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AC moving its head office? Try this on for scare-mongering


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This might be laughable if it weren't sad - If Air Canada was legally allowed to move its head office it would have moved 20 years ago.

I don't know if the union is seriously trying to con people into thinking this is legally possible, or whether they are so ill-informed they have no business representing other employees.

I'd also bet a beer that more than a few of these employees follow their jobs - no matter what the CAW says

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Neither of these departments have anything to do with what are generally accepted to be "head shed" functions.

I'm not sure these two functions were ever located at WestJet's "head office", even back in the MacTavish Place days, and if they were, Michelle G (at the time), was there for less than a year before moving to Avitat.

Extreme silliness.

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They fear Canada's air carrier is getting ready to move its head office out of Montreal.

Ahh, why the fear?


as the best CEO Air Canada ever had once said 'Mr Minister, head office can be a receptionist and a janitor if need be'.

AC would do well to move out of Quebec. It could then attract better managerial talent.

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Ahh, why the fear?


as the best CEO Air Canada ever had once said 'Mr Minister, head office can be a receptionist and a janitor if need be'.

AC would do well to move out of Quebec. It could then attract better managerial talent.

Air Canada management is the best,just ask them

They won the best North American airline award,what more can you ask for

Life is good at headquarters,why would you ever think of moving :Scratch-Head:

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If AC had the freedom most every other business had, I'm sure there would be better places to have head office (taxes being one, talent another) than PQ. And I'm sure AC would exercise that option if it were ever given to them

And before you go crazy, there are many many smart people who don't want anything to do with PQ and the crazy language police, among other things

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And before you go crazy, there are many many smart people who don't want anything to do with PQ and the crazy language police, among other things

So they are not as smart as you think then. Your statement is contradictory.

CAE had moved its head office from Montreal to Toronto in the eighties and moved it back to Montreal in 2005. The company was not bound by government legislation.

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