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On another happy note...

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I just got back from the grade 8 graduation ceremonies, where my daughter, the valedictorian ( biggrin.gif ) won an award for her writing ability!! ...and she delivered a terrific speech! Damn she makes me proud! wub.gif

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..ok, this is getting sickening isn't it?... I'll shut up now... laugh.gif I just hadda say sumthin' ...I'm so ...happy!! .... ok ok ok... sorry... I'll shut up now, I promise.... cool26.gifbiggrin.gif

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Guest Touchdown

Hey Mitch....

Here's the other side ofthe coin. My son (14YO) was biking home last night at 8:30 and somehow flipped off his bike and landed hands and head first on the concrete sidewalk. Took him to hospital where he and I stayed overnight. Amazingly enough the only injuries aside from some mean looking strawberries on both knees was a broken wrist and the scariest part....a concussion. I tell you seeing him laying on the ground, 10 seconds after he went over scared about 10 years off of my life.

He's doing well today and unfortunately his new cast will cancel his 6 week survival camp with the Air Cadets this summer. Were it not for the helmet which took most of the fall (the visor is smashed) who knows what would have happened.

The reason I post here Mitch is to say....go on....crow about the youngin's. You don't know how much they mean to you until something like this happens. Be proud and toot your daughter's horn....she deserves it !

A somewhat more grey haired Touchdown

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Crikey Touchdown that would scare the skin off-a-ya! Glad he's not hurt so bad, but sorry about his wrist...

My son is also now sporting a cast (his 4th), on his foot, but I didn't see the injury take place... I know if I'd seen a fall like you described I'd be flipped!

Thanks Touchdown, good luck to your son. I hope he recovers well and swiftly.



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Guest Starman

Congratulations to your daughter, Mitch!

She's a beautiful young lady and obviously very bright as well, which is probably as much a testament to her upbringing as it is to her fortunate genetics.

But who's that old bearded dude dancing with her? That's kinda creeping me out if ya know what I mean... blink.gif

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Hey Mitch....

Here's the other side ofthe coin. My son (14YO) was biking home last night at 8:30 and somehow flipped off his bike and landed hands and head first on the concrete sidewalk.

Scarey, isn't it? Someones 18YO boy flipped off his bike here in Barrie the other day, and did not survive. Was not wearing a helmut. All the world in front of him, and now a funeral. So sad.....

Mitch, I'm very happy for you. Looks like she takes after her mother! rolleyes.gif

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Well it's a damn good thing she doesn't look like me! laugh.gif I think we'd have to lock something like that up!

Not to worry Starman, that ugly old dude was kicked outa there with all the other parents after the first dance. wink.gif

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Well it's a damn good thing she doesn't look like me! laugh.gif I think we'd have to lock something like that up!

Not to worry Starman, that ugly old dude was kicked outa there with all the other parents after the first dance. wink.gif

Well done with your eldest, Mitch... A chip off the old block, no doubt. But the casual shirt is out for the wedding. And her future beau had better like Appleton's and NASCAR.

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Mitch, you are a lucky man! Your daughter is well on her way to turning into a lovely young woman who is going to make you very proud, and although you may have a few sleepless nights when she gets her drivers license, or discovers high school boys, you have some wonderful years ahead of you as you watch her life unfold.

We also just celebrated somewhat of a milestone, attending our second convocation ceremony in less than a month, and now both of ours are finished college, and out in the working world, like real adult grownup people, and our days of graduation ceremonys and proms are behind us. Where did the time go? Did I mention you are a lucky man?

Congratulations and all the best to your daughter, and a belated congratulations on your 25th anniversary.

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Wedding!? Yikes! blink.gif ... b-b-b-b-but ...she's only 14!

... and Hey! That "casual" shirt is the best I have! (at least as long as my scarecrow keeps wearing my only suit! .. and I'm not taking it from him! ohmy.gif )... ...don't remember what it cost, but it's as fancy as I can afford! My son wore a tie. biggrin.gif

Thanks Dagger... Dave... Conehead... Y'all... I know it's getting to be a bit much, but I sometimes can't help myself... blubbering about the good stuff just feels good! ... and like Touchdown said, She deserves it! wink.gif

Some of you all must have some good stuff to blubber about? Let's have it?? Pictures of your nicely pollished summer car? Your latest handyman poject you're proud of?... A son or daughter in their Sunday best? Your favorite dog doing his best "ain't I cute?" act? Favorite airplanes even?...It sure can beat the sort of yak we've been into here lately!



Edit: Thanks to you also Jennifer! ... (I got distracted while making that post, so it took a while)... Best of luck to both of your young adults too! Something tells me they've got what it takes to do just fine. smile.gif

Cheers again!

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Must be because you're dial-up... If it won't work that way, fire off whatever you'd like to post to me, I'll hide it on the family web site and you can link to it something like this:


...whenever/however you like. ?

biggrin.gif Cheers,

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Celebrate and toot your horn all you like Mitch! You have every right to be proud. Children who reach such heights at such a young age are a product of being raised in a loving and nurturing home. Good on ya, mate! smile.gif

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