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So Nice To See

Kip Powick

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OTTAWA—For a second year, the Harper government has issued a directive to civil servants giving them the green light to adorn their office space with tinsel, symbols of Santa or any other forms of holiday decorations.

Treasury Board President Tony Clement says the lights and decorations lift spirits, and it’s perfectly fine for anyone celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah to place seasonal symbols at government work sites.

A statement will be issued Monday reminding federal employees of their right to festoon.

Last year, Human Resources Minister Diane Finley issued a similar directive after a government manager banished Christmas decorations, trees and holiday wreaths from front-line Service Canada offices across Quebec.

But Clement says he wanted to make clear to all federal employees that the Conservatives have no issue with the decorations.

Clement says there are some people who would rather not let employees put up holiday decorations.

But he says the Harper government “will not allow the Christmas spirit to be grinched.”

Clement said that he received an almost immediate response to his statement since it was released Sunday, from public servants expressing their delight.

(one comment) ....Harper is the PM but isn`t it the CANADIAN government that makes policy or has Prime Minister Harper stated that the Canadian Government will be known as `his`government. :blush:

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....Harper is the PM but isn`t it the CANADIAN government that makes policy or has Prime Minister Harper stated that the Canadian Government will be known as `his`government. :blush:

In a perfect world, maybe! One trait of the Canadian Parliamentary System has been made abundantly clear by the present order: The PM holds ALL the reins. Only the Supreme Court can overturn his legislation, but that can take years, after the damage (assuming damage) is done. Nobody can overturn his decisions relating to appointments to Cabinet, the Senate, the GG/LG positions, Acts, Regulations or Orders. He could even build a wall around the Parliament Buildings if he so chooses and barricade himself from The Masses. WAIT A MINUTE!!! He's already doing that!!!

Maybe we'll end up calling it la Bastille when it's done.

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Is it the PM or the media that dubs it the "Harper government'?

In BC it was the NDP that attached Gordon Campbell to the name of the government in the hopes that the negativity associated with him was spread to the whole party.

I think, but I don't know for sure, that Mr Harper calls it either "This Government" or the "Government of Canada" or "We". I have never heard him address anything saying "The Harper Government", has anyone else? I think it is just the media and opposition that try to associate the name with the government in hopes of poisoning the well.

FWIW I don't like anyone using just the last name of any politician, I try not to, I think it is rude to do so. From my observation only, the only people I see doing this with anyone, are people who disagree with or don't like that person and are using the name as a epithet.

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Is it the PM or the media that dubs it the "Harper government'?

It is the PM... there was quite a discussion on the forums when "Canada's New Government" lasted for a number of years and the, in 2011, the most recent rebranding:

The Star.com: Tories rebrand 'Government of Canada' as 'Harper Government' - 03 March 2011

Treasury Board Secretariat Press Release: Harper Government Announces 10,980 Public Sector Positions Eliminated in Past Six Montsh - 16 November 2012

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Well, I would have to agree with Mel Cappe on this one.

But Mel Cappe, a former clerk of the Privy Council, finds nothing amusing in the development.

“It is not the Harper Government,” Cappe said in an interview, tersely enunciating each word. “It is the Government of Canada.

“It’s my government and it’s your government.”

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I disagree. Using the term "Harper Government" shows that he's specifically taking responsibility for decisions made while he's running it while simply saying the "Government of Canada" kinda looks like dodging responsibility. I'm not voting for him, or any Conservative, next time but this particular issue doesn't bother me.

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