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Any Oprah Fans Out There

Kip Powick

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Just curious, but what percentage of the male naysayers who have responded actually watch the show?

Nothing like offering an informed opinion. laugh.gif

By the way, today she interviewed the CBC's Brian Stewart on the piece he did years ago about the famine in Ethiopia, and how his piece brought the need for relief efforts to the forefront, and how he personally changed the lives of one family in particular.

What a bunch of shameless attention seekers! tongue.gif


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Just curious, but what percentage of the male naysayers who have responded actually watch the show?

Watch the big "O", me?? Very occasionally and when I do, I look forward, with unbridled anticipation, to the Canadian Tire Wonder Couple commercials with all their marvelous tools.

You probably don't know this but I can now build a house using only two tools. tongue.gif

Anyhooo..the ability to have opposing opinions is only one difference between us and lemmings......and that alone makes it bearable to accept the slings and arrows without remorse, or regret. ph34r.gif

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Guest rattler

Just curious, but what percentage of the male naysayers who have responded actually watch the show?

Nothing like offering an informed opinion.  laugh.gif

By the way, today she interviewed the CBC's Brian Stewart on the piece he did years ago about the famine in Ethiopia, and how his piece brought the need for relief efforts to the forefront, and how he personally changed the lives of one family in particular.

What a bunch of shameless attention seekers!  tongue.gif


Watched it a couple of time and when my stomach started to churn, switched back to the news..... biggrin.gif

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Just curious, but what percentage of the male naysayers who have responded actually watch the show?

Nothing like offering an informed opinion.  laugh.gif

Oprah is the reason we have The Man Show, Trailer Park Boys, Hockey, Football, etc, etc,,,,,

We have to cleanse ourselves of the evils of Shmarmy TV.

Nothing gets your juices better than watching people tuck into a huge plate of Madagascar hissing Cockroaches on Fear Factor!

If you Oprah watchers had your way, after the two hour dead zone of O and Dr. P, we would be made to watch Bridges of Madison County time after time like they did to that poor fellow in A Clockwork Orange ohmy.gif

Iceman blink.gif

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Guest Hawkeye

Just curious, but what percentage of the male naysayers who have responded actually watch the show?

Nothing like offering an informed opinion.  laugh.gif

By the way, today she interviewed the CBC's Brian Stewart on the piece he did years ago about the famine in Ethiopia, and how his piece brought the need for relief efforts to the forefront, and how he personally changed the lives of one family in particular.

What a bunch of shameless attention seekers!  tongue.gif


cp fa,

Saw the show in which Oprah helped the Lady with the 9 children. I witnessed such compassion and to see the look on those little Children's faces with tears rolling down their cheeks showed just how thankful they were.

Kip, rattler, canus, and deicer can probably be lumped in with the likes of a Carolyn Parrish who open their mouths before their GOD Given Common Sense BRAINS are Engaged! They never seen the episode but offered up their uninformed view anyhow, of what Oprah was really up to! Someone else with a seemingly sarcastic question about how a single mom could have 9 kids. Then we get this comment from rattler: << "Watched it a couple of time and when my stomach started to churn, switched back to the news....." >>

YVR's rude uninformed comment: << "Too bad there wasn't a pharmaceutical company that would donate a lifetime supply of birth control pills" >>

Reading some of their threads, one could venture to guess that this group of wise men are among the Bush Haters and just HATE Americans, regardless of how much one (Oprah) gives of themselves and the Love they show! Did you not know, "it is more Blessed to Give than to Receive?"

Why is it so often, you see a fellow human being tearing down what another has built up for the Goodwill of someone else who is less fortunate? I guess Kip said it best: << "Anyhooo..the ability to have opposing opinions is only one difference between us and lemmings......and that alone makes it bearable to accept the slings and arrows without remorse, or regret." >>

.....Without Remorse or Regret, sad words to use when trying to defend your insensitive comments with respect to Oprah's Gifts to a very desperate and needy family, offers little towards hope of us ever living together in a better world. If you're suggesting that cp fa was slinging rocks and shooting arrows at you, then with what measure do we dare judge your comments? It is written: What seems wise or right to Man, is foolishness to God. So, let us be careful how we choose to walk with our fellow man.

As for what Oprah did for this family, A Candle loses nothing by lighting another Candle. Unfortunately, you men failed to see or understand that.

Hawkeye (Male)

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It is written: What seems wise or right to Man, is foolishness to God.

blink.gif I dunno about you Hawkeye, but that sure sounds downright wacky to me!

If, when you say "it is written" you mean it's written in the Bible, I wonder how many nutbars have used those words over the years to justify some very ugly behaviour?

Is it also written: If what seems wise or right to Man, is foolishness to God, then God could be a very dangerous concept. ? (There, it is now! biggrin.gif)

Mitch (Male member of race known as "Man") cool.gif

PS. Not a fan of Oprah at all, but giving a house and a bunch of neat stuff to some needy folks sounds like a great thing to do to me! Wish I could do that!

... Mind you, those words quoted above make me think maybe "God" might think it's foolishness? blink.gificon_question.gif

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Kip, rattler, canus, and deicer can probably be lumped in with the likes of a Carolyn Parrish who open their mouths before their GOD Given Common Sense BRAINS are Engaged!  )

Thank you for your vote of confidence, and being lumped in with Carolyn Parrish made my day. I guess your Mother never taught you that if you can't say................................oh well...never mind...but I do wish you a nice weekend.

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cp fa,

Saw the show in which Oprah helped the Lady with the 9 children. I witnessed such compassion and to see the look on those little Children's faces with tears rolling down their cheeks showed just how thankful they were.

Kip, rattler, canus, and deicer can probably be lumped in with the likes of a Carolyn Parrish who open their mouths before their GOD Given Common Sense BRAINS are Engaged! They never seen the episode but offered up their uninformed view anyhow, of what Oprah was really up to! Someone else with a seemingly sarcastic question about how a single mom could have 9 kids. Then we get this comment from rattler: << "Watched it a couple of time and when my stomach started to churn, switched back to the news....." >>

YVR's rude uninformed comment: << "Too bad there wasn't a pharmaceutical company that would donate a lifetime supply of birth control pills" >>

Reading some of their threads, one could venture to guess that this group of wise men are among the Bush Haters and just HATE Americans, regardless of how much one (Oprah) gives of themselves and the Love they show! Did you not know, "it is more Blessed to Give than to Receive?"

Why is it so often, you see a fellow human being tearing down what another has built up for the Goodwill of someone else who is less fortunate? I guess Kip said it best: << "Anyhooo..the ability to have opposing opinions is only one difference between us and lemmings......and that alone makes it bearable to accept the slings and arrows without remorse, or regret." >>

.....Without Remorse or Regret, sad words to use when trying to defend your insensitive comments with respect to Oprah's Gifts to a very desperate and needy family, offers little towards hope of us ever living together in a better world. If you're suggesting that cp fa was slinging rocks and shooting arrows at you, then with what measure do we dare judge your comments? It is written: What seems wise or right to Man, is foolishness to God. So, let us be careful how we choose to walk with our fellow man.

As for what Oprah did for this family, A Candle loses nothing by lighting another Candle. Unfortunately, you men failed to see or understand that.

Hawkeye (Male)

Just saving this for posterity, in case Hawkeye has a change of heart and goes for the delete button.

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Kip, rattler, canus, and deicer can probably be lumped in with the likes of a Carolyn Parrish who open their mouths before their GOD Given Common Sense BRAINS are Engaged!  They never seen the episode but offered up their uninformed view anyhow, of what Oprah was really up to! Someone else with a seemingly sarcastic question about how a single mom could have 9 kids. Then we get this comment from rattler: << "Watched it a couple of time and when my stomach started to churn, switched back to the news....." >> 

    YVR's rude uninformed comment: << "Too bad there wasn't a pharmaceutical company that would donate a lifetime supply of birth control pills"  >>

Reading some of their threads, one could  venture to guess that this group of wise men are among the Bush Haters and just HATE Americans, regardless of how much one (Oprah) gives of themselves and the Love they show! Did you not know, "it is more Blessed to Give than to Receive?"

Why is it so often, you see a fellow human being tearing down what another has built up for the Goodwill of someone else who is less fortunate? I guess Kip said it best: << "Anyhooo..the ability to have opposing opinions is only one difference between us and lemmings......and that alone makes it bearable to accept the slings and arrows without remorse, or regret." >> 

.....Without Remorse or Regret, sad words to use when trying to defend your insensitive comments with respect to Oprah's Gifts to a very desperate and needy family, offers little towards hope of us ever living together in a better world. If you're suggesting that cp fa was slinging rocks and shooting arrows at you, then with what measure do we dare judge your comments? It is written: What seems wise or right to Man, is foolishness to God. So, let us be careful how we choose to walk with our fellow man.

As for what Oprah did for this family, A Candle loses nothing by lighting another Candle. Unfortunately, you men failed to see or understand that.

Hawkeye (Male)

Wow ohmy.gif

Sum peeples shorts is so tight dey cant pick up sarkasm like they would dat penny in da corner tongue.gif


O is like Celine, either you love her, or you hate her.

I think the problem here is the fact that like Celine, O dislikers are mainly drawn along a male female line. I did not see the episode in question, however, I did see the one where she had Barry Manilow on and I had to drink beer and scratch myself for hours to get the imagery out of my head.

Never before have I seen so many people slack jawed, drooling, and incomprehensibly nonsensical as the women in THAT studio audience. C'mon people, they're just entertainers for gosh sakes.

As for the rest of Hawkeyes comments.....

Last time I heard stuff like that was from the people that knock on my door trying to give me pamphlets and stuff huh.gif

Now if you can't see how far my tongue is in cheek, take a deep breath, go for a walk, hug your wife and kids, and be grateful that you can share a good life with your family and the rest of us.


(Definitely male, occasional knuckle dragger)

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"If, when you say "it is written" you mean it's written in the Bible, I wonder how many nutbars have used those words over the years to justify some very ugly behaviour?"

Hey Mitch;

I remember this floating around in E-Mail's a while ago... We get into "trouble" when we take things literally don't we?...

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have

learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with

as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual

lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly

states it to be an abomination. End of debate.

I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific

laws and how to follow them.

a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing

odour for the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my neighbours. They

claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

b I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus

21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is

in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem is,

how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.

d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and

female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations.

A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not

Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

e) I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2

clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill

him myself?

f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an

abomination (Lev. 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I

don't agree. Can you settle this?

g) Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a

defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my

vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair

around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden

by Lev.19:27. How should they die?

i) I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me

unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two

different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments

made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend).

He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that

we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone

them? (Lev.24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private

family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws?

(Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I

am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word

is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.

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Honestly this always happens to a perfectly good thread when you guys get going- it degenerates. No wonder us females just stop posting.

This isn't a criticism and no disrespect to any male but rather a comment on men being men! Besides some of the posts are humorous! OOps , did I say that?

It rather reminds me of my female cat (spayed) trying to ignore the buffoonish actions of my male cat (neutered sorry Guys). Finally she's had enough and just takes him down by the throat! He behaves for maybe 30 minutes and then starts up with his buffoonery again!

Ya gotta love you guys for your persistance in dragging your knuckles in some instances.

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Guest JakeYYZ

...just like a broad...when a guy's feeling down, vulnerable, naked in a spiritual sense......THAT'S when they stick the knife in and twist it......god I hate it when they do that.

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Guest Hawkeye

I fart in hawkeye's general direction. smile.gif

Just saving this for posterity, in case Canus Chinooks has a change of heart and goes for the delete button.


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