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Flying with TS

Kip Powick

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YYZ to SAI via TS

These early morning departures, (6:30am), are a killer as we live almost 2 hours from YYZ and then with the requirement of being at the airport 3 hours before flight there is little chance of getting a good nights sleep before starting one’s day. We arrived at T3 at about 3:45am and there was hardly a soul there so it looked like we would be first to check in. I went to Park and Fly and was only gone about 10 minutes and when I arrived back at the Terminal there were 140 people ahead of us in line !!! A busload of folks going to CUN, a trip sponsored by a local radio station in Belleville, arrived while I was away and filled the “corrals”. The line moved quickly and we were at the check in short order. I had pre-selected seats so there was no real reason to rush.

Ahhhh baggage …….my sore point… We were going for 2 weeks, which really doesn’t make any difference to your weight allowance …it is 20kgs per person. It seems to me there should be a wee bit of allowance made for “2 weekers”….but there is not. Anyhow, we managed to tip the scales, two bags, total 39kg…so far so good.

I then told the agent we had two scuba gear bags…….”Two????”, she asked with a hint of doubt in her voice. I replied that there were two of us going diving……I dunno maybe she thought old folks should just sit on the beach and drool…who knows?? Anyhow, at that point she insisted we unlock our dive gear bags, as she wanted to see the “scuba-gear”. This was a first for me…I have never had to “prove” what was in the bags that are clearly marked, look like “gear bags”, and have the name SCUBA-PRO emblazoned on each bag. I asked her why I had to open the bags and she replied it was TS policy to ensure that what I said was in the bag…. was actually in the bag. This could have turned into a urinating contest as I could have asked why she doubted my word, why didn’t she check the ordinary suitcases, where is it written on the TS website, or where is it written anywhere that a check-in agent has the option of opening luggage etc etc…….but much to Scuba 02’s delight I did not make a scene…. I just spun the combination locks and said “ Go ahead and look”. She pawed around in the bag, pulled out a fin, ruffled a wetsuit and said, “OK”.

And while I am here…… In SAI there is a school for handicapped children, The ORANGE HILL SCHOOL that runs on gifts from tourists and has an all-voluntary staff. Prior to leaving for the island I sent an email to TS Customer Service asking for a weight increase of 15KGs in total in order for Scuba 02 and I to take school books, paper, pencils etc etc in a separate container. I got a form letter back about a week before we left that basically said “no way”. While it is written on theTS website that they do allow a weight increase for 3 destinations in the south, they would not allow an increase of a mere 15kgs in this case. It boggles my mind about the 20kg per pax to start with and amazes me that TS would not make an exception for an individual who was trying to help the less fortunate. Further, the aircraft was a A310….did not have a full load and even if it did, it could have permitted about 50 people to increase their weight allowance for whatever reason without any concern for flight safety, fuel consumption etc. TS is not very well liked on one particular website/forum that is dedicated to SAI and many of the folks that go to SAI wish there was another carrier. I do know there is a move afoot by many, including myself, to sway TS into allowing stuff for the school to be allowed on the plane at no charge but I am sure it will take some time. I also can see the problem with folks abusing the system and just trying to take more of their personal stuff under the guise of “gifts for the school” but this could be averted if the rules were in effect as to a boxes dimensions, weight, etc and that the particular box WAS subject to check-in inspection. Perhaps in the interest of humanity and to further enhance TS’s image as an airline that cares, changes will be forthcoming. The end result was that we took a cab to the school and handed over some cash but I still think it would have been better to have been able to take the school supplies they so desperately need.

We boarded by seat row and like most terminals it was very difficult to understand the instruction, in part because of the PA system as well as the fact that the individual making the PA’s was not very conversant with the English language.

I had pre-purchased aisle seats across from one another, as we were unable to get seats beside one another in the row I wanted. Scuba 02 was in seat “C” and her seat-mates were a middle-aged couple and I lucked in as I had a gentleman, his wife and their 13 month old child in my row……oh joy!!! As luck would have it, the cheery FA actually suggested to the couple that they move further back as there was a section of three seats completely empty…they agreed and I was happy, especially when I asked the FA if Scuba 02 could move over with me. She said that would be fine so as a result we had a row of three seats just for the two of us…very nice.

In the meantime the Captain made a very clear and concise PA about our pending departure and the flight etc…..very well done. In the meantime the gentleman that initially been sitting beside Scuba 02 moved to her old seat, “C”. The door closed and he shot upright, got out of his seat and did a quick surveillance of the seats in Club Class. Just as we started to taxi, (pushed back right on time), he rang for a FA. I was sitting in seat “D” so was privy to the conversation that followed…… This fellow was bemoaning the fact that he had contacted both Nolitours and Sunquest vacations in an attempt to get Club seats but was told by the tour company reps that the seats were sold out……He said that he did all the “conversations over the Internet”. I may be wrong but I was under the impression that the tour reps don’t sell the seats…TS does, and if you want a particular seat or want to buy a Club seat you do it through TS. Anyhow the FA listened to his tale with a sympathetic ear, patted him on the arm and said she would see what she could do. The fellow sat back with a smug look on his face and waited. The FA came back prior to T/O and said they were welcome to have the Club seats….the fellow started to get out of his seat when the FA said…….”Will you be paying by Credit Card or cash??” The fellow became flustered and said he thought they should be free as he was “lied” to by the tour companies….. The end result was that they stayed in the back with the rest of us peons and as the FA left she looked over at me and gave me a sneaky little grin. She went forward and the fellow’s wife looked at her husband and said, “Well that didn’t work, did it?”…

The flight was enjoyable, and the only sore points would be the meal (and the attitude of the Fas)…I think they called it breakfast……consisted of 4 grapes, 2 inches of cantaloupe, a slice of orange, topped off with a drink of OJ and a very stale carrot muffin. Not exactly enticing for a lot of folks that had been up for about 6 hours on the wrong side of the clock. I don’t know if the meal is up to TS or the tour company but it was certainly a pathetic attempt at providing a morning meal. The FAs passed out a survey and based on what I saw a lot of folks were really PO’d with the meal…..the only thing offered for the 4+30 flight. The FAs seemed to disappear but were actually standing in the aft galley chatting. I actually pressed a call button, heard the tomne and saw thelight come on but an FA did not show up. I punched my stopwatch and it was 33 minutes before an FA walked down the aisle and even then she did not look at the call light. I called to her and she turned around and asked me what I wanted. I just suggested that she enter in the Cabin log that the overhead light for my seat was not working. Her reply, “Sorry about that” and walked away. She didn’t hear me say. “don’t worry about it, I’ll just use a candle”.

We arrived right on time and in the last 5 seconds of the flight, gravity took over as the runway made an attempt, and succeeded, in firmly swatting the big machine out of the sky.


Check-in is always a bit painful in SAI. First every pax must handover $31.00USD to get out of the country and then there is the baggage inspection and this is one place where they really hand search all your luggage. Takes quite awhile when the young Columbian soldier is not familiar with Scuba gear and there are two bags to go through. Next it is “check your luggage” get your seat and upstairs to x-ray for hand luggage and “wanding” even if you do not “beep”. Then over to turn in your visitors card and then over to have your passport checked once again and finally, (2 hours later), one is finally in the waiting area, the only portion of the terminal that is air conditioned.

We are herded onboard and yee Gawd, I have a beached whale in the seat next to me. I can’t even sit up straight as the individual overflows into both the seats on either side of her. Scuba 02 is silently laughing herself silly. We get a good PA and push back a few minutes early. About an hour into the flight we are served our gourmet lunch…depending on where one sat one actually had a choice of a Subway veggie sandwich or Subway roast beef sandwich. The couple beside me made short work of the sandwiches but not before spewing pieces in all directions as they guffawed and screeched at the “funny?” movie . It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out that the sandwiches were probably made the night before, endured the flight down to SAI and were served, (if you can call tossing them at the pax, followed by a small discus toss of a dried out cellophane wrapped cookie) in record time without so much as a word. Nothing like a soggy sandwich to ease the hunger….and then waiting about ½ an hour to get a drink to wash down the chalk flavoured cookie. The next offer of a drink was about 3 hours into the flight.

This may read like I am “picking” on AT but based on my observations and those of other pax, the FAs really needed an attitude adjustment. Most were surly and not that pleasant to talk to. The “In-charge” or whatever they call him/her left a lot to be desired when it came to being pleasant. One thing was very noticeable and perhaps could be labeled a coincidental occurrence as we only flew there and back with two different crews but with the exception of one FA, all could use a few weeks at Weight Watchers or if that was not possible perhaps they could at least wear uniforms that fit. Their representation as competent cabin crew was not the best and certainly did not enhance the company image. In one case a FA actually passed my seat, (they were not seen very often and spent most of the time in the back galley area), as we descended through 11000 feet and I caught her attention and pointed out that there was an empty booze bottle rattling around under a seat about two rows in front of me and in turn I received a mini lecture about how she was presently doing a pre-landing cabin check and she would get around to retrieving the bottle in her own good time. I was mildly surprised when the bottle did not disintegrate, but rather ricocheted around the seats when we impacted the runway in YYZ and we really did impact the runway. The bottle was still there as we deplaned. All in all I was very surprised at the cabin crews attitude and think they may have forgotten that any pax could be a TC Inspector on a holiday and might be taking notes…who knows??

From a pilots POV, I found that the initial part of the descent, in both approaches to land were very abrupt, a “push-over” feeling in the back almost to the point of onset of “0G”. I remember that the WD 310 FMS/FMC did not allow for a smooth descent at the “bent-arrow” and our procedure, (WD), was to lead the descent using VS so that “push-over” feeling was avoided. I dunno, perhaps the software in the 310 has not been upgraded but from the back of the plane it just felt like a “bent arrow” descent point with no lead in.

Another point that would be kind of nice for pax that do little flying into YYZ T3 would be a PA announcement that T3 now charges for baggage carts to get OUT of the terminal. I remember when it used to be a dollar for a cart when you checked in and you got the dollar back when you returned the cart. There was no charge to get a cart when you came back “home”. Then it changed to a “Toonie” to check-in and $ 0.25 back when you returned the cart and no charge when you came home.. Now it is a “Toonie”to check–in and a further “Toonie” to use a cart to get out of the terminal. Many folks were PO’d that they were not advised of the pending costs and were having trouble finding change or a credit card. A short PA would be nice to give the folks a heads-up.

All in all, these two flights were quite indicative of the fact that the “fun” of flying has gone the way of the dodo. The meals were terrible, the onboard service certainly lacked much quality. I can understand that perhaps charter flight turnarounds are not that thrilling for the crew but they do pick-up about close to 9 hours of flying with a SAI turn and I think a better attitude would enhance the entire operation. I have flown all airlines, with the exception of AC, into the Caribbean and TS , in my opinion rates quite low. As much as many make disparaging remarks about WJ and their “happy” cabin crew, I do feel that their crews do put forth more effort and I also feel that my experience with SkyService has been far above par as well.

As always…. just my opinion…and yes I really enjoyed my time in SAI…a divers paradise at a reasonable cost.

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Sorry you had a crappy flight with us, all I can say is you just hit a bad crew. They are not all like that.

Do me a favor and send your letter to Air Transat customer service in Montreal, that way it will be read by people that can and will do something to correct things. I don't think our in-flight people from Montreal are on this website too much.

As far as the semi hard landing in SAN...well it is a pretty short runway so I am sure you would rather have a firmer landing than get your feet wet at the other end! On the way home you mentioned the hard over on the descent, well all I can say is all airlines have smooth pilots and rough pilots, I have been slamed onto runways and been given rather odd rides from pilots at other carriers so I know it happens eveywhere.

As to your carrying books for a school, next time you head down ( with us and I know you will) let me know ahead of time that you are taking some donations and everything will be arranged ahead of time.

Glad you had a nice holiday.



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Thanks for your repy. I have initiated a report to TS Customer Service re onboard service and have also sent one to Sunquest as to "who is responsible for the meals?"

Re the landing..I totally agree with the fact that no one is perfect when it comes to touchdown. Eons ago I was flying with an excellent fellow and I hit 24L extremely hard......... and came down again. The Captain was pretty cool and all he said was...

"Y'know I didn't think something this heavy could bounce that high."user posted image

PS.. I see our mutual friend is on the A340 course and back in Canada.

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Hey Kip:

Great report as always. I hope you post some picks from your diving experiences. Regarding the search of the scuba bags, while I understand your consternation, the counter staff at charter carriers have learned the hard way that some folks (obviously not yourselves) can be pretty creative when it comes to inventing ways to get around baggage limits, and scuba & golf bags are often the method of choice.

You had me chuckling in a couple of places, and I particularly liked the bits about the guy who was pushing for a free seat upgrade; and your waddling seat mate. Could'a been worse though, as you could have been stuck in the back seat of our Camry between our boys on the way to Tremblant and back! Anyone who thinks that girls are experts at petty sniping haven't seen those two lads in action!user posted image

As for the catering, I think you will find that the meal service is set by the airline.


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"who is responsible for the meals?"

The tour operator is responsible, at least when it comes to Transat/Westjet. The tour operator creates the specs and the airline simply provides it to the customer. Also of note, Kip.. CARA has a near-monopoly on catering/commissary across Canada. Not much an airline can do about quality when there aren't alternatives out there.

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Anyone who thinks that girls are experts at petty sniping haven't seen those two lads in action!

I don't think either gender has the market cornered on sibling rivalry. We have one of each, 22 months apart, and I just wanted to scream every time I heard from the back seat of our VW Golf, "Mommyyyyyy, Steeeeeeeve's touching meeeeee!"

I thought the problem was solved when we bought our first mini van and they could actually each have their own bench. Imagine my surprise the first time I heard "Mommyyyyyyyyy, Steeeeeeves looking at meeeeeeee!" laugh.gif

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The tour operator is responsible, at least when it comes to Transat/Westjet. The tour operator creates the specs and the airline simply provides it to the customer. Also of note, Kip.. CARA has a near-monopoly on catering/commissary across Canada. Not much an airline can do about quality when there aren't alternatives out there.

The difference in this case is that Sunquest does not hold the entire aircraft, rather they buy a small block of seats. The majority of the seats on the TS flights are held by their "owned" tour operators. Sunquest would not have any say on the meals in that case. As for quality, Cara is perfectly capable of providing some excellent meals. We use CLS at Skyservice and their offerings run the gammut from cardboard crap to haute cuisine. It all depends on what the airline is willing to spend.

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I hope you post some picks from your diving experiences

Hi Jeff...

Not many folks are interested in dive photos...except other divers. It is sorta like sky-diving..if you don't do it .....you really don't care about photos of people falling through space. I took about 450 pictures underwater during our 40 dives and some are very nice, some are crap and it is always a learning experience.

One thing we did see and photograph was a "frog-fish" and we believe that is the first sighting of that elusive fish in the SAI area as they are very rare and extremely hard to spot. I was actually photographing another sea creature when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and there he was. Their camouflage is outstanding and that is probably why no one has seen them.

We hope to go back there next year and re TS..I have flown on them before and the trip down and back was good. This last episode was just the bad luck of the draw I guess and probably an isolated incident. I will admit I have never had any big complaints against SkyService, always been treated well by the crewsuser posted image

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The difference in this case is that Sunquest does not hold the entire aircraft, rather they buy a small block of seats. The majority of the seats on the TS flights are held by their "owned" tour operators. Sunquest would not have any say on the meals in that case. As for quality, Cara is perfectly capable of providing some excellent meals. We use CLS at Skyservice and their offerings run the gammut from cardboard crap to haute cuisine. It all depends on what the airline is willing to spend.

Ah so that would be a different scenario. I would assume Air Transat would be the carrier that provides the specs for meals then? Either way, you are so right when you say you get what you pay for.

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Either way, you are so right when you say you get what you pay for.

Yes, but in this case the customer has no voice in the meal selection so, to go a step further, TS is passing out "crap" to keep its costs down but when a pax buys a ticket from a tour company they have no way of knowing what they will get.

Ergo..the flaming complaint must go to TS...yes??

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Guest rattler

Ah so that would be a different scenario. I would assume Air Transat would be the carrier that provides the specs for meals then? Either way, you are so right when you say you get what you pay for.

You do get what you pay for but some airlines, Westjet being one do deliver consistency. My relatives have had several trips to the coast on Westjet (Comox) and report that the service was consistent with what they felt they purchased. In the main the flights were on time, their baggage arrived with them and the aircraft were comfortable. Did they have gourmet food? No but they did not expect it either. Did the FAs fawn over them and the other passengers, no but they were there when needed. What more can a passenger, travelling on a great fare, ask?


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! Anyone who thinks that girls are experts at petty sniping haven't seen those two lads in action!user posted image

So true! Raised two boys as well and the arguments from the backseat drove me to distraction at times. Once I actually stopped the car and threatened to kick them out. Told them they could walk home. Contrition poured forth and of course I caved. Then one day... Gameboy appeared on the scene. Like pacifiers in babies' mouths. tongue.gifbiggrin.gif Now that they are grown men, I'm waiting for the next generation to wield the whine. wink.gif


Great travelogue. Thanks. And although I'm not a scuba diver, I would like to see that picture of the "frog-fish".


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..... Once I actually stopped the car and threatened to kick them out. Told them they could walk home. ....

I seem to remember that I actually did stop a few blocks from home and let them think about it as the wife and I drove away.

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I'd like to see the Frog-fish too!

Being a stubble jumper , the mountains and water hold a very uncomfortable fascination of sorts for me. I don't mind being near them but don't want to venture too far into them.

I must have drowned in one past life and got lost in the mountains in another.

But I do like fish! so let's see the picture , please!

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I seem to remember that I actually did stop a few blocks from home and let them think about it as the wife and I drove away.

I once turned around and headed home 20 minutes into a day trip to Canada's Wonderland. They got the message (for a few weeks at least), but that was kinda hard to do with a condo already paid for the week.

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Kip, your travel story thread is morphing into something else... I'll fix that for ya... just a sec... right after I add something [ biggrin.gif ]

When we headed east a few years back, the noise in the back seat escalated, in spite of several loud interruptions from the front seat, until I told them both I was gonna let them clobber each other to their hearts content... "So before you clobber him, you'd better think about what he's gonna do back to you! ...and I'm not gonna stop him!" But I said that if they came up with any bleeding we couldn't get to stop, or any broken noses, or anything that would require a trip to the hospital, I wasn't going to be happy with having to take them, and it would likely wreck our trip. (I could see the wheels just a churning away in their heads as they thought those things through tongue.gif )

The rest of the trip was a vast improvement! And, as a matter of fact, I've never had to deal with them hitting each other, since then. Maybe some psych-parenting-ologist would tell me that was a terrible thing to say, but it sure worked for my kids! cool26.gif

I always like reading your travel tales Kip. Sometimes I wonder if some of us might have been spoiled by the service level on WD?... Any FA's I've ever seen working since then have .... uh oh... I better shut up eh? ph34r.gifwink.gif

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This is so cool. Here is a message just posted on a forum from the guy who tried to get the Club Class seats........in my trip review above.....

The part about taxing down the runway with the curtain closed blows my mind. Even I know that did not happen. I was in row 4 as well, seat D, he was in seat C.

He conveniently left out the part about being offered the seats enroute ...but would have to pay for themuser posted image

Lot of "different " people frequent airplanes..user posted image

well we just got back from 2 weeks at the isleno , in previos messages i explained the runaround we were getting in trying to purchase club seats,even as far as speaking to airtransats presidents office .Wefollowed their instructions to the letter,being at the airport early 2:30am and first at the nolitours desk ,when asked if there were any club seats left was rudely told they were sold out ,then asked if there were any left for the return flight ,was told to check with the destination rep .Well we,re in row 4 taxiing down the runway,with curtain closed ,i peek in to find 7 empty seats.Now i,m a little p.o. i call the stewardess from cc and tell her our about our 6 month runaround ,she fills out a report to go who knows where.That afternoon,enter our rep Shiella and offers us club class to go home,great,right?she tells me its going to cost 125.00us each.Itold her that we,re canadians,she is an agent for a canadian travel company and we,re flying in a canadian aircraft ,so she ,s going to have to take canadian money,thats all i hade in anticipation of buying seats in toronto,she refused saying canadian money is no good to her.Ileave things at that,but every time she sees us asks if we changed our minds .We later go to the san luis and meet with tara from nolitours and ask her about club seate and the cost,she has them and we can get them for 120.00 can. same price she sells them to shiella for.we tell her what shiella charges ,she can,t believe shiella is scamming us canadian touists.Weve had various insidences with shiella in the past3 years and been told by taxi drivers and hotel staff about her shenanigans,plus other tourists not happy with her.

As far as club class goes you can,t beat the service,i just hope next year i,ll have better luck getting club without booking nolitours as they,re a little more.and as for shiella,i hope sunquest replace her

thanks for reading

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That's funny Kip. Maybe the guy should save his money to get the "shift" key fixed on his keyboard and while he's at it maybe he should have them look at the space bar as it seems to be intermittent!


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