps also some over reaction to being called on it.

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RUSSD.. my last shot wink.gif

Throughout my career, Mil and Civil I called anyone who flew a jet, "Roger Ramjet", it's just a thing I did. I guess"junior" picked up " Peter Prop"on his own, I don't know, and really don't care. (He did do a lot of commuter flying early in his business.)

You seem to have taken the whole episode as a personal affront because, apparently, you fly props. It should not come to you as a surprise that almost 99% of the pilots who get on the big stuff flew props at one time or another so I have no idea why you have such a burr under your saddle about a humerous incident.

When I was on jets in the Mil, I was called a "Blowpiper", on C130s I was called a "Trash-hauler", on CV580s I was called a VIPER, (VIP Squadron)...and when I did a famil trip in a chopper, and found that Alberta wasn't big enough for me to hover in one spot, I was called the "Incompetent Rotor Head".....and do you think anyone really cared....I know I didn't.

You ought not take it so personal if someone, no matter if it is one of your peers, or a customer, calls you "Peter Prop". You are a pilot, isn't that all you really care about?? I know that being awarded my wings was the proudest accomplishment in my life. I am sure you are aware that the difference between a DH8 Captain and 747Captain is just a 6 week course...........pilots are just pilots and real pilots don't have to stroke their ego at every opportunity.

The fact is............. the "pilot" in question was arrogant, and rude, and you may have a truckload of possible reasons for his attitude but none are justifiable when dealing with the public.

And finally, if my son had told me that "Roger Ramjet" was the culprit and I posted that moniker....would you feel the same? wink.gif

Try to relax and have a nice week...enjoy each flight ...it is one closer to your last.

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but perhaps also some over reaction to being called on it

Perhaps...in your mind..not in my mind. As you stated, this is a difficult medium to convey tone and syntax but I do believe in the right to clarify, explain, and inform those that have difficulty in understanding a simple, and in my opinion, funny story and feel that I have personally slighted their profession................and I think you often do the same when persons advise you that you have "mis-spoke" wink.gif

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The fact is............. the "pilot" in question was arrogant, and rude, and you may have a truckload of possible reasons for his attitude  but none are justifiable when dealing with the public.


They try to pick on one of the posters on this forum who, in my observations, has treated pretty much everyone, pilots, anal-ists, groundhogs, rampys, wrench turners, with the same level of courtesy and respect.

And there are few here that show the same level.

A lesson to be learned. sad.gif


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Russ D:

Most of us will come to the defense of our colleagues when they've had a bad day for one reason or another. IMHO, we should not be making excuses for a guy who behaves badly in front of a potential customer simply because he has to go through security at the start of each day. Security is far from the only frustration we see in our day to day working lives. None of these frustrations gives us an excuse to treat our passengers and fellow employees with anything but respect. Anyone who is that angry on their way to the airplane should really give careful thought to whether or not they can remain focussed on the job. Allowing their frustrations to boil over for something about which they can do nothing is asking for further problems due to stress and/or distraction.

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Russ D:

Most of us will come to the defense of our colleagues when they've had a bad day for one reason or another. IMHO, we should not be making excuses for a guy who behaves badly in front of a potential customer simply because he has to go through security at the start of each day. Security is far from the only frustration we see in our day to day working lives. None of these frustrations gives us an excuse to treat our passengers and fellow employees with anything but respect. Anyone who is that angry on their way to the airplane should really give careful thought to whether or not they can remain focussed on the job. Allowing their frustrations to boil over for something about which they can do nothing is asking for further problems due to stress and/or distraction.

Spot on, J.O.

I think two posters in this thread could use a few doses of anger management training. Wow. What attitudes.

Kip, I just finished laughing my big ugly butt off after reading your post. D'ya think Propeller Pete and Boomer Pete might be related? They would be complete opposites, given the case! wink.gif

(Sorry Pete: couldn't resist!!!)


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