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... a word for my dog...

Mitch Cronin

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Griffon (our 4 yr old German Shepherd) is in an emergency clinic right now... he's got epilepsy and his medication causes him to want to eat all the time... so he sometimes eats some very wrong things when we're not looking... That's what's got him into trouble right now, he ate something that's got him blocked...

He's currently having some kind of a barium exam (over a period of 6 hours they watch what happens)... then they may operate on the poor bugger anytime.

Man he looked sick!... I hope he'll be ok... sad.gif

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Mitch ... Me too ... spent last night up with my Golden (geriatric) ... coughing and ... Wish she could tell what hurts ... what is wrong babe! Love HER beyond words ... MY companion and LOVE ..Know how you feel.

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Best wishes for the dog Mitch (and to you and your family as well).

I used to have a Golden that had epilepsy. One of the current ones had a very expensive knee operation a couple of years ago; with a long recovery period.

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One son has two Labs, one Chocolate and one Yellow. The Chocolate is 15 years old and is extremely stiff...arthritus so sad as he was so active.

The other son has a Australian Cattle dog, (looks like a Dingo) and an Australian Sheperd. The Cattle Dog has arthritus so bad he finds it hard to lie down...again...so sad.

Both boys older dogs, (quite old), do not have long to go. I've watched 3 dogs of my own "go West" and I don't envy what these two "men" have coming up in the future sad.gif

Dogs....unconditional love..... that the owners never forget...I wish more people were like that.

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I didn't want to get a dog but finally gave in. Wouldn't part with him for anything now. You sure do get attached.

I'm sure he'll be alright Mitch. Let us know how he makes out.


PS. By the way Mitch. I've met a lot of Goldens and they're all Conservatives. There isn't a Liberal in the group but I'm sure he loves you anyway. biggrin.gif

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My thoughts are with you Mitch - I hope the little guy pulls through, and forgets it all by tomorrow. Dogs are truly the best animals on earth, and those who own them are right behind....

Hopefully you and Griffon will be sharing a bottle of Appleton's by this time tomorrow.



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I'm sure he'll be alright Mitch. He's young and you got him treated pretty quick.

Our little fur ball used to like to eat things she shouldn't. She learned her lesson the night she decided it would be fun to try chewing on an old turd she found along the foot path. Unfortunately, by the time Karen caught her, she'd already ingested enough to make her sick. What was worse, she had the opposite intestinal problem to that which Griffon is suffering right now. The streaks took a while to get out of the carpet, but the lesson for Bailey was worth it. She sticks to the stuff that's in her bowl now!

Good luck!

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I sincerely hope he pulls through Mitch! I know how difficult a time this can be on a family. We lost our dog about 7 months back. sad.gif He was fourteen and suffering from congestive heart failure. His quality of life was deteriorating badly from day to day. In the end I had no choice but to put him down. Watching him suffer was heart breaking. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do ... Dogs lives are much to short ... They are definitely mans best friend though!


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First, I'd like to say that if anyone ever doubted what a fine bunch of folks visit this site, the posts above should surely convince you.

Sincere thanks, to all of you for your kind words, good wishes and concern for the beast.

Just got off the phone with the vet at the clinic... He's still of the mind that the "medical" rather than the "surgical" route, is the correct one at the moment... he's talking about maybe sending him home later tonight with a bevy of antibiotics and laxatives and things... but only because he's finaly accepted some food, and so far hasn't chucked it back out. (seems like something less than an exact science to me?)

He's still blocked. The zillion or so x-rays they've taken so far have shown them where the block is, and that, though it moved slightly at first, it's not now moving... apparently caught at some kind of a union of two different sized pipes (my language, not his).

There's something odd about this clinic he's at... it's an emergency clinic that has a rule I don't understand that the dog will be discharged before 0830 Monday morning, regardless of his condition... My wife tells me the good news there is that if we do need to take him back, he can go to his normal vet instead of this emergency clinic. (?)

I had pecked out a rather lengthy post here this morning, but lost it when I clicked a wrong button up top for some unknown reason... The gist of that was all about how rewarding a relationship with a dog can be...

I've lived with dogs almost all my life... had my heart ripped open on too many occasions, when some very sad things have happened... Even when all goes well they do live very short lives. ...but I'll never regret having opened my heart to the critters.

Anyone who's never had a dog may well think we're all nuts, but those of us who know the true meaning of "man's best friend" will understand completely. They do become a part of the family!

It almost feels silly on one level... this degree of concern for a dog at a time when people are suffering through war and terrorism and famine and typhoons and earthquakes... etc... But love doesn't seem to know degrees... or logic.

Again, Thank you. May all of your dogs find the door when they need to. wink.gif I'll let you know how Griffon does.



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Hey Mitch, I am sure everything will work out fine. These beasts have a way of overcoming the results of being a little goofy! Dogs are wonderful companions. Unfortunately we had to find a new home for our canine a few years back when it nipped at our 4 month old daughter. It was sad, but luckily Axl has a great new owner/companion and is enjoying life without us.

Let us know how things turn out.



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As someone who shares his life and home with 6 (yea you read it right) German Shepherds in feel for you from the bottom of my soul.

We went through something similar about 2 months ago when our prize winning 14 month old male puppy decided that it would be a great thing to eat a sport sock of mine. Thankfully my wife noticed something was not right and rushed him in to our vets office. After many x-rays and tests the blockage was located and surgery was the only option. Thankfully he is back home now and is 110% better and I am $1500 poorer.

Hope everything works out for you and Griffon. All my furkids send their best wishes. thumbup.gifthumbup.gif

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Luckily my wife has been working at Vets for the last 25 years or so; and when a sock (or something like it) gets gobbled up we tend to give them some peroxide. After a bit they will start puking and the offending parts will come with it. Not sure if it is recommended though; especially in the case of tennisballs and such.

Heck, one of them took a liking to a few samples out of my CD collection and chewed them up (and ingested them).

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Ex 9A Guy... That's an encouraging story! Good to hear...

Tomorrow morning it will be a week since he ate the thing... So far he's hanging in there, but sheesh this is nerve wracking! The vets still think it will pass...I'm guessing they may be reluctant to cut him open because of the risk of him splitting stitches later during a siezure? ...I don't know...

W5 - I wish the vomiting had worked... he did a lot of that on his own!

Croc - Thanks... too bad about Axl... But you can't have that going on, so you did right... (as you obviously know) Nice to know he's doing well though, eh..

Cheers all...

Here's a shot of my friend:


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aaah Mitch - he's a beauty!

keeping my fingers crossed for you - I know how my furry beasts keep me sane no matter what the world throws at me smile.gif

From the sounds of it I am sure he will be fine - but if ingesting things he is not supposed to is the big issue - maybe you should hide that big ball for awhile! LOL

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A Good looking boy! I also have my fingers crossed for you. My "friend" is hopefully on the mend -- we all managed to sleep most of last night. smile.gif

Choosing their dog is the only chance that most people get to pick their relatives.

Griffon obviously chose well!! wink.gif

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I was just looking at that other thread now Pager... Glad to hear things turned out ok for now with your Golden friend... if only they could talk!... (I'm not sure of the language Griffon might be using these days though! ...could get pretty ugly.. tongue.gif )


That old basketball is his passion... I think he'd eat my truck's tires just to get even with me if I took that away. wink.gif

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