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Air Canada unfair to tall people!


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At 6-feet, 7-inches, Malcolm Johnson thinks it's unfair that he has to pay Air Canada for extra leg room when people who need extra horizontal space don't have to pay more for that accommodation.

He's got a point, especially when you consider that flying for long periods with your legs cramped can cause a very painful temporary condition that can be fatal - deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - also known as "economy class syndrome."

AirSafe.com cites a number of articles written in the UK a decade ago, claiming airlines have been aware of the problem for some time and that DVT, at that time, had caused an estimated 300 deaths in the UK alone.

And DVT is exactly what Johnson says he deals with. People have told him, says CNN, to "sit down, suck it up, and shut up," but apparently they've never experienced DVT.

Tell Air Canada to take flight-related health issues seriously. Stop denying tall people sufficient leg room.

Glad they didn't include WJ!


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Sorry but nope, nope nope. I don't agree with the obese accommodation either. The product is the chair. You pay to be in the chair while it goes somewhere.

Answer me this - I'm six foot seven. I go to buy a bed that is 9 feet long. Sales guy says that the bed is $1000, they I say well you're selling a 7 foot bed for $800 - I want the long bed for the same money. You gonna get it?

-I'm a big guy. I go to a restaurant and order a meal. The meal comes and I say this isn't enough food for me. I want more but am not going to pay more for it. You gonna get it?

I don't think so.

Longer bed costs more. More food costs more. Room on an airplane COSTS MORE!

I'm waiting for the tall guy to sue because he has to bend over getting thru the door. "The diameter of this fuselage is not adequate for my purposes. Off with their heads!"

Have you seen the seat pitch on sun destination? Nobody sues them for that. They pay their 350 bucks, sit down, suck it up and get drunk.

The airlines need better lawyers.

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Well, this certainly is an "Air Canada" problem isn't it!? No other carrier especially in the US has this problem, right?

The complaint may be valid (one can't control height, but one can almost always control obesity), but targeting one carrier makes one ask, What's the bashing really about?

Take the complaint to passenger advocacy groups.

The industry has taught, and told passengers that they can have everything for $39, return. Airlines just can't do it on these fares. More seat pitch = higher fares. There are others who may just have to suck it up.

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At 6'4" tall and over 300lbs I have flown Long haul Economy on AC and other Airlines. Why do we push at AC? They do not have a monopoly on short seat pitch. AC is actually not bad compared to the Charter carriers for the most part. I can fit my ass in one economy seat just fine and I am able to stretch my legs out enough in front of me. I cannot, however, stow anything under the seat in front of me because of my height.

This rewwks of people complaining for the sake of complaining in the hopes of getting something for nothing. I agree with Southshore. you wanna play you gotta pay.

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Yes, it's all crazy, but to my point; the Government, not AC, has required an accomodation for almost anyone with almost anything 'perceived' as a disability, so why not the tall people?

Perhaps they could create a seperate section with 20" pitch seating; maybe even the whole ac? If they did that, they wouldn't board any tall people at all, but they sure could put in a bunch more little people.

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I could hit them for a double whammy. 2 seats with extra leg room because my Vertical Altitude disability combined with my spacially challenged disability would mean I need more room over all. Oh hell just put me in executive class, that'll be fine.

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