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For Westjet folks... All of ya!

Mitch Cronin

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G'day gents... A few posts here lately have led me to believe there may be a general feeling among some of you that all of us at AC have a hate on for your company...

Please know this: It ain't so!

Yep, there's some rivalry... Yep, there's some disagreement regarding the computer access/garbage picking saga... ...and of course there's some envy of your remarkable success to date - even through a period where almost every other airline on the globe has been suffering...

But many of us at AC - and I'd have to say most of those who I hear from, admire and respect your company. And we're well aware that it's not just the workings of minds in your head office that has created what you have... You employees have made that success happen, and you deserve to feel very proud.

Please don't take the odd negative post here to mean that we all deserve to see the backside of your middle finger.

Now I know that many of you know what I'm saying is true... But sometimes... it seems that even a few of you who I think ought to know, have been sliding into the trap of attributing the negativity to the lot of us... and it just ain't so, ...regardless of what we might think of garbage picking. tongue.gif

Carry on folks, have at 'er. Blue side up. Pip pip, cheerio.... biggrin.gif

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G'day gents... A few posts here lately have led me to believe there may be a general feeling among some of you that all of us at AC have a hate on for your company...

That's not true, Mitch. I've only been in the airline industry for a few years so my history doesn't go back far. I do, however, work with people who've been around for 30-odd years. These guys tell me how it is at other companies, they tell me the "whys" of how the industry is shaped the way it is today. These guys teach me the difference between right and wrong from personal history not hearsay or rumours.

While my company has only been operating for eight years, there is already a major grudge between both Westjet and Air Canada. The people I work with are able to shed light on why because they've worked on both sides of the fence (Westjet/Air Canada or Westjet/Canadian). While there could be some resentment or outright hatred towards a company, there is always a strong bond with the employees that still do or did work for said company. Any difference of opinion, hatred, dislike, or resentment is of the company, not the individuals. I think that's important to remember.

Having said that, we are here to share our own ideas, theories, opinions, and observations. I may or may not agree with all of what is posted, but I can distinguish between the good and bad motives of a poster. You'll find the more rational the post, the more rational the discussion; the more rational the poster, the more rational the responses. The same is true of the opposite.

I don't dislike the employees of Air Canada or many of those employees in this forum (with some exceptions), but I do have an opinion of Air Canada that most may not want to hear. I do see positive changes on paper from the Air Canada of two years ago to the Air Canada of today, but what the Air Canada of the future looks like remains to be seen.

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That's not true, Mitch.

C Eh... Yoiks! Do me a favour, if you have a moment... and re-read what you're responding to... I think maybe you thought you knew what you were reading without really looking....?

In the part you quoted

A few posts here lately have led me to believe there may be a general feeling among some of you that all of us at AC have a hate on for your company...

I'm not at all sure how that could be met with a "that's not true" response?

The rest of what you have to say may indeed contain some truth, but I'm truly puzzled about the initial denial of truth in my comments... in fact, some of your response sounds like agreement to me?

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G'day gents... A few posts here lately have led me to believe there may be a general feeling among some of you that all of us at AC have a hate on for your company...

Please know this: It ain't so!

Yep, there's some rivalry... Yep, there's some disagreement regarding the computer access/garbage picking saga... ...and of course there's some envy of your remarkable success to date - even through a period where almost every other airline on the globe has been suffering...

But many of us at AC - and I'd have to say most of those who I hear from, admire and respect your company. And we're well aware that it's not just the workings of minds in your head office that has created what you have... You employees have made that success happen, and you deserve to feel very proud.

Please don't take the odd negative post here to mean that we all deserve to see the backside of your middle finger.

Now I know that many of you know what I'm saying is true... But sometimes... it seems that even a few of you who I think ought to know, have been sliding into the trap of attributing the negativity to the lot of us... and it just ain't so, ...regardless of what we might think of garbage picking. tongue.gif

Carry on folks, have at 'er. Blue side up. Pip pip, cheerio.... biggrin.gif

Hey thanks Mitch,

I think it's the same half dozen meatheads on this forum that actually put up most insults and jabs for the two companies. This forum has much more in the way of readers than posters (looking at the views for each thread). I have friends at all the major companies, and I've had enough morning conversations lined up for Tim's with ACers/ JetsGo's and Canjeters to know this forum doesn't fairly represent the actual view for most.

The best one can do is not be tempted in by the sh%% disturbers (I've been guilty at times too) and try and take some of the value that this forum can offer. There's even another fresh thread just started on "WestJet Embraers" look at the names, same usual supects..... arrgghhh...must ignore.

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Good for you Mitch. I recognize that what you said, and Spinnaker's follow-up, are far more likely to represent the general opinion of people working in all aspects of aviation for any number of companies. Not everyone does recognize this. Tough.

One of the advantages of the new format, compared to the old AEF layout, is that it accomodates the little wheel in the middle of my mouse, and I can scroll much more quickly through the posts that I would really prefer not to have even fleetingly in my short term memory. (Of course, it may just be that my short term memory is fleeting...)

I tend to look for the posters who I enjoy reading; unfortunately they tend to post far too infrequently. Maybe when summer is done.

"My the road rise up to meet you..." beer_mug.gif


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Mitch, I agree with you!

I think what we see is the 'vocal miority' at work here on the forum. One must realise that AC has around 30 thousand employees.( not sure how many at WJ) I would hazard a guess that mabey 2% post here, and only a small percentage of those post negatively.

One shouldn't come to any grand sweeping conclusions regarding another corporations employees based on a few malcontents from either side.

The ongoing slag-fest does deter would-be contributers inmo.


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Mitch has some nice things to say to you WestJetters, and if you know what's good for you, you'll listen up and say thank you!


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