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Your Tax Dollars at Work...

Kip Powick

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Clifford Olson.......cost to keep in jail = $121,294 per year (2006-2007)

.......approved for OAS and GIS = 1169.47 / month (into Trust Fund)

If you don't know who CLIFFORD OLSON is.......killed 11 children......1980-'81

The Toronto SUN has an indepth article on the creep. With respect to the two pensions he is entitled to as a Canadian citizen, Olson says he has to make a Will so those government "bas**rds don't get it".

I'm still available to pull the triggerangry[1].gif

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Moon for police commissioner. Slime like Olson do not deserve any of the benefits that come with being a Canadian citizen. If he had any stones at all, he would will his pension to the families of his victims. But if I were one of them, it would be money I could not accept.

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Clifford Olson.......cost to keep in jail = $121,294 per year (2006-2007)

.......approved for OAS and GIS = 1169.47 / month (into Trust Fund)

If you don't know who CLIFFORD OLSON is.......killed 11 children......1980-'81

The Toronto SUN has an indepth article on the creep. With respect to the two pensions he is entitled to as a Canadian citizen, Olson says he has to make a Will so those government "bas**rds don't get it".

I'm still available to pull the triggerangry[1].gif


If for whatever reason you are tied up or incapacitated in any way, I'll be there to step in for you :icon_super:

Maybe they can save the country some money by throwing in Bernardo at the same time for a twofer :023:


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TUESDAY 23 March CHINA (Tor Star)

WE all know that China is quite "lite" on human rights...still I wonder what the judicial system over there will do with this killer..

BEIJING-A former doctor armed with a large knife killed eight children and injured five others Tuesday at an elementary school in eastern China, a local official said.

The assailant was arrested after the 7:20 a.m. attack, Xinhua News Agency said. He is a former community clinic doctor with a history of mental health problems, said a man surnamed Wu in the Nanping city government office, who would not give his full name as is common among Chinese officials.

Eight children from Nanping City Experimental Elementary School were killed, and five were being treated at a hospital, Wu said. Six died at the scene.

The attacker, who is 41 or 42, had resigned from his post at the community clinic, Wu said, but he wasn’t sure when.

The school, located in Fujian province, was closed and students were sent home.

China has witnessed a series of school attacks over the past several years, which are often blamed on personal grudges or people with psychiatric problems, leading to calls for improved security.

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If it is no longer acceptable for you to live in society then you should not be able to receive the benefits of living in society.

I like the arctic island idea for any criminal serving a life sentence. Drop them all up there with enough food for half of them and let them fight it out.

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If I understand it correctly, the per day food allowance for Mr. Olson, and other Fed'l Inmates, is greater than the food allowance of Our Seniors in Ontario Long Term Care (Nursing Home). THAT JUST ISN'T RIGHT.

If you can't live by society's norms ... maybe(?) removal from society should be the rule .... Live drop to any remote area seems fine by me ... NO supplies, NO support ... Buh Bye!

All Worship the Mighty Malbec

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