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Does anyone have a link to, or a copy of...

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... I read a funny account of a China Airlines, or Air China 747 taxiing, somewhere in Alaska, that ran into the tail of some t-tailed thing (DC9? MD80?) and the 47 captain just kept adding thrust and wound up doing some incredible damage....

The tale was told, I think, by a controller? Anyway, it was hillarious to read.... I've tried searches with all sorts of the kind of keywords I've been able to think of that might lead me in the right direction, but fruitlessly.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about and can lead me to it, I'd be much obliged...?

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The Asiana 747 was attempting to perform a U-turn at the gate when its engine caught the Aeroflot aircraft's wing. The pilot added more power and the 747's wing became imbeded into Aeroflot's tail by about 6 feet. The 747's wing was eventually removed to facilitate separating the two aircraft.

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How about the China Airlines that took off from "K" taxiway (aprox. hdg 230) instead of RWY 32. Hit a snowbank and kept on going. When told of the error, they asked for "high speed climb". 3 Check Captains were on-board. Yup, they headed straight for Taiwan never looking back. blink.gif

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Here Mitch, I think this is the one you're looking for;

Alaska collision

Nov. 11th/98. The wing of an Asiana 747-400 cuts into the tail of a parked

Aeroflot IL62 at Anchorage International Airport while trying to make a

U-turn in a parking bay. No serious injuries reported.

The best part of the story was forwarded by a Captain witnessing the event

from a safe distance:

Gudday folks, true story, worth reading... Just into Anchorage and looking

at all the Korean debris on the airfield. What a beautiful job the Asiana

boy did in his 747-400. Asiana is KAL's "opposition" company, also run by the

military cronies. Pranged in Anchorage trying to do a "U" turn in a

parking bay... in a 747-400???? Poor Aeroflot was in the way though,

minding his business, parked at the gate with passengers on board.

Asiana thumped his # 1 engine against Aeroflot's wing and tore open the

engine cowling and fuel lines on the 747, pissing fuel all over the apron.

With standard Korean procedure, that calls for more power so you can get

out of the way and hope nobody saw! This he did, but it was icy as hell

on the ramp. The skid started and took out 2 Evergreen staff vehicles

sending the occupants fleeing for cover. THE CIRCUS HAD BEGUN!

Still more power and he put his left wing (last 15-20 feet) into the

vertical stab of the IL62 and cut into the tail about 15 feet. When he

reached the main spar of the vertical stab... the 747 stopped... you

guessed it..... MORE POWER!!!

I think he thought there was still time to run for it but he didn't seem to

be going anywhere.......SO..........MORE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!! In trying to

escape the grips of the Russian aircraft, he managed to reach take-off

thrust, and in so doing, put a bunch of containers behind the aircraft

through the terminal building and trashed it. Heard NCA got it in the

clamps, the Japanese must be pleased about that! Still no shutdown or

evacuation (fuel still pissing everywhere over the apron from the 747 #1


The Yank ground mechanics finally managed to run over and told them to shut

the aircraft down but the crew were busy writing a report for management to

apportion the blame.

After the entertainment ended, spoke to our crew driver and she said the

two (ground) vehicles he hit during his exhibition were badly trashed. The

Asiana aircraft is looking quite sad. Took all day yesterday to separate

the two aircraft and in desperation, the mechanics finally had to cut

about 20 feet of the Asiana left wing off to get the aircraft apart. Talk

about "dog lock"! The engine is off and the cowlings are all torn open.

The opposition (Aeroflot) was taking cover in the hangar...Good idea!

Well, not to be outdone, KAL landed a 747 freighter the very next day on

the runway lights on 6R!!! Lights, tyres, stuff everywhere.... you know

the rest. Ah yes, another boring day in aviation!

Y'awl be careful out there!!!!

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Guest rattler

I want to know how someone who says "y'awl" at the end of the story spells tyres with a "y"?

Transplant Brit. Lots of them down south. biggrin.gif

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My bets it's an Aussie.

I'm with you on that bet. The "Gudday" ... "tyre"... Not familiar with "got it in the

clamps" though? huh.gif

Somehow, it doesn't seem quite as funny as I remembered it, but still a chuckle. Thanks again Seeker.

...and thanks to you also Moderate chop, for the effort and links. Interesting to see the story from the investigative perspective also.

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Somehow, it doesn't seem quite as funny as I remembered it, but still a chuckle.


Yes, I also remembered it as being much funnier. I didn't have a link to it and had to do a websearch too. I was able to find it only because I did remember one key phrase from the story - "dog lock" laugh.gif

If you're interested, the search criteria I used was;

dog-lock 747 alaska

Try it, the first hit is the link I posted.

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