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How's THIS for livery!?

Mitch Cronin

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I just noticed the scalloped trailing edges of the engine nacelles...? I wonder where that came from?

As for the blind goose.... An awfull lot of Chinese people didn't seem to have any trouble with the other one that did fly... but heck, putting an eyeball on it wouldn't be rocket science.

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I just noticed the scalloped trailing edges of the engine nacelles...? I wonder where that came from?

As for the blind goose.... An awfull lot of Chinese people didn't seem to have any trouble with the other one that did fly... but heck, putting an eyeball on it wouldn't be rocket science.

ya, whatev! Vette feng shui before implementation. AC is going after the Chinese marketplace, and don't discount the superstition and anomalies of the culture vs the occidental. The upcoming Olympics are a big deal, even though AC is already behind the curve F'ing around with the 777. I can not believe the lack of ability to co-ordinate at this airline. The lack of understandign of the oriental culture and way of thinking has kick AC and CPs a$$ in the past, and continues thru today.

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As for the blind goose.... An awfull lot of Chinese people didn't seem to have any trouble with the other one that did fly... but heck, putting an eyeball on it wouldn't be rocket science.

Actually the "Blind Goose" thing is a bit of an urban myth. CAIL purchased significant market testing of the livery through polling and consumer testing in its asian markets (not surprising, as they were major markets for the company) before the new look was finalized. The goose livery was very well received by the Asian community at large. I thing the blind goose myth was simply someone's "sour grapes" viewpoint.

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Guest long keel

still fuging uckly, the proud wings livery at CAIL was nice but the goose was for the birds.

Can't someone admit their errors and start painting them white again?

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Personally, I think Mitch's paint job looks awesome. But what do I know?

If only I wasn't so hair difficient, I'd immediately grow a Shaft-like afro (or dreads...me alllllways wante de dreads mon) to go with our 1970's/Starsky and Hutch/First Air paint scheme.

ANYTHING that resembled a change into the current century (heck...even the last century) would be nice. biggrin.gif


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If only I wasn't so hair difficient, I'd immediately grow a Shaft-like afro (or dreads...me alllllways wante de dreads mon) to go with our 1970's/Starsky and Hutch/First Air paint scheme.

Kev ...

You think it's bad now ... you shoulda seen what OFA, VFA, RST and FRB looked like in the late 80's and early 90's with "First Air" written by a 5 year old along the tail. Now that was ugly! It was one thing going to Frob, Rankin and YKF with it, but having to own up to that in Boston, Newark and Chicago would just make you cringe. At least you've got a logo now.


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"First Air" written by a 5 year old along the tail. Now that was ugly!


Although I wasn't with the company in those days, I do remember seeing that particular paint job around the patch. I'll have to agree with you that what we have now is a definite improvement, if still a bit dated.

I thought we might see a change of paint when Canadian North came out with their new colors (which I quite like, I might add). I've also noted that our competitor has been slow to paint their entire fleet, which indicates to me that both northern carriers must be content to spend their advertising dollars elsewhere.


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"I like the new livery at Aeroflot! "

My point exactly...you know your airline is in trouble when Aeroflot has a better paintsheme. I cannot stand the new AC paint color...whoever dreamed it up should have been shot before dawn.

Mitch's example above is great, it should be our new livery and just can the robin's egg blue junk.

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I wish I could take credit for that, but it ain't me... I know "Goose is dead" ...I saw the movie. laugh.gif

I haven't the slightest idea who created it, but I've seen folks of both blue and red backgrounds who like it. (I put it on one of the computers at work)

It'll probably never get beyond the screen, but I reckon it should!

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Guest long keel

Much like the Monty Python sketch with the dead parrot, the same can be said for the goose.

"This sir, is a dead goose"

"no its NOT, its resting"

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Guest rattler
Hey Mitch, the scalloped trailing edges on the engine nacelles is a attempt at reducing the noise signature. The Rolls Royce Trent 800 is being used to demonstrate the new technology...Nacelle modifications

user posted image

Sort of a retro look. The Pratt & Whitney JT3C had a fluted exhaust pipe.


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