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Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, Betelguese!

Mitch Cronin

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Alpha Orionis.

- about 15 solar masses (15 times the mass of our own star)

- somewhere between 4.1 and 5 AU in diameter (1 Astronomical Unit being the distance between Earth and the Sun - which, if it were our sun, would put Betelguese's edges out near Jupiter)

- only about ten million years old, but as a red super-giant, is in it's last days

- currently thought to be busily fusing helium into carbon and oxygen, having already fused all it's hydrogen into helium.

- about 570 light years distant

- ready to blow up in a spectacular supernova any time now (on astronomical time scales... could be today, tomorrow, or another hundred thousand years or more) and would be visible to us in full daylight!

user posted image

["mas"= milliarcseconds - 10 mas = 0.01 arcseconds ]

....from today's APOD of course. smile.gif

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but it WILL happen. Eventually it will happen to our sun as well. Our sun is very young but evventually the hydrogen will be gone from it as well.

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We only have about 5 billion more years to worry about greenhouse gases before the Sun becomes a red giant and engulfs the earth. I wonder what Al Gore's descendants will do then! laugh.gif

Why do I have this not so nice feeling that we will screw up our planet to the point of no return long before that day comes? blink.gif I just wish I could say whether it will be polution or will it be political / religious strife that takes us all out.

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Well there you go...I guess I'll forget about those credit card charges biggrin.giftongue.gif

Earth 'to be wiped out' by supernova explosion

The Earth could soon be wiped out by the explosion of a star more than 3,000 light years away, according to American scientists.

By Ben Leach

Published: 9:39AM GMT 06 Jan 2010

The star, called T Pyxidis, is set to self-destruct in an explosion called a supernova with the force of 20 billion billion billion megatons of TNT

Although the star is thought to be around 3,260 light-years away – a fairly short distance in galactic terms – the blast from the thermonuclear explosion could strip away the Earth's ozone layer, the scientists said.

University, Philadelphia, in the US, said the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite has shown them that T Pyxidis is really two stars, one called a white dwarf that is sucking in gas and steadily growing. When it reaches a critical mass it will blow itself to pieces.

It will become as bright as all the other stars in the galaxy put together, they said. The Hubble space telescope has photographed the star preparing for its big bang with a series of smaller blasts or "burps", called novas.

These explosions came regularly about every 20 years from 1890 – but stopped after 1967.

So the next blast is nearly 20 years overdue, said scientists Edward M Sion, Patrick Godon and Timothy McClain at the American Astronomical Society in Washington.

Robin Scagell, vice-president of the UK's Society for Popular Astronomy, said: "The star may certainly became a supernova soon – but soon could still be a long way off so don't have nightmares."

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I don't think it's close enough to do us any harm.

"A near-Earth supernova is an explosion resulting from the death of a star that occurs close enough to the Earth (roughly fewer than 100 light-years away) to have noticeable effects on its biosphere. Gamma rays from a supernova induce a chemical reaction in the upper atmosphere, converting molecular nitrogen into nitrogen oxides, depleting the ozone layer enough to expose the surface to harmful solar and cosmic radiation. This has been proposed as the cause of the end Ordovician extinction, which resulted in the death of nearly 60% of the oceanic life on Earth"


I would strongly suggest that you should not want this to happen .

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