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This issue isn't going away...

Mitch Cronin

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It's growing louder... : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-649993991751648213#

Personally, I think you conspiracy theorists ought to wake up. The sooner a true inquiry is held, and the truth is found and dealt with, the sooner we can get on with better things...

...Like space exploration! biggrin.gif

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No more space exploration until it is proven that no one has ever even been to the moon yet, just a studio that looked like the moon.


Go ahead...watch the video...it was a scam...the truth will come out some day...it is obvious.

The sooner a true inquiry is held, and the truth is found and dealt with, the sooner we can get on with better things...

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It's growing louder... : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-649993991751648213#

Personally, I think you conspiracy theorists ought to wake up. The sooner a true inquiry is held, and the truth is found and dealt with, the sooner we can get on with better things...

...Like space exploration!  biggrin.gif

Sorry Mitch. To me, that video was nothing but innuendo from beginning to end (or at least where I ended watching it). And when they tried to introduce "scientific fact", they were just plain lying - the 767 does NOT have a MTOW of 300,000 lbs. It is about 350,000. The 767-300 is in excess of 400,000. I couldn't watch it any further as the credibility was gone.

Having said that, and notwithstanding my previous posts on the subject, if there were two things I scratch my head about with regards 9-11, it is the Pentagon "attack" and the Pennsylvania crash.

Maybe I'll dig a little deeper to see just what facts are out there....

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The bit that really gets me wondering is the fella testifying to the 911 commission, that there was someone coming in the room in the Pentagon with Cheney, every so often, telling them "the plane is 50 miles out" ... "40 miles out"... "and when it got down to ten miles out he asked Cheney, "Does the order still stand?" and his response, he swivvled his neck around and snapped, "Of course the order still stands! Did anyone tell you it didn't?!"

And the 911 commission dug no further!? What was that? Why, if they knew it was coming, why on earth were there no defenses then? 50 minutes after the second plane hit the towers, they couldn't get a single fighter to guard the capital? Not even someone out on the lawn with a pop gun to shoot at that big bird circling around the Pentagon?What order still stood? Why wasn't that question followed to a sensible answer?

How did the core of those buildings collapse so completely? What's with that clearly cut at an angle steel? That wasn't cut after the collapse, that was collapsed in the mess and sticking up. What had caused that wonderfull, straight cut of melted steel? Why all the molten iron?

Did you know there was a fire on the 11th floor of one of the towers some years ago that burned as long as these did before the buildings collapsed? No collapse then. ...with temps equally high, yet MANY more floors of mass above! The 11th floor! Not only was there no collapse, but that fire didn't even damage any steel bad enough to need replacing! The same building (Not sure which one of the two it was) that later..... because the fire supposedly weakened it enough... sigh... it just doesn't make sense! Lots of other things that don't make sense... not least of which is the fact that so many people swear there were explosions.

I really don't think people are going to shut up about this one until it's seen to have been properly dealt with. The mainstream media only covers it enough to make it all look like it's all a bunch of silly clowns asking the questions, but increasingly, there are more and more serious, educated and accredited people joining the ranks. The world has changed with the internet, and I think maybe GWB and crew underestimated the significance of that change.

I really don't think it's too far fetched to believe they knew, and allowed it all to happen. Horrible, yes! But too far fetched?....

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How can the flag be fluttering, when there is no wind on the atmosphere free Moon?

In one of the moon pictures there is a rock that clearly has a "C" carved into it. Hollywood marks it's props with letters that coorespond with the placement of these props. If it was a fake then someone just didn't turn the rock the right way to hide the marking. NASA simply says it is a film defect or a piece of hair showing up in the film. Really

As for the film...as one site said..."The belt of radiation around the moon...experts say the astronauts had a one hour time frame to go through a hole in the belt and they did. Hmmm. How about coming back out through the belt? Nothing was mentioned about that. And did the astronauts have a change of space suit as I am sure I would have needed one beating those kinds of odds. A point that I tend to question is that the film would not of survived the radiation at all. This is one point that there doesn't seem to be an expert explanation for. Today any film taken into space has to be stored in special lime boxes they didn't even think of 40 years ago."

Look at this site and tell me if you believe that humans have been to the moon.


More and more people are questioning NASA. The internet is exposing the truth for all. Educated people want to know why so much money was spent for nothing.

Woxof says...no more space exploration please. It has been proven a waste of time.

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Guest rattler

woxof: The following is from the Mythbusters site ... http://mythbustersresults.com/episode-104-nasa-moon-landing

One of the NASA photos is fake because the shadows of the rocks and lunar lander are not parallel.


The Mythbusters built a small-scale replica of the lunar landing site based on the photograph, using reflective sand similar to that found on the Moon, and a single light to represent the Sun. Next, they took a photo which was exactly the same as the NASA photo, including the differing shadows. The Mythbusters explained that the shadows were not parallel because of the way the light falls on the Moon’s natural topography.

One of the NASA photos is fake because Neil Armstrong can be clearly seen while in the shadow of the lunar lander.


To test this myth, the Mythbusters built a large-scale replica of the landing site, allowing them to take a photo which was nearly identical to the original NASA photo. The Mythbusters explained that Armstrong was visible because of ambient light being reflected off of the Moon’s surface.

A flag cannot flap in a vacuum.


The Build Team placed a replica of the American flag planted on the moon into a vacuum chamber at the Marshall Space Flight Center. They first tested at normal pressure and manipulated the flag. The momentum moved the flag around but the motion quickly dissipated. In vacuum conditions, manipulating the flag caused it to flap vigorously as if it were being blown by a breeze. This demonstrated that a flag could appear to wave in a vacuum, as the Apollo flag did.

A clear footprint cannot be made in vacuum because there is no moisture to hold its shape.busted

The Build Team first tested whether dry or wet sand made a more distinguishable footprint by stepping in them with an astronaut boot. It was clear that the wet footprint had more detail than the dry footprint. They then placed sand similar in composition to the Moon’s soil in a vacuum chamber and stepped on it with an astronaut boot, which made a clear print. The reason provided for this was that the unique composition of lunar soil allows it to behave differently than terrestrial soil.

The film of the astronauts moonwalking is actually film of the astronauts skipping in front of a high-framerate camera, slowing down the picture and giving the illusion they are on the Moon.busted

Adam donned a replica NASA spacesuit and mimicked the astronauts’ motions while being filmed by a slow motion camera. They also attached Adam to wires in order to mimic the Moon’s lower gravity. While comparing their new footage with the original footage, the Mythbusters noted an initial similarity, but there were several small discrepancies attributable to filming in Earth’s gravity. In order to film in microgravity, the Mythbusters boarded a Reduced Gravity Aircraft and filmed the exact same movements. Adam noted that the movements were more comfortable and more logical in microgravity, and their footage from the plane looked exactly like the original NASA film. The Mythbusters concluded that the moon landing film is authentic.

The Apollo astronauts left behind special equipment on the Moon like reflectors that scientists can bounce lasers off of.


The Mythbusters went to an observatory equipped with a high powered laser. They first fired at the bare lunar surface but did not detect the laser bouncing back. Then they pointed the laser at a reflector left behind by NASA and received a confirmed bounce.

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Who cares what mythbusters says? They are obviously in on it as well. How do you know they didn't fake their evidence? Trick photography has been used for years. What about the rock with the C on it?

Let us please stop this endless waste of money on space exploration. I have heard that the Hubble photos are all fake. We all know that it was faulty construction to start with. As if they really repaired it.

Space exploration money perhaps should be the money that goes to the third world to prevent global warming.

Woxof....isn't it obvious? The truth is out there.

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Who cares what mythbusters says? They are obviously in on it as well. How do you know they didn't fake their evidence? Trick photography has been used for years. What about the rock with the C on it?

Let us please stop this endless waste of money on space exploration. I have heard that the Hubble photos are all fake. We all know that it was faulty construction to start with. As if they really repaired it.

Space exploration money perhaps should be the money that goes to the third world to prevent global warming.

Woxof....isn't it obvious? The truth is out there.

This is what Don gets for telling you to speak your mind.

Wow. laugh.gif

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Guest rattler
Who cares what mythbusters says? They are obviously in on it as well. How do you know they didn't fake their evidence? Trick photography has been used for years. What about the rock with the C on it?

Let us please stop this endless waste of money on space exploration. I have heard that the Hubble photos are all fake. We all know that it was faulty construction to start with. As if they really repaired it.

Space exploration money perhaps should be the money that goes to the third world to prevent global warming.

Woxof....isn't it obvious? The truth is out there.

Must be hard to type with your tongue so firmly planted into your cheek. tongue.gif

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Space exploration money perhaps should be the money that goes to the third world to prevent global warming.

You are debating the subject of fakes, conspiracies, bad science and outright lies and you use the global warming fakery as a shining example of of where money should be spent.

I think we have spent quite enough money on that farce. Maybe you are the one in denial if you believe that a 40+ year old lunar landing movie was faked but you believe in the flawed and possibly criminally manipulated climate data behind the global warming fiasco.

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Who cares what mythbusters says? They are obviously in on it as well. How do you know they didn't fake their evidence? Trick photography has been used for years. What about the rock with the C on it?

Let us please stop this endless waste of money on space exploration. I have heard that the Hubble photos are all fake. We all know that it was faulty construction to start with. As if they really repaired it.

Space exploration money perhaps should be the money that goes to the third world to prevent global warming.

Woxof....isn't it obvious? The truth is out there.


I'm generally one of the guys on your side but really, you don't actually believe that the moon landing was faked do you? I hope not because if you do I'll need to reassess any credit you've accumulated in climate change thread.

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Guest rattler

Regarding those who believe 9/11 was staged by the US. Just remember you are talking about something that would have involved thousands and that is in a political climate that could not even keep something as small (in terms of numbers of people being involved) as "Watergate" secret. cool.gif

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Why thousands? If there was an order not to engage, for instance, how many people below the man who got that order would have to know?

As for so many people knowing it would have to leak.... Maybe it has leaked, and is still leaking. But lots of folks have long ago decided not to listen.

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Who cares what mythbusters says? They are obviously in on it as well. How do you know they didn't fake their evidence? Trick photography has been used for years. What about the rock with the C on it?

Let us please stop this endless waste of money on space exploration. I have heard that the Hubble photos are all fake. We all know that it was faulty construction to start with. As if they really repaired it.

Space exploration money perhaps should be the money that goes to the third world to prevent global warming.

Woxof....isn't it obvious? The truth is out there.

tongue.gif Good one woxof.

Until this last post, I was figuring the next thing you were going to do was head down to Roswell with the rest of them & wait for the aliens to bring Elvis back.

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Regarding those who believe 9/11 was staged by the US. Just remember you are talking about something that would have involved thousands and that is in a political climate that could not even keep something as small (in terms of numbers of people being involved) as "Watergate" secret. cool.gif

That answers your question better than I could.

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I'm generally one of the guys on your side but really, you don't actually believe that the moon landing was faked do you?  I hope not because if you do I'll need to reassess any credit you've accumulated in climate change thread.

Gatekeeper and Rattler seem to be the only ones who caught on to my ruse. As Rattler said..."Must be hard to type with your tongue so firmly planted into your cheek."(notice the quotation marks by the way). An easy hook, line and sinker for the Moon though. laugh.gif How appropriate.

Of course I don't believe that the lunar landing was faked. I was intentionally being as ridiculous as the first post was unintentionally ridiculous. I chose such subject(space exploration) intentionally as well. Sometimes people should see the mirror image of themselves to understand the foolishness. Doesn't seem to have worked though. tongue.gif

Coming up with endless new questions that can never be answered. It can be done with almost anything.

One would have to be dumber than their own dogs to believe this conspiracy crap that this thread is all about. Most see through it fortunately.

Then again.....what about that rock with the "c" marked on it? Maybe it was a studio rock accidentally knocked over.

Woxof....still 100% creditworthy on all chosen subjects.

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Well in 2002 SSHA (Smart systems for health agency) was developed here in Ontario to form electronic health records for Ontarians. The provincial auditor is on record saying that it is very unlikely Ontario will have electronic health records by 2015 ! Thats 13 YEARS and still no electronic health records.

In short, we didn't do to the moon.


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The "point" (evidently lost to those "100% creditworthy") I was trying to make with this thread, was not to try to convince anyone... I still don't feel "convinced" one way or another myself... Rather, it was to point out that it really does seem to be a festering issue that, from all I see, is growing in numbers and volume. I do believe there will be, eventually, a further "inquiry" of some kind. Mainstream media will soon be unable to continue to ignore the issue. ....of that, I AM convinced.

It's clear, even if you only look at the 911 commission report, that MUCH has been hidden. A growing number of people - and many of them who lost a great deal on that morning - want to know why. That Mohamed Atta had received $100,000 from a Pakistani official who was, on the morning of Sept 11th, visiting US officials in New York, is a rather sticky point that requires explanation, for instance... There are, of course, many more...

I highly recommend watching this video:

It's called "Core of Corruption" and is very well done.

It's not like the others, yet you too, I'll wager, will agree that there are points raised therein, which are begging for answers.

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Jumping in ---jumping out..

Mitch, have you ever considered that the vast majority of "nut-bar" theories originate in the US and the reason why?

To me it is pretty obvious......the US population has been led to believe that the impossible can not happen to them, (9/11), and when it did, individuals lacking the education and technology ete., etc., could not have possibly carried out those attacks ...hence it had to be originated from within the biggest powerhouse of intellects and technology existing....... and in the many minds of the "nut-bars " that is the good ole USA..

Not possible??? Did you watch Dragon's Den last night? A man was convinced that spraying purified water, (with a very, very tiny quanity of silver added), on ones self as well as drinking it, would cure cancer and every other desease known to mankind...a 21st Century snakeoil salesman and he had sold about $40,000.00 worth of the crap and put a value on his "company" of 10million !!!!Nut-bars do exist .......they are out there Mitch, and you will never be able to change their minds, As Jim said on Dragon's Den last night, when attempting to tell this guy he was crazy...., "It's like trying to blow air up a dead horses a$$" tongue.gif

Jumping out wink.gif

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