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Christmas Season is coming


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That is something that requires a petition to the board to stop the madness.

Christmas by definition is a CHRISTIAN holiday. They should have the right to display their decorations in celebration of it. By the same token Muslim, Hindu or whatever should be allowed to celebrate their respective holidays. This crap just pi$$es me off.

I am not a religious person by any means but was brought up on Christian beliefs however I support everyones right to their own beliefs. With that CHRISTMAS is the celebration of Christs Birth. We should be allowed to celebrate as we see fit without threat of persecution.

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So if we're not allowed to express our Christmas spirit, does this mean Halloween and Easter are out too? It's absurd because although these holidays are rooted in Christianity, I think most Canadian families who are hiding Easter eggs for their kids, or buying costumes for Halloween, don't go to church, or care much about the origins of the holidays they're celebrating. They're simply traditions that we have grown up with.

I would like to know who the people are who are offended by being wished a Merry Christmas. If they are immigrants, why move to a country that is known for religious freedom and tolerance, and then bitch about how the inhabitants carry out their traditions. I just don't understand the mentality.

As for the issue of Muslims praying in school, I did a little research on the subject. The issue is that for Muslims, their holy day is Friday, as opposed to Christians, whose weekly religious services are held on Sunday, which is not a school day. Since many Muslim students were having to leave school to pray during school hours, resulting in missing classes, some school districts have made the decision to allow for prayer in a designated area of the school - usually the cafeteria, after other students have finished lunch - so that these students don't miss as many classes. It's not the same, IMO, as reciting a prayer over the loudspeaker, it just allows them religious freedom in a way that does not detract from their education.

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I dont agree. If one is not allowed prayer in school neither should the other PERIOD. public schools are either religion freeor not no compromise

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I just had a look at this.


These are the Muslim prayer timings for TODAY. Minimum 2 of these times fall during school hours and one is right smack dab in the middle of lunch. How can they set aside a common use area like a cafeteria to accomodate Muslim prayer? This is not just on Friday this is EVERY day. These are PUBLIC schools which banned prayer and religion in schools years ago. if It should be allowed back in then the schools should build and maintain denominational chapels for the practice musch like you see in hospitals and some airports. Public, common use areas should not be used for the practice no matter what religion you are.

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WHY WON'T RETAILERS JUST ACKNOWLEDGE CHRISTMAS???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WHY CANT I FIND A CHRISTMAS CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????


The persecution complex by the oppressed Christian majority by those minorities must be stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even the cell phone companies are bowing to political correctness, List to the first bit and how it is referred to as a holiday tree


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Ok so what do they top the tree with???? Angel - Nope too Christial. Star - Nope Christian symbol. What else do you top a tree with????


My holidays are in the tropics so a holiday tree for me is a PALM TREE.

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To my left wing colleagues:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the summer/winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2012, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make Canada and the United States great nations. Not to imply that these two countries are necessarily greater than any other country in the world. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

To my Centre & Right Wing colleagues: :thumbup:


**edited to include the other 99% of CANADIANS

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To my left wing colleagues:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the summer/winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2012, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make Canada and the United States great nations. Not to imply that these two countries are necessarily greater than any other country in the world. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

To my right wing colleagues:


A little harsh, I think, how about : To my centre, and "right wing leaning" colleagues? :biggrin2:

Merry Christmas to you ...as well.:rolleyes:

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To my left wing colleagues:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the summer/winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2012, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make Canada and the United States great nations. Not to imply that these two countries are necessarily greater than any other country in the world. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

To my right wing colleagues:


Now to add a a bit of humour to it all

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Oh my God gosh, a retailer and a municipality called it a holiday tree, this proves that Christmas is under attack. I know that if we call it a holiday tree then it wrecks Christmas for the persecuted souls whose way of life is under attack from "minorities" (whoever that is).

It is a good thing our federal government would never acknowledge Christmas in any manner...oh wait a minute...

Christmas Lights Across Canada is celebrated in each of our 13 provincial and territorial capitals. Enjoy the thousands of holiday lights every December. Each capital city has a special event to launch Christmas Lights Across Canada. Click on the map below for details on how each provincial and territorial capital is celebrating.

I am sure someone will go scrambling to the Googles to show that POLITICAL CORRECTNESS HAS RUN AMOK!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am still waiting to hear how some nitwit calling it a holiday tree or being wished a "happy holiday" somehow lessens a person's ability to celebrate Christmas.

A Merry Festivus to all.


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You've been told that it is offensive to wish someone a "Merry Christmas"?

I have made mention of this before. My better half is a sales rep, her job has her at all the grocery store chains. The vast majority have been given specific instruction not to say "Merry Christmas".

Then there was the school in Embrun Ont that chose to cancel the annual Christmas show in favour of a non denominational craft show in February as there were students at the school who do not celebrate Christmas.

Further digging discovered that the total number of students who do not celebrate Christmas was 9. When the Principal was challenged on this, her rebuttal was that any parent who challenged her decision was a biggot. So an entire schools beliefs are forgotten for the sake of 9 kids. I am sorry but that is disgraceful

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I still fail to see where somebody has said that it is offensive to wish someone a Merry Christmas. A school makes imo a misguided attempt to be inclusive does not equal being offensive to wish someone a Merry Christmas just as the same way a retailer trying to be more inclusive does not make so.\

CP FA, where specifically have you been told that it is offensive to wish someone a Merry Christmas or is this just more blather from the old get off my lawn crowd?

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I still fail to see where somebody has said that it is offensive to wish someone a Merry Christmas. A school makes imo a misguided attempt to be inclusive does not equal being offensive to wish someone a Merry Christmas just as the same way a retailer trying to be more inclusive does not make so.\

CP FA, where specifically have you been told that it is offensive to wish someone a Merry Christmas or is this just more blather from the old get off my lawn crowd?

Chocky......I find this direction from a "staffer" at a store 'offensive'........and I would assume he could be inferring that it would be offensive to wish anyone "Merry Christmas".

My better half is a sales rep, her job has her at all the grocery store chains. The vast majority have been given specific instruction not to say "Merry Christmas".

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Chocky......I find this direction from a "staffer" at a store 'offensive'........and I would assume he could be inferring that it would be offensive to wish anyone "Merry Christmas".

Kiparoni...assuming from an inference on 3rd hand info on a message board...sounds pretty convincing to me.

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Kiparoni...assuming from an inference on 3rd hand info on a message board...sounds pretty convincing to me.

Chocky, I have no reason to believe Robert is being untruthful...do you?

Let's get away from the Christmas issue for a minute and I will try to explain why many Canadians are becoming PO with the political correctness trend.... couched in religion, in many cases. It is a well known fact that Canadians are basically a gentle people, not as vocal as perhaps our neighbours to the south. We have existed for over a 100 years, living in this seasonal country with the normal bitching and moaning any society does, but we all accepted the fact that we CHOOSE to live here.

As well, we are a people who tolerate just about everybody and will "bend" to accommodate them and melt them into our society and Canadian customs ...but there comes a point when we all stand up and say "enough is enough"........you want to live here and enjoy our country with its freedom from oppression etc, then you are going to have to live by our rules.

But "oh-no" some push the envelope and the lawyers keep bringing up the Charter of Rights. A prime example now is the baring of the face for Citizen Passports. Did you see on the "news" last night that the lawyers are already screaming" Charter of Rights- freedom of religion" !!!!. Yet the Islamic scholars interviewed for the piece want no part of the "religion ploy". They state that veils are a "custom" from the 7th century and have absolutely nothing to do with "religion" and are merely customs from the "old male dominated " world and should not be allowed if "these" individuals want to live in "democratic" Canada.

As well, a female womans right advocate states that with the increase in Honor Killings is Canada, we, as Canadians, have a problem that we as Canadians should be attempting to fix......WE as Canadians????? Honor killings are NOT my problem...I don't have to fix it. Murder is againstt the law. There are no excuses, you murder someone in Canada and I don't give a rats a$$ what you can do in your country you, can't do it here.......but you watch how much time and money will be spent in an attempt to have OUR government fund a study to see what WE as Canadians should do about this problem !!!

The thin edge of the wedge is slowly becoming thicker and I'm one of the Canadians that have had enough.... Chocky.....say you immigrated to another country, let's pick the UK or even France and you decided you want to join their police force.....do you really think either of those countries would allow you to wear a stetson as part of your new uniform, even if you stated that it was part of your religious belief.???

Let's get to Christmas.......It is pretty much a world-wide custom, it has been for decades. Some put more religious importance on it than others, it is basically a joyous day for everyone, ....or is supposed to be. You have read this board, you have read the papers, you watch TV......... We KNOW there is no law agains wishing anyone "Merry Christmas" yet we see a drift by retailers to get away from what used to be the fun time of the year because of what????? We now have teachers and school boards running with their tail between their legs in fear of offending someone with "the Christmas tradition". No one has the ba77s to stand up and say..."Hey Bucko, this is what we have been doing for eons...don't like it??...move to another country or .....go back to the hell hole you came from!!"

Are retailers so consumed with the mighty $$ that they don't want to offend anyone by pointing out that it is Christmas time in Canada, or are they worried that the minority of "new" Canadians" might be offended by this annual celebration and will never come back to their store to shop??? Is this political correctness to the extreme, are the bulk of Canadians standing quietly and softly saying to this minority, "excuse me, we didn't mean to offend you by celebrating a tradition that has been going on for decades...we won't wish you a Merry Christmas and we will ensure that the retailers don't have that "religious" word hanging on banners in stores, nor will we put it in our advertising and we certainly won't allow your children to watch or participate in any of OUR customs...like CHRISTMAS concerts and the such...in fact we'll cancel them"......would that be OK.???"

As you can see Chocky...I have had enough...and don't get me wrong...I am not against immigration...that is how this country is, and will be built, but this is Canada, not "Crapasstan" and if you are a "newby" here, please respect our values and customs..........or move on.

Flame away.......

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