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DoT King Air Accident Report


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Good day,

I’ve been looking for information on a Department of Transport (now TC) Beech King Air accident which I recall occurring in the early 1980s. I’ve looked on line using several search engines and databases to no avail.

The aircraft was engaged in airspace inspection activities when the wing failed due to fatigue. The aircraft crashed with all on board lost. If anyone knows anything more about this accident I would appreciate hearing from you.



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I remember that crash well. It lead to the installation of a "wing strap" on all King & Queen Airs to prevent a recurrence. Many AME's thought, given the same circumstances, the strap would not prevent wing separation. I flew a B-80 Queenair in the mid-80's on magnetometer survey work. It was strapped. Interesting discussion here: http://www.avcanada.ca/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=62181


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Obviously well before the internet so might not be available online.  I'd bet someone in TC knows of a filing cabinet full of old reports.  Just gotta find that person and convince them to send it to you.

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38 minutes ago, ILB said:

Well done!  When the thread was first created I spent considerable time searching and came up with nothing at all and you found 3 separate sources!  Can I ask what search terms and search engine you used?

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13 hours ago, Seeker said:

Can I ask what search terms and search engine you used?

I read the AvCanada thread, however the link there had expired. The link though had been snapshotted in 2013 on WayBackMachine (web.archive.org) and thus was able to acquire the pdf.   C-FCAS king air search terms in Bing gave a hit on first result.

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