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Handyman... I get it now!

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Guest rattler
Maybe mitch thought this fellow was a poof. One of him more recent desciptions.


Let us not let homo / hetro phobia get dragged into this one.

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Guest rattler

Yes, maybe he was still into the appletons, so it ok.

ohmy.gif  ohmy.gif  ohmy.gif

Or perhaps it is impossible to know anyone fully from their posts on an Internet forum. But why assume that he has to be drinking to have an opinion or position that you disagree with???? ph34r.gif Who knows maybe his reference was to a possible relation to "Yarael " cool.gif But we do know it was meant to be humorous

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Oi... sad.gif

Sounds as though some of you think I'm gloating about being nasty to some poor sod who did nothing to deserve it... Wrong. I'm not gloating and I wasn't nasty. The reason I told the tale was because I'd found what I thought might be a direct link between handyman's treatment of those he calls "grease monkey's" and his experience with them.

No, he wasn't a customer, though I don't think that would have changed anything... He was just a guy like me, doing his job... And of course it was the company uniform.... if the guy could have taken a little good natured ribbing about the stripes, all would have been right a good in the jungle.... but he couldn't. He clearly had some stock in those stripes... as though they really meant something... his "rank" he said? He never did explain that to me.

The ribbing I offered was nothing more than I would have given a good friend if one had shown up dressed in a similarly ridiculous fasion. That I can guarantee.

And no, (for the record) I take a break from all kinds of booze every now and again... now is one of those times... thought it might help with my other battle.

Manwest... answer me this if you can please... If a gay man can refer to himself as a poof, in jest, why then, would it be a bad thing for me to do likewise, in jest?

Or is "Poof" for gays just like 'the n word' for blacks? They can say it, but nobody else can? huh.gif

Let me know will ya? I don't want to be finding out by pissin' people off...

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Mitch, it's not you, it's everyone else trying to read motives into your story that aren't there. biggrin.gif

I remember when I worked rampside and we worked Cathay, we used to chuckle about them climbing into their coveralls to protect their "stripes" when they were adding oil to the engines and doing their checks.

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Or is "Poof" for gays just like 'the n word' for blacks? They can say it, but nobody else can? 

You know... I remember years ago I was flipping through channels and Oprah was on. Chris Rock was on the show and they were yacking back and forth about black people this, black people that... and (I can't remember who asked it) the question came up: what's with the "N" word? (or something to that effect...) Chris' response was: black people can call eachother "N" but white people can't. You just can't. It's an insult!" Meanwhile, Oprah is sitting there laughing her ass off in agreement. I just shook my head wondering "what the "Naughty Word"???"

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In many parts of the world, especially in Asia, STATUS is VERY important. When the engineer is "Displaying hi Stripes" he is saying that he is PROUD to be an engineer.

When I worked for Cargojet/Starjet the engineers that travelled with the aircraft wore similar uniforms. The point here is to have a professional appearance for the passengers. It is a throwback to the military where the uniform is there for...well...Uniformity.

It is no real surprise that the gentleman had no tolerance for the "Mitching".

Ever thought of a career in international relations. biggrin.gif


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Sounds as though some of you think I'm gloating about being nasty to some poor sod who did nothing to deserve it... Wrong. I'm not gloating and I wasn't nasty. The reason I told the tale was because I'd found what I thought might be a direct link between handyman's treatment of those he calls "grease monkey's" and his experience with them.

No you don't you greasy little wrench you! Your slippery fingers can't pass this one over onto me. Keep it up though and we may have to change your handle to ""Naughty Word" monkey". biggrin.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.gif

Have a great day slick! wink.gif

Had to add this...

PS I only called you a grease monkey! laugh.gif

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