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Pax (Guests) Sex Act On Air Canada Leads To Charges

Kip Powick

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Two passengers on an Air Canada flight Friday night got a little too frisky, prompting complaints from other travellers and a call to the RCMP.

Police met flight 610 when it arrived in Halifax from Toronto around 5:30 p.m. Crew members identified a 24-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man as the people who had engaged in a “sexual act” during the flight, said Cpl. Scott MacRae, spokesman for Halifax RCMP.

The sex act was not intercourse, MacRae said, noting the people involved still had their clothes on, albeit partially opened.

“People were not naked by any means,” he said.

The situation escalated when officers tried to investigate and the women became “upset and disruptive,” and kicked a police officer, MacRae said.

“The woman was very belligerent and continued to be verbally abusive,” he said.

No one was injured.

Police arrested the woman, who is from Porters Lake, near Halifax. She spent the night in custody, and was charged with assaulting a police officer, causing a disturbance and mischief. The woman is scheduled to appear in Dartmouth Provincial Court on Feb. 25.

The man was released at the airport. Police have not said where he is from.

MacRae said he wasn’t sure if the pair knew each other before the flight.

Police believe alcohol played “a little bit of a role” in the incident, MacRae said

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What, there's no video of the crime?

That might be a good thing. From what I hear about nude beaches is that most people who go there shouldn't be nude...ever - wouldn't know myself, never been to one. Maybe it's the same thing with people who have sex on an airplane?

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What, there's no video of the crime?

Heinous crime, indeed!

Had a similar situation at C3 with a couple occupying the same seat, much to the consternation of the cabin crew and those around them. Can't remember the outcome. So to speak. And I don't mean boy or girl... :wink_smile:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sex act on Air Canada flight leads to more charges for pair
CBC News Posted: Feb 22, 2014 2:43 PM AT Last Updated: Feb 23, 2014 11:12 AM AT

A man and a woman who were detained in January after allegedly committing a sexual act on an Air Canada plane are now facing more charges.

Jason Chase, 38, and Alicia Lander, 24, are now both facing a charge of committing an indecent act.

The sexual act allegedly happened during the flight and the pair was stopped by officers after arriving at Halifax Stanfield International Airport.

In addition, Lander is facing charges of causing a disturbance, assaulting a police officer and mischief.

The RCMP told CBC that after Lander was arrested, she was verbally abusive and kicked officers.

They are scheduled to appear in court in Nova Scotia on Feb. 25.


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  • 1 year later...

Air Canada sex act nets Chase conditional discharge and 18 months probation

Alicia Elizabeth Landry and Jason George Chase committed indecent act on Jan. 24, 2014

Fri Jun 05, 2015 - CBC News

A man who pleaded guilty to committing an indecent act during an Air Canada flight last year has been handed a conditional discharge with 18 months probation and must complete 50 hours of community service.

Jason George Chase, 40, formerly of Halifax but now living in Red Deer, Alta., pleaded guilty to the charge in January.

Judge Patrick Curran told Chase during sentencing that if he keeps to the conditions set out, he will not have a criminal conviction.

The Crown attorney in the case recommended 18 months probation and that Chase make a $500 donation to Dreams Take Flight. The defendant's lawyer agreed with the recommended donation to charity.

Chase's lawyer asked for a conditional discharge, saying a criminal record would have serious implications for Chase as he travels to Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

However, Curran questioned whether he can order Chase to make charitable donation even though both lawyers recommend it.

Last month, a judge found Alicia Elizabeth Lander, 26, guilty of committing an indecent act in public, causing a disturbance, assaulting a police officer and mischief to property. She had pleaded not guilty to all four charges.

'Air Canada has indefinitely banned Chase and Landers from their flights, Crown says.'


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The Crown says she probably won't be seeking jail time for Landers....huh?

Does the Crown intend to consider the facts; the guy plead guilty to a minor offence and received a sentence that did not include jail time as opposed to little Miss Dangerous who made quite a scene at the airport, assaulted the cops, racked up four charges, plead not guilty to them all, which necessitated a full trial of the issues and during said trial even lied to the Judge.

As a taxpayer that's interested in deterrence, at a minimum, I'd like to hear the Court has ordered the perp to repay all costs incurred as a result of her behaviour and given her a week in the can to provide a degree of focus to the entire exercise.

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Defcon, I guess we will find out in the fullness of time what penalty she will be served with. I see both are banned from AirCanada flights.

Last month, a judge found Alicia Elizabeth Lander, 26, guilty of committing an indecent act in public, causing a disturbance, assaulting a police officer and mischief to property. She had pleaded not guilty to all four charges.

She is due back in Dartmouth provincial court on July 14 to be sentenced.

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