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faking the aviation related part.....

Mitch Cronin

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...a plane flew overhead as my son broke his &*%$ing ankle for the 5th time! while snowboarding last night. dry.gif

...actually... left ankle 3 times, bone on top of right foot once, now right ankle.

....gonna haveta get that boy a tank to move around in. sad.gif

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Have you considered not letting him play sports or walk on staircases while airplanes passing overhead? wink.gif

Sorry to hear about his accident Mitch. Although I'm sure he is sorrier as the cast will be on through the Christmas season. Wasn't it about the same time last year he broke one of those other aforementionned bones?


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Holy crap Mitch. Those airplanes are becoming a bad omen for you. Time to get that boy an X-Box. This physical activity stuff is for the birds! wink.gif

Seriously, every time my guys go flying past me on the hill, I just hope they reach the bottom in one piece. Then again, I've got just as great a chance of breaking something on two planks as they do on one! Hope he's on the mend in time to enjoy some of the winter.

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Guest rattler
...a plane flew overhead as my son broke his &*%$ing ankle for the 5th time! while snowboarding last night. dry.gif

...actually... left ankle 3 times, bone on top of right foot once, now right ankle.

....gonna haveta get that boy a tank to move around in. sad.gif

Since people have won money for being burnt by "hot coffee" perhaps a good lawyer could get you some money from the airline operating that airplane. tongue.gif

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...a plane flew overhead as my son broke his &*%$ing ankle for the 5th time! while snowboarding last night. dry.gif

...actually... left ankle 3 times, bone on top of right foot once, now right ankle.

....gonna haveta get that boy a tank to move around in. sad.gif

FIVE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he should take up something a little less dangerous, maybe Javelin catching blink.gif

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How's the young fellow doing? Is he able to get around, or is he stuck in one spot (which frankly, these days, with video games, computers and more than 2 channels of black and white TV isn't such a bad gig)

Have you had him tested for some kind of brittle bone disease, or is he just one of those rough and tumble types?

I guess we got off easy - only one broken bone in the whole child rearing process, but it was my daughter, not my son.

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Hi Jennifer...

He's gettin' along alright. He's pretty good with crutches after all this experience. He's mostly just really bummed about the winter fun he'll be missing out on, but he's hoping it means he's gotten this years share of crutch hobbling done early, ...meaning his next summer could be better than so many in his 12 year short memory (all his previous injurys have come in the good weather seasons)

We've asked about bone brittleness and been assured that's not the case... just a rough and tumble fella who may be missing the little voice within that say's "hey, maybe a better not try this?" unsure.gif

One positive note... He goes in this Monday to exchange the plaster for fibreglass... and last time - as he was getting the cast cut off, we discovered that there was an option for a "waterproof" version we didn't previously know existed... so we'll go for that one this time. Then he can shower, romp in the snow... or whatever, without worry. smile.gif

Wish I could buy him a snowmobile for Christmas. cool.gif ...I'm trying to fix an old one I have, but finding parts is proving to be a wee bit difficult...



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Don't want to change the subject Mitch....

But what kind of parts do you need? I've got a few sleds and being originally from northern Ontario,I have access to pretty much any parts.... (unless you have a some odd ball snowmobile like a Rupp,Massey Fergusson or Harley Davidson sled) I can usually find most of the parts at a few sled scrapyards.

Let me know what you need.


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Have you had him tested for some kind of brittle bone disease, or is he just one of those rough and tumble types?

Gotta admit Mitch - That's a lot of breaks (3 times one ankle) Maybe not brittle bones but with each injury there is progressively more muscle, tendon and liament damage damage that occurs that progressively weakens the area and leaves the joint less pliable, resilient, and with less mobility from the scar tissue buildup.

I'm sure you know this but from from own experiences and regrets for not doing the same myself - Once weakened the joint will always be susceptible to re-injury (as you've seen) so he might want to consider some kind of taping regime or ankle support for future activities. You might want to also consider get him fitted for an orthotic as well. The ankle will heal but the damage done over the course of several breaks will catch up with him somewhere in his 30's if not fully treated.

Just out of curiosity, not all the breaks were from boarding were they?

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But what kind of parts do you need?

Thanks Eric... It took a little hunting, and I'm not certain it'll be the right one, but I've got a left ski leg coming via purchase on ebay... Then I need a right ski... That one should be easy to find.

After reading that , you make me glad for what my 9 yr old said to me when I asked if he wanted a snowboard and I quote" are you crazy Dad " !

So how'd you answer that? biggrin.gif

Once weakened the joint will always be susceptible to re-injury

Yep... I know that one from personal experience as well... Did my left ankle twice and could never skate the same again... nor run as well as I once could.

No, not all from boarding... 1 on a trampoline - 1 jumping over rubble at school - another was his first time back on a trampoline after finaly winning the 3 year fight with his mom to be allowed on one again dry.gif ...the foot he did while hopping down stairs at school trying to protect his other foot that was sprained at the time... then this on the snowboard.

He says, when asked if he's learned anything from all this: "Ya, I've learned I can't do a lot of things everyone else can do." sad.gif

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Have you ever tried the active ankle? its an ankle brace and it works wonders! I sprained my ankle severely a few years back and that ankle brace is bullet proof! It gets you back on your feet much quicker and supports your ankle while permiting you to run,jump etc.

Have a look you can find them on ebay. Maybe it can help your son when he gets the cast off.....


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Guest Starman

On the bright side, Mitch, there aren't too many successful adults out there who don't have a scar or two, and a broken bone in their history. Aviation was built by guys who had the guts to jump of barn roofs with an umbrella in each hand. rolleyes.gif

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